You have no excuse not to own a Switch

You have no excuse not to own a Switch

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Coming from a person who has Switch, what if people don't like Nintendo games

I don't want one.

Also no excuse to own a Switch

>too scarce
>too few exclusives
>too little 3rd party support

Why get a Switch when I can enjoy Knack 2 on my Sony PlayStation 4 Pro?

Going to wait until black friday or something

>no games
I dont have reason to own one either

Cannae afford

I'll wait til all the good exclusives are out. It'll even cheaper by then too.

>too scarce
I can get one delivered tomorrow from Amazon

Buy me one please, im a poor nigger

no games

>wanting a switch
Didn't you lot learn your lesson after the Wii U?

paid online

>no games
lol, I'm good. I might get one around black friday if it's on sale.

Im not 12or trying to lure 12 yr olds into my house.

There's only 1 game I want on it, and that's not going to make me get a Switch. Maybe next year.

I'm not a child or an adult with a mental disorder.

Only games I'm interested in at the moment are Super Mario Odyssey and Xenoblade 2. I know I don't need to, but I want to play Xenoblade X first, which I probably won't play until November/December at earliest, so I'm good for now. Maybe by the time I decide to get one, the Switch'll have gotten a hardware revision and not come with a small as shit SD card.

>sold out
>inflated amazon prices

>No third party support
>The only handful of games on it that I like are Vita multiplats I already own
>Paid online
I have zero reasons to buy a Switch.

I already have one and can't justify the high cost of games and pro controllers. It just sits there collecting dust with Zelda which I think is shit. PC gaming has ruined me

Lmao i have a smartphone and im not 12

No games I want to play and there are better uses of $300

>check amazon
Shit, you're right. Might as well get one before Mario Odyssey cause shortages.

in my country, it costs 360$
plus zelda 75$
and I would also like a 280gb sd card 33$

I have no reason to get a Switch

There are tons of reasons not to own one
Its lack of stock was merely precluding all of them

No games, no buy

>i have a smartphone
>im not 12

I only want to play that new Mario game but I ain't spending over 300 bucks for One game.

But I don't want any of the games it has right now, and it isn't getting any really potentially interesting games until late next year.

Same. That's why I stopped at PS3 and now Wii U.

Do i have to explain it to you?
>Nintendo games are for kids
>Smartphones can play same kind of stupid little shitty games for free with better graphics

I've said this before and people act like it's impossible to not just love every single game nintendo puts out and consider them all instant classics.

I don't like nintendo games

Waiting for the inevitable New Switch with an IPS display and improved specs

Plus I hate plain editions

>I'm not a child or an adult with a mental disorder.

roflcopter u sure showed them famalama XDXD
fug dem teblet users, iphone mastarace =P

I have a PC. I have no reason to buy any console.

>not waiting for holiday bundles

Taking a 300 dollar system outside of your house to play it god knows where, while you try to frantically find any accessories or games that may or may not be at your local gamestop. THEN wait a few years for any fun games to come out while you play the same Zelda sanbox, or hilariously non-competitive party games, over and over until you sling the thing into the wall like a boomerang. Where it holds up surprisingly well as your new flat screen plasma, embedded in the wall hiding the hole that was your hopes and dreams of some games coming out before all the hardware and fans in your new flagshit handheld is out of date, and all the third party game developers abandon ship to Sony and others so that they actually have a future before the big N goes belly up.

At least the Japanese came out with XX to hold some people over while the rest of the world sits and rots in their ARMS and MK8 parties, realizing that the 300 dollar desk ornament that they slaved away for isn't going to get anything interesting imported until the NA player base and NA Nintendo affiliates start to frantically figure out why no one cares about their shiny overpriced tablet.

Nobody acts like that, stop acting like a victim. Some games are just objectively good. As someone who doesn't like Rockstar games I can admit that Red Dead Redemption and GTAV are objectively good games, for example.

I bought a Wii U, Switch is just Wii U 2.0

I almost did but I bought Tamagotchis instead

I only want to play Xenoblade 2. I'll wait for an emulator.

I'm not willing to pay for paid online on principal.

Speaking of which, how is Xenoblade X and Fatal Frame V on CEMU these days?

gimme that $250 mario odyssey bundle and ill buy it, NOA.

>too scarce
>mfw there's always been a few at the target here

>not getting one right now to avoid disappointment in finding one this Christmas for yourself or to shut up your unplanned children like the deadbeat parent you are

you'd be dumb to buy one now before they announce an odyssey bundle.

>better uses of $300
But Anime Expo 2018 is 10 months away

I want to get one but my brother will just rob it on me, he currently has my ps4 hostage for the last 4 months


>Getting one right now when almost the entire library is Wii U ports and low-effort 3rd party ports
Mario Odyssey will be a good START but why the fuck aren't you waiting for the library to get fleshed out further? Both the N64 and 3DS had their launch prices nuked after a disappointing launch

I can buy living room furniture instead

I live in Brazil.

iit hgame hjas because unchartedd and lara is good

so poor he doesn't have a phone

Price reduction when?
I wanna play BotW and Mario Odyssey but I won't fucking pay 500+€ for this

They're $150 more expensive than they should be, and even then would still be $50 profit.

you have no excuse to be stupid enough to have purchased a switch.

That's what you said about the Wii U.

>Fire Emblem Warriors comes out
>Super Mario Odyssey comes out
>Xenoblade Chronicles 2 comes out
>go out to buy the Switch
>can't find any
You could avoid this if you're well prepared

I'm waiting for the upgraded version of it (like the 3DS to the New 3DS) or a limited edition version that I like.

they havent been out of stock since july

It will when November comes around

>Nigger with a switch

Cause i have no interest in any of the games coming out for it.

>nintendo selling counterfeit $1 for 3 bux a pop
>retards buying them cause "m-muh nintendo"
>m-muh legacy
>m-muh childhood

$300 for a zelda machine

>Objectively good means that everyone should like and want them

This is a stupid idea and you should know it's a stupid idea.