Florida Sup Forumsirgins, what are you playing before the state gets leveled by a category 5 hurricane? I just reinstalled modded Skyrim to get comfy before all hell breaks loose.
Official Hurricane Irma thread
If I don't die, I'll be playing a bunch of Switch games and 3DS RPGs until I get power and internet back.
>participating in meme weather
what did Floridians do to deserve this? Who's cereal did you guys piss in to have this done to you?
Another one? Are these the end times?
>mfw the GFS forecast model has the eye going right up the middle
If Florida was the other change in states, he still would've won. There were too many blue states that went red for it to be pinned on us.
Mocked the Texans when Harvey went though.
God is real, and he's a spiteful cunt.
Omg i spit out my drink! Haha!
Stop posting this to bait leftypol fags
Florida: our most fucked up state. But seiously fuck florida and palm beach county,
Ill bet OP is in navarre
t. buttmad northerner.
there's a reason why everyone moves to Florida, and it's to escape your shitty hellhole.
>Live in Puerto Rico
>Chaos is imminent
Pretty sure my roof is gonna fly right off. Gonna pack the most important shit in backpacks and basically leave my room for dead. Zinc roof with wood underneath, don't know if the landlord guy cheaped out on construction, but I'm positive he did, so this shit is gonna fly.
Pretty tense, but what actually bothers me the most is that we probably won't have the power back on for about two months IF we're lucky. The electric company already predicted some places will have to wait up to 4 months to get power back on. Not to mention that if the internet cables fly, that's a whole separate load of bullshit to deal with.
No vidya for a while, I guess.
Santa Rosa master race
You fags get an I named storm now, fuck you.
South flordia here dug in. Playing my fucking Vita
I live in indiana is it going to rain here
hahahahaha fuck usa
god bless you florida, fight the good fight
t. maryland
Michigan here, i also want to know this
Cut us some slack. We keep your grandparents away from you.
How the fuck do we have Harvey, Irma, and potentially Jose all within the span of a single month?
godspeed user
>I am forced to pay for aide to Florida and Texas because they're retarded
Total bullshit.
Who gets to name these counties you reckon?
The world is ending
Fuck the Union, please fucking end us
T. Baltimore
Shouts out to the Suwannee, Hamilton, Colombia peeps
I miss living in Florida
Shit, man, stay alive.
Someone send me video games before i die
I moved to florida a few years ago and I want to die
>not owning up to it
lee country here
its raining and thundering outside
i did all my prep shopping
if it gets bad, (probably not today but maybe over the weekend) im wrapping all my electronics up in stretch wrap and placing them on the highest shelf in my apartment.
Gonna play senran kagura or puyo puyo
Amazing Florida never change
Climate change is fake guys xd
well you're in luck
miami ww@
Unless my boss has a fit of sanity I will be at work when shit hits the fan.
How do I get a hurricane gf?
I have lab on mon/wed, it's bullshit that probably no classes this week besides maybe Friday will be canceled.
you and PG county must be eliminated for the greater good
oh and uh good luck Florida, I'm sure you'll be fine. Well most of you will be fine. Mmm some of you. I actually don't know, god bless.
How the fuck do you people survive
And Puerto Rico is the most better off in the area
Hialeah, Miami-Dade.
The day is fucking dark and the sky is gray like always for fuck's sake
Literally another day on the office
There's a Washington in Florida?
And Texans tried to fuck NJ and NY and got fucked in return. Based God
Thank fuck I left Florida in February at the cost of losing my gf. Totally fucking worth it. Godspeed Floridanons, hope you guys don't get dead.
Fuck off with your meme weather.
t. every other country on earth
this hurricane is teaching us not to play god in awful places, pic VERY RELATED where science has gone TOO FAR.
So when can Minnesota expect yearly winter relief checks? Does Cali get fire relief checks?
Not sure why Florida and Texas get big relief packages
>puzzled wildlife officials struggle
They mean they're too lazy and will only act after a child's face have been tore off
Miami Beach fag here. I'm staying at the hotel to cover the IT Equipment as necessary. Pray for me.
Stay safe man
because Texas and Florida are actually relevant and important. Cali wildfires also don't cause billions in damage. Minnesota could literally go through the apocalypse and one one would be assed to even consider passing a bill for them.
Hurricanes arent even that bad, why dont you try inviting us in for dinner sometime instead of running away all the time
Martin county here
Not really sweating it. I've been through many hurricanes and this isn't the Florida of early 90's that would get its shit kicked in for a week or more.
good god how do you people manage things like this
>tfw I live in merritt island
at least I have a massive weekend
but it means nothing if the power or internet gets knocked out and I can't be a lazy piece of shit on the computer
the only good part of teaching in a school
They really aren't, though.
The whole north? Go back to fuckin 1820, I can't believe you think only the north hates your shity state
It's ok guys climate change is not real
This happens every few years. My fence isn't going to survive this.
cute birb
If you're gonna stay I'm gonna pray that they actually find your body desu.
can't you guys just say "fuck beaches" and build a wall in the coast or something
fuck i didnt mean to post, ill probably try and finish nier automata i guess. would like to see how it ends before im fucking dead
So certain states in the union are worth more federal support and their citizens are second class? Nice union.
The national guard regularly assists in wildfire containment and snow in Minnesota doesnt erase cities from the map.
Download some good single player games onto a laptop if you have one. Always the best solution.
Is Irma as strong as an EF5 tornado?
No bully. I'm scared. But I got my battery bank. Switch. 3ds. Vita. And laptop. I'll be hiding in the server room
And it was also their decision to settle on swamp lands and hurricane prone areas. Why should other states pay? Did the government give massive relief checks to Cali for it's water shortage? It's more important than Texas and Florida combined.
This, my landlord is lazy, my fence and a dead tree are coming down for sure.
gentlemen, we have to consider the nuclear option
I'd hope so.
t. hurricane
Hurricane affected people. Post pics of your imminent doom if visible.
hmmm something aint right here..
How prepped are you lads for the next two weeks of social anarchy?
I already had a bunch of shit since I always prep for storms well in advance so I've got:
>Four crates of 2 liter bottles of water
>Painkillers, bandages, and other basic medical supplies
>Enough tinned soup, veggies, and preserved dry goods to last two people a few weeks - as well as some high energy junk food like chocolate
>A fair amount of briquettes and charcoal plus a mini bbq so I actually have something to cook with while power is gone that doesn't involve having to store gas
>A pair of fire extinguishers in case the above turns out to be a bad idea
>A bunch of those portable battery packs fully charged and waiting for use with my phone/laptop as needed
>My gun plus ammo on the very slim off-chance some fucking nutters try to play the part of looters in my area
>My windows boarded, my gardens cleared of anything besides trees that could blow into the house in the wind, and my car in the garage which is also locked
>A bunch of batteries plus my old GBA for killing time
Now I'm just praying my brother makes it home before the storm hits because otherwise he's stranded in Miami with no fucking prep and a shitty hotel room
Probably because they were smart enough not to settle in swamplands below sea level. Why should the government have to pay for your poor decisions? It's the same shit as healthcare. Why do you expect the government to pay for you being fat?
An F5 is technically defined as 200+mph, Irma has gusts of 220.
I want to pick hurricane names for a living
>cat 45
We should have a hurricane thread while Florida is being hit. Send words of encouragement.
To the hurricane?
>Implying I give a fuck if every Floridian drowns
>tfw the manager at the restaurant I work at is kind of a dick and I will still probably have to come in and rough it out there instead of staying with my family
>category 45
I worked at a senor living facaility most moved away from florida. But most of my grandparents are dead, even the ones my grandma dated. Now she lives in arizona. Which also sucks
ba dum tss
Can hotels get blown away?
How many Darwin awards is Irma gonna give out?
Can we get a hurricane version of comfy guy?.