Which alignment are you?
Which alignment are you?
Chaotic Evil
Idk what these mean
what does a "true neutral" character want?
you don't give a shit
they do w/e the fuck they want, if it ends being benefic or malefic to someone, they dont care
mostly selfish
The World to end.
Lawful Evil
It's basically a normal person. You only care about yourself, friends and family, but don't harm other persons unless you have a big motive, respect the law in general, but ignore/ revolt against very obvious bullshit rules.
so it's the underage fedora tipper of the alignments?
Well fedora tippers are grey area.
TTC Upwarp
You'd have to ask them.
Have we ever even actually assigned a group to the fedora tipping behavior, or is it forever just 'those faggots we don't like'
Lawful Neutral
I can smell your fedora from here
Mario is in JAIL
It started out as making fun of circlejerking atheists from sites like /r/atheism
An intelligent nihilistic true neutral and with a wicked sense of humor.
>neutrals are in a sense those who align neither with law nor with evil, renegades of the powers that be
>Sup Forums distancing themselves from neutral
Think about it a bit...
turns out he's the brave one after all huh?
LN should be LG. That's my only complaint.
That's Chaotic Neutral you dingus.
I'm QPU alligned.
That's chaotic neutral
How many QPUs are you on?
Which one thinks that morality is a spook and that you should just do whatever gets you ahead?
chaotic neutral
>tfw chaotic neutral but not fedoratipper
Ideally I would be chaotic good, but when survival instinct kicks in, I have to fulfill a life goal, or I have to protect someone/something precious I just wouldn't give a fuck about peoples wellbeing.
Depends on my current goal.
Lawful Evil best alignment