Holy shit this game is boring as fuck even with mods you've still got to deal with the shit story...

Holy shit this game is boring as fuck even with mods you've still got to deal with the shit story,1 dimensional characters and same copy paste towns,dungeons,NPCs(seriously even the jarhls seem to look the same) and quests over and fucking over again, why was/is this SHIT popular again?

Never mind the terrible interface and combat system.
>Hurr it's good with mods shut up

You can say that about literally any shitty game out their what makes this special?

Other urls found in this thread:


Is this your first Bethesda game?

its because ur 15 and u started playing this in 2017 with all the great looking big games that come out nowadays. this game was fucking amazing back when it came out in 2011 and non underage fags who played it then loved it to death and still do

>its because ur 15

Nope, stopped reading this stupid post here game isn't even that old it's like 2 years before the PS4 came out.

I bought it right after it came out and still didn't finish. Story is shit, missions are all the same, combat is really shit, magic is shit, boring equipment, the mods and cool world are literally the only good things about it but they get boring very quickly.

Retarded Deus Ex came out the same year and was much more enjoyable.

user, this game is six years old.

So? You act like there is some huge difference between games then and now when there really isn't outside of visuals.

Can't tell if bait or retarded

>Never mind the terrible interface
You can thank the consoles for that shitfest of an interface. Nobody in his right mind plays Skyrim without SkyUI.

1. This is your opinion.
2. No one else cares.

There was a time Sup Forums loved skyrim

>There was a time Sup Forums shilled Skyrim

> even with mods you've still got to deal with the shit story,1 dimensional characters and same copy paste towns,dungeons,NPCs
You have the wrong mods then, simple as that.
On the other hand... DUH!
It is a bethesda game, of course it is a big fucking puddle of lukewarm content.

It is, shitty quests, shitty audio design/fidelity, uninspired music and map, worst dungeons.

Its garbage but no game dose it better.

skyrem iz gud gaem

Name a game that does what Elder Scrolls does nowadays besides Fallout which is also owned by the same company. The closest in recent memory is Witcher 3, and even that doesn't really compare in type (Not talking about quality). It's popular because it's the only one doing it.

Kingdoms of Amalur


Not saying you're wrong at all OP but I'm just waiting for someone's essay long post regarding the insane and autistically dynamic mechanics they want that no other game has ever come close to doing. I love those.

>,1 dimensional characters

at least it had chracters...the more "full of depth" morrowind has copy-paste NPCs with no personality whatsoever

Zelda does not do what Elder Scrolls does. Kingdoms of Amalur does, but unfortunately
>It was the only game created by 38 Studios before they filed for bankruptcy.


What game??

My friend, that is no mere game. That is a genuine adventure awaiting at your doorstep. I recommend purchasing Skyrim: Special Edition as it's far more stable and set to interact with Bethesda's new lineup of addons in the upcoming Creation Club for Skyrim. For a reasonable price you are given access to Skyrim, Dawnguard, Hearthfire, Dragonborn and much much more all while experiencing Skyrim with the visuals and performance it was truly meant to have.

If you need further convincing, imagine with just a purchase and a download you can be face to face with a group of bandits up a snowy pass ready to unleash the ancient force of the tongue of the dragon, frying survivors to a crisp with your arcane spells, and taking that kneeling redguard's clothes off, baring her perky young breasts to the elements before shortly diving your arms between her legs and spreading them apart to receive pleasurable punishment for the offense. She will happily repent and bear your children as modding now allows you to marry anyone and sex mods give way to all new possibilities. That's right, though smaller in scope, there are now sex mods for Special Edition. Welcome, Dragonborn and say hello to your dragon sluts.