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gotta love how he cannot outrun the elementary school kid and NEVER gives a chase when being close to the target

This game had great bosses, and the combat wasn't as braindead as in the rest of the series.

This game was shit and tried to be RE4.

the worst game in the series. i would take a shit on this game.

>spider assholes that block 95% of hits, including bullets;
>hammerhead shits that break the hitstun whenever they feel like it
>smog prick that can hit you with his cloud when you stand BEHIND him because the hitboxes are a fucking joke
Game has the most dull enviroment in the history of SH, there is not much to look at, only the mandatory monster fights (most of them are impossible to outrun), and even those are repetitive and annoying.
I'll agree that the game has some good bosses design and decent battles, but I wish they were less schematic, or at least had more attack patterns. Beating them feels like playing a rhythm game because they do the same thing in same intervals over and over again.


Not a good game, but damn, this fight.

The smog dudes you could shoot as soon as they opened their vents or whatever they were. They'd never hit you like that I think.
And for some monsters the pistol wasn't the most efficient weapon as you said, sometimes blunt weapons were better.
That's the only thing I liked about the game, that the monsters required some forethought instead of just using pistol for everything.

Worse than Downpour or Book of Memories?

That scene were a huge horde of Siams attacks police department was the worst case of SH misconception they ever had.

Almost finished SH3, after SH4 should I play it or nah ? Should I play Shattered Memories instead ?

>monster looks like a dick
>represents the maincharacters love for his little brother

SH Homecomming has the deepest lore


I did not care about josh

it's shit alright, but not an embarrassing, pathetic mess like the Downpoor.

I think shattered memories is pretty underrated to be quite honest

It's not a great game, but at least you can tell that they actually tried.

Smog never exposes his lungs for bullets when you are far from it, and mostly does that tripping blow when you try to approach him while holding him at gunpoint. On middle range, there is not enough space to dodge either, as the smog cloud hits much larger area than visible.
Needlers are equally good at blocking all kinds of weapons, and there seems to be no pattern for that, they can block from sides and behind, and they can cancel their attack animation to block too. You just swing the knife at them because it's the fastest and hope for the best. Actually, aside from fire axe that can OHKO Lurkers, all weapons other than knife and dagger feel useless as they are slow and monsters can counterattack between your blows.
>instead of just using pistol for everything
They already prevented that by making character unable to carry more than 2 (two) 9 bullet magazines. I don't mind realistic weight restrictions, but what kind of limitation is that.

Downpoor had way better level design though

Ive you mean by trying, ripping of movies like hostel and the SH film and making it into combat survival game... yea, still not really


Shattered Memories is a pretty solid standalone title in my opinion.

Homecoming isn't awful, but I think it's better going in not expecting a straight up follow-up to the original Silent Hills. There's more action segments and a more Western styled slasher horror kind of setup.

Play Origins, it's not as terrible as people want it to be seen. Shattered Memories is gimmick game (short, dumbed down mechanics due to no combat at all), but has some interesting quirks and is overall enjoyable too. Certainly skip Homecoming and maybe give a chance to Downpour if you don't mind dealing with many minor issues this game has.

Josh barely ever says anything, appears in most ridiculous surroundings and acts like a total autist. It takes player 30 second tops to figure out that he's just a creation of the town and it's not worth it to chase him.

Honestly, for all of Homecoming's obvious flaws I still find it more memorable than Origins.

They're both incredibly fanservicey, but Homecoming at least tried to have a semblance of its own cast of character stories. Origins was mainly just a bunch of cameos that don't lead up to much.

Great soundtrack though.

>but at least you can tell that they actually tried. can? How?

>Downpoor had way better level design though
No, it did NOT have level design.

Oh yeah, the worst flaw of Origins is that it does not have unique flavor. It kinda mixes a little bit of SH1 and SH3 in terms of storytelling and the Otherworld presence, is pretty short even for a SH game and has bland and completely unrealistic combat mechanics. It's easy to forget you've ever played that game after a month

That makes no sense boy, every game has level design, it can only be good or bad


Downpour is x100 worse. Homecoming had some spooky moments and monsters.

4 is pretty unique though, the quality isn't up to par with the first 3. It's got nice ideas that sadly fail in execution.

Origins is a safer game, doesn't really do much new other than a greater focus and melee with destructible weapons and a limited inventory (same as 4). I'd rank Origins and 4 on the same level. Just one is more unique and the other is more safe.

Shattered Memories, isn't really a SH game. Combat doesn't exist and it's mainly a walking simulator with scripted "chase" sections. Though I dId find it an enjoyable walking simulator. Honestly I found Shattered memories more fun than 4.

As much as I like to defend Downpour, level design is often so boring it feels like it was generated procedurally. You can enter dozens of buildings, but the all have the same copypasted furniture, no monsters to fight and no loot to gain. Only positive aspects are Otherworld transitions and designs, and you can't stay and appreciate it as you're running away from the void.

>Homecoming has spooky monsters
All I can think of are bosses. Monsters appear so frequently that all you can think of is "oh no, this faggot again".

Downpour gets two things right
- The open world in the town
- The sidequests with their creepy little stories that are better than the main game

>- The open world in the town
full of absolutely NOTHING + copypasted buildings.
>- The sidequests with their creepy little stories that are better than the main game
annoying waste of time with the same motive + useless "rewards".

Downpour has the worst monster design of the series, but I give it a bit of credit for having some good moments spread out across the town.

Shame the best moments are probably all missable though.

>okay, we have those cool Boogeyman designs, which one do we choose?
>how about that generic raincoat + cinderblock hammer combo?

At least be happy they didn't pick the juggalo clown prisoners concept

they practically did tho.

I get that it would have been harder to implement, but it's a shame they didn't go for any on the top row.

The chains and cages actually mean something symbolically to Murphy.

It's the power of Silent Hill.