Knack II is free?
Enjoy resident Kiwis / Aussies / Ruskis
Knack II is free?
Enjoy resident Kiwis / Aussies / Ruskis
If you make an Aussie account you can get it on your hamburger machine, too. CONFIRMED FULL GAME KNACK IS BACK, BABY.
>tfw it's real
Not even worth the time it takes to download that shit
I have no idea what Knack is but for free? why the fuck not
Lul downloading now
Free in europe too.
"bought" it in AUS for 0$ but cannot download. did they fix it?
nevermind, had no free space left on my HDD apparently
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preorders didn't exactly go through the roof apparently
I don't even care to download for free
I was too slow I think they taken it offline
>have to add a fake address
Fuck it, too lazy
I always put it as a random pizza hut
New Zealand doesn't work anymore, anyone know if it does for other places?
Do platformers that aren't Mario ever do good? Even good platformers never see overwhelming support. Combine that with the fact that the original game is notorious for being an utter shit launch title and well.
Aussie account doesn't work either, figures that'd happen after waiting several minutes for the verification email
>tfw I'm too lazy to make a second account to get free shit
I actually want to play this game too. Oh well, I'll just buy it a year from now when it cost $10.
'thank knack'
what kind of game is knack anyways? Is it some 3D banjo kazooie kind of game? I've never been interested in this game because the main mascot is so unappealing. This should be taken as a lesson (hint Lawbreakers)
thank knack
>40GB download
There's a demo
thank knack
Кнaчoк 2 oфигeнный, нaдeюcь нe oтбepyт!