>get a decent job
>all the dollaridoos
>2017 seems like somewhat of a recovery for videogames
>buy xcom 2 + expansion, divinity 2 and warhammer 2
>barely have time for any of them
I've been had
Get a decent job
What kind of hours do people have to work to not have time for games? I work full-time but I still have a good 7-8 hours at the end of the day for games.
>2017 seems like somewhat of a recovery for videogames
>proceeds to buy none of the games that have made it a good year
Was going to post this
I set aside a couple hundred quid on games hoping to buy and play all ive missed. Now ive got to do split-shifts for a month. i might as well kill myself
>being Australian
Enjoy your koala-speed Internet.
>Split shifts
>Forced to do them
How is this legal? Your day might as well not exist.
People lie to themselves and others about not having time to do anything because they sleep more than 7 hours a day and make no effort to make time even though if you tallied up all the time they spend on their phone doing meaningless social media shit you would find most people spend at least 2 hours of idle time a day on it
9 hour shift
1 hour commute
2 hour contemplate suicide
2 hour eat/shower
8 hour sleep
2 hour breakfast/get ready
24 hour total
that's how business is done in the UK
take a zero hour contract which means you can be fired at any moment for no reason, then end up forced to work even more hours or be fired
time poverty my mane. it's a common problem nowadays. you've got the cash but the standard workweek is 70 hours a week in normal circumstances (~100 hours in crunch time) for most white collar jobs.
I have other commitments, gym and a girlfriend. I am however going to tell her Sunday is now my relaxing day
These are just the ones I've bought in the last week
>1 hour commute
>2 hour eat/shower
Wow, you really should commit suicide.
Xcom 2 hunter dlc gave me cancer. Forget to equip freeze nade at your own peril, those bosses are fucking annoying.
Also, im in the same boat so all i usually do is fuck around in short bursts on one game only.
>Have to be funny 2 hour suicide guy
>2 hours to eat and shower
Why did I reply
Unless you have children, it should be no problem to find the time to play video games. Being tired after work is good enough reason not to, I get it, but unless you work 24/7 there is no excuse to not play as much as possible.
Other than doing simple shit like going out to buy shit you need, there's no reason to do anything else. If you waste time with friends or other normie shit, that's on you.
>2 hour contemplate suicide
This is where you're going wrong. Ideally you should be contemplating suicide during those other parts of your day, especially the 1 hour commute.
not all of us have video games as their only hobby
Then go back to /r/eddit, you normalfag fuck
I work a 9 to 6 job so I feel like I have enough time for videogames. No friends/family so no one to interrupt me.
i don't like reddit, i'm staying here. eat me
Breakfast, shower, gym and commute in the morning. Finish work at 7. Home by 7:45 and have dinner (cook + clean up etc) and I want to be in bed by 9:30, so that gives me an hour. Half of that will be to give my gf some semblance of a relationship. I've got the time to clear at the weekend, which as I mentioned earlier is what I'm going to do. Just going to say Sunday is my rest/gaming day to have largely to myself. At least then I have a solid 8+ hours
To be fair, you picked games that require substantial amounts of time per sitting to be enjoyed right. They ain't like COD where you can pick it up and play a match or 2 in 20 minutes and drop it.
>Finish work at 7
>Home by 7:45
>I want to be in bed by 9:30
Might want to rethink a lot of choices there in your life.
My quality of life now is immeasurably better than when I was neet though, my depression is fading and I feel like I actually have a future. On top of that, I'm no longer burnt out on videogames and actually enjoy them again, I'm excited to get home and play a new one. I do have some balancing to do, and my shifts will change to normal 8-4:30 soon, but I'm very happy with things as they are now.
Then you don't get to bitch about not having time for vidya.
>work deskjob down under
>stare at screen all day
>come home ready to play games
>crack open a tinny while i cook dinner
>shitpost on Sup Forums for an hour
>decide last thing i want to do is play a game
I need a whole day to play games. Like at least 3-5 hours. A good solid session.
>be on aussie autismbux
>live alone
>do nothing but play games all day
>no one hassles me
still, it's not as good as you think
pretty good though
nah mate I shitpost while at """"""""work"""""""
the third world has to work 48 hours a week or more
>used to not have time to play vidya because I would play with my dog instead
>dog is dead
>no desire to play vidya now
RPGs aren't meant for wagecucks since they require a hefty amount of time investment.
>Interview with the CEO of a company
>Working in a tiny office in London
>1 hour commute, 9-5/6 job
How is life worth living like this?
even ive got time for a few hours of overwatch and league ranked every night and i do crossfit or dance cardio every night for atleast an hour
showers are 15 minutes tops
>40 hours a week
>have to get ready which takes an hour
>drive to and from work which takes 45min to an hour depending
>make dinner and lunch and eat it, at least an hour and a half total unless I just eat cereal the whole day or some shit
>sometimes a shit will take an hour although not everyday
>groceries once every week which is another 2 hours, 1 if I'm lucky
Oh and I forgot
>have a kid
Take whatever free time I have left and subtract all of it
>still haven't gotten through P5 because I got a jerb after buying it
this blows
I don't even have the drive to start up my PS when I get home at 7
I just want to sleep and shitpost
so just like the rest of Sup Forums then?
>contemplate suicide during the commute.
This. Also, if that's not enough, you can also do it while doing your daily routines.
Not at work though, that interferes with productivity and we can't have that.
I'm getting diagnosed very soon, hopefully I can get of autismbux too
It won't help with my lack of motivation to do stuff like vidya, but im seeing a psych for that too
>he poops in the shower
Do Australians have tan benis?
>tfw too dumb to enjoy "tactical turn-based" shit.
Don't look in my direction please, I don't want to catch retard
>Called my boss "mummy" at work.
How are freeze nades useful ? They stay frozen for 2 actions, it's not worth it, or am I missing something ?
Status effects like poisoned and burned are more important overall.
>Time for video games
It's a meme, you'll never have time for video games if you work full time and have no one to offload some of your chores to. If you cook, clean, and buy your own shit, video games will have to compete with family/friends/lifting time which you already barely had time for. Only people who are too young with no responsibilities, or married with older, self sufficient kids have time for that shit. I fucking miss being NEET senpaitachi.
>accidentally call boss "mum"
>"What did you say, user?"
>You're cute/juvenile looking
>She has an SS fetish
Nah, just kidding, we all know real life sucks and that would never happen.
>Live with parents at 27
>Pay rent as to not be a complete leech
>Wake up at 8 am
>Play video games until 1pm
>make lunch, clean kitchen, shower and dress ect...
>Usually takes until 2:15
>Pay buddy 5 dollars to drive me 10 kilometers to work, takes about 15 minutes
>Work until 11pm
>Get home and "settled in" at around 11:30
>Play videogames /watch tv until 1 am
>repeat until weekend when I do more 'thorough" housework and make dinner for the family
>Spend majority of weekend playing video games
I have it quite easy desu.
We seriously need to push for 4 day workweeks for our generation god dammit. Do you know how pissed I will fucking be if I have to work 8 hours, 5 days a week and the next generation works less. I will be fucking mad.
12 hour rotating shift. I had to quite because I became really depressed, sick, and started to hallucinate
>commuting longer then 15 minutes
>Have it easy
>user, you're almost 30, where's your GF? Are you ever going to get married?
Good luck with that. I heard women just LOVE older men with 0 experience, no car, and no place of their own.
>got data engineering job
>get up and dressed in 15 min
>walk 3 mins to work next door
>do work and junk for ~6-7 hours, get lunch early at 11:30am
>leave early at 4:30pm
>spend rest of the day until 12-1am playing games or whatever
Best decision I've made is just paying the extra couple hundred a month for an apartment literally next door to work. No more commuting via car, just roll out of bed and walk next door.
I'm NEET right now and it fucking sucks. Constantly worrying about having no future makes it hard to enjoy anything.
Steel mill?
>Be Belgian
>Supposedly one of the best social system in the world
>Autismbux isn't a thing, unless you're really fucking autistic and even then it's almost jackshit
Makes sense.
I have so little care to getting a GF that my parents think I'm either gay or broken.
Either way the only people who ask me if I'm ever going to get into a relationship are my distant family members that don't know me very well.
I work 7 hours 4 days a week
It's pretty nice except for the fact that I make jack shit
What fucking shitty ass job do you have where you need to work 70+ hours a week to have a source of disposable income? I'm genuinely curious, how badly do you need to have fucked in life to be in that situation, fucking sort your life out mate, learn a trade for goodness sakes, I have a 40 hour week job making shoes and I live a more then comfortable life with more then enough time for video games, friends, girlfriend, and other hobbies, Jesus wept
Bullshit. Maybe blue collar job you might be working 70+ hours, but white collar? Fuck no. I work maybe 35 hours a week, probably a bit less than that.
Wherever you are, find something better quick because that in no way is even remotely the norm.
I'd rather have UBI desu
Would you rather that or living out in the woods with no help? You can always get a better job, find ways to make your work experience better, be self-employed, or just move out into the wood.
That's because you can't have fun in the evening when you have work in the morning. And you can't have fun during the weekend when you have work Monday. And you can't have fun during your vacation when you have work after it.
Every job is a 24/7 job!
You can have fun when you retire at 69 though.
non-goy-commuter shut it
beeindig het gewoon
ce est ce fini normalisaiment
This is my biggest fear, she's a fat mom with huge tits I could suck on for hours
>be belgium
>not part of Holland/France
>not created by eternal anglo for the sole purpose of destroying europe
I get up at 5:30, go to the gym, go home, eat, shower, get to work for 8 am, leave work around 8 pm, eat, in bed for 10.
I work in finance.
You're a cobbler? Is that a real job?
>You're a cobbler?
No, this is a common mistake. a cobbler repairs shoes while I actually manufacture them
>is that a real job?
Of course it is, people got to wear shoes don't they? Although most manufacturing have moved to places like China and India, but those are shit quality obviously.
>No time play videogames due to commitments/lack of will
>But have time to post in an offtopic shitpost thread on a weekday evening
Something doesn't add up about this
finally, someone noticed
>be neet
>on the bux
>buy all the games I could ever want
>still don't have enough time in the day to play as much as I'd like, shitpost instead
I have roughly 3 hours before work to play games and 2.5 hours after. I'm too tired during these times to really get into it and have fun though, that has to wait until the weekend.
>Work in the IT Field
>Been out of work since March
>Had enough saved up to live on for the last few months and buying games on-sale.
>Beat a shit-ton of games in-between job hunting in a area of the country that can take months to find anything worthwhile.
>Get a job that pays extremely well last week
>Its a 4 month project
At least it is something to get me out of the house and will be damn good for my resume.
Who is so constipated that it takes them an hour to shit? It takes me 10 minutes to shit out a nice soild deuce
>Wake up 6am.
>Make breakfast and shower.
>Begin commuting at 7am.
>Get to work at 8am.
>Work till 4:30pm.
>Get home 5:30pm.
>Cook dinner and eat done at 6:30pm.
>Free time till 9:30pm.
>Go to bed.
During free time I sometimes apply for better jobs. I'm also going to start studying to get a certification so I can maybe get a better job. Life sucks.
oh look a thread full of blogposting manchildren pretending to be adults for not having time to play vidya
have you all considered killing yourselves?
>spending 2 hours to eat and shower
>spending 2 hours making breakfast/getting ready
>spending 2 hours being a little pussy faggot and contenmplating suicide
actually kill yourself.
>Get a part time job
>Get an apartment with frand who has a part time job
>Go 50/50 on bills
>Have enough money to buy some games and enough time to enjoy them + other things
I got fed up with working construction because it consisted of waking up at 4 in the morning, driving three hours to get to worksites, working till 6-7, then three hour drives back.
I only get to play games on the weekends. I need a 4-5 hour gaming session, or else I won't even pick up a controller.
I commute 40 mins to work and it takes an hour to get home.
I also work 9~10 hour shifts. Fight me.
>work at 5am
>leave at noon
>sometimes take a 30 minute nap during the day
>can do everything I want to during the day
>weekends off so I can stay up late
It sucks waking up so early but leaving at noon is so good. I feel like I have so much free time even working a full time job.
>no time to commit hours to video games but 30 seconds to make a post on your phone
>not shitting at work
get it together
>Tfw no friend to move in with
user you're living the dream
You're strapped for time but choose to dedicate what time you have to Sup Forums.
And while running the clock on Sup Forums, your attention is directed not toward videogames, but a shit thread such as this one.
And while counting seconds, you then decide to make a post about how little time you have to play videogames.
And while calibrating your watch to make sure that every moment is used to its fullest, you then decide to stick around in said shit thread to respond to replies.
My schedule
10 minutes to wake up and get ready
20 minute commute
10 and a half hour shift
30 minute commute
30 minutes for dinner and hygiene
6-8 hours for shitposting/vidya
4-6 hours of sleep
>4-6 hours a week of sleep
user that's not healthy
Where else would you go?
>suggests sleeping for an unhealthy amount of time
>meaningless social media shit but posts on Sup Forums
What's your job
You don't want that trust me. My schedule is 4 days a week and it sucks. You're not used to 1 extra day off. I liked it at first but then I got bored and started smoking weed and playing vidya. Help me
t. fatcuck Sup Forumsirgins that eat premade food
And? I'm not someone who makes excuses about not having enough time in the day. I have more than enough time in my day, which is why I can spend some time shitposting on Sup Forums if I want. Your argument makes no sense
>it's the wagecuck makes excuses for why he can only get 7 hours of sleep a night and how he's ok with that episode
Not him but I live with my girlfriend in her parents guest house for free. Your life must suck ass lmao