Is this why Nintendo isn't bothering with Miiverse on Switch? This shit is a dumpster fire

Is this why Nintendo isn't bothering with Miiverse on Switch? This shit is a dumpster fire.

They never moderated Miiverse in the first place, did you ever see the Miiverse stage in Sm4sh? Some of the shit that made it into the background there definitely wouldn't fly if they actually paid attention.

Its a meme actually

>Boot the game up for the first time last night hoping there wouldn't be too much of this bullshit
>Immediately see several "trans people are awesome" and one "I love being gay post"

Nintenfags are cancer, what's new?

>its another "I hate icky trans people" thread

what's the problem with it? would you rather people just wrote shitty memes on it like ?

Hello Tumblr. Since you don't have the ability to understand this post, let me break it down. It's not that most of Sup Forums hates trans people, it's just that it gets tired of having identity politics shoved down our fucking throats constantly

Hope that clears things up

>shitty memes
That's what this is. The first game was filled with Spongebob jokes and other goofy stuff. This is just another example of transtesticals infecting everything like an HIV virus.

Reminder to simply report and move on. Nintendo will automatically delete their tranny shit when it's reported enough.

Just report it as inappropriate. Regardless of whether or not it's taken down (which it probably won't) it'll keep that persons posts from showing up anymore. Remember to Yeah! The posts you do like to see more like them.

Absolutely, yes.

>It's not that most of Sup Forums hates trans people,
>it's just that they would really wish they'd shut their silly little tranny mouths up so we could keep ignoring them

>tfw those who bring up identity politics the most are the ones who say they are tired of having it shoved down their throats

same fagging this hard

>It's not that most of Sup Forums hates trans people
Speak for yourself. I simply do not like these people and want to see less of them.

do you play games to kill people/manage armies/solve puzzles/etc. for general fun and enjoyment?
do you play games to explore and express your sexuality?
If you chose the latter then

Don't you mean /fit/?

why not both?

Transvestites are the meme of the modern era. Every one pretends like it's perfectly normal to cut of your dick and balls to become a woman.

But they laugh at it all when no one is seeing.

If you're an adult male playing Splatoon then this is your demographic. Complaining about trans furry weirdos in Switch online play is like complaining about annoying kids at Disneyworld. They're where they're supposed to be. You're the one out of place. Go play PUBG if you don't like it.

Hello tough-talking icky-trans person. Instead of posting smug anime pictures, tell me where you live so I can put you down like the dog you are.

pot-a-to pa-ta-to
oh shit, I forgot about second life, gone home & all those shitty games, yeah people can go nuts playing those

Is this another thread where one idiot dumps the same fucking screencaps and Sup Forums has a circlejerk? Can we not?

>he didnt fantasize about being a girl when he was younger and isnt taking the opportunity to try it out

its non-committal, only in really extreme sects do you need to go full dick-replacement, and you can find plenty of lesbians who would be more than willing to fuck you under the guise of inclusivity as long as you're ok with dress up.

also has the benefit of helping people with actual gender dysphoria feel comfortable in this shitball of a life


Trannies who dont get surgery are just odd. Like, I have no problem interacting with them, but its always awkward

How many iterations of this thread have already been nuked with ensuing bans? Is OP ban evading at this point?

>play Splatoon 2
>use the menu to instantly go to the shop/lobby/Grizzco/whatever
>only actually walk through it if I'm heading to Murch or getting a drink
I very very seldom actually see the Miiverse posts, they add almost nothing to the game, are completely harmless, can be turned off, and do not affect the gameplay in any way shape or form.
People like OP, and are literally going out of their way to find posts they don't like to upload to Twitter, then to Sup Forums so they can complain about how the gays are ruining Splatoon with their fucking drawings, and yet these same people are the ones saying SJWs are jokes because they get turbo triggered over anything.
Fuck you people, fuck this board.

report them to get them banned

It's fine if you think of it as a fetish, i have no problems with that. The real problem starts when we start to enable people who obviously don't have gender dysphoria.

Do you really think retards like Chris would do it if he wasn't enabled to do it? There is a reason that people who change sex still are way more suicidal than normal hetrosexuals or gays. It doesn't mater if they live in a place like Thailand where it's accepted or the deep south.

Many of the people who have done the surgery regrets it later in their life. That's why i think they need help before they are enable to proceed.

this is way too philosophical for Sup Forums but I do think that 50, 100 years down the line, gender as we know it will not exist. Sex will finally be separated from gender expression, and people really will just dress however they feel.
I mean, have you ever worn a flower dress? Shit's comfy.

complacency is just as bad as enablers
stop being a beta bitch

>I mean, have you ever worn a flower dress? Shit's comfy.
I want to, I've heard the freedom feels great. The furthest I've done was try on my sisters super long socks when I was in high school.



i dont hate trans people, i hate trrans people who play splatoon

Explain to me what's bad about . What specifically about this drawing offends you to the point where we can' even have regular Splatoon 2 threads anymore.

>Many of the people who have done the surgery regrets it later in their life.

>We identified 28 eligible studies. These studies enrolled 1833 participants with GID (1093 male-to-female, 801 female-to-male) who underwent sex reassignment that included hormonal therapies. All the studies were observational and most lacked controls.
>Pooling across studies shows that after sex reassignment, 80% of individuals with GID reported significant improvement in gender dysphoria (95% CI = 68-89%; 8 studies; I(2) = 82%);
>78% reported significant improvement in psychological symptoms (95% CI = 56-94%; 7 studies; I(2) = 86%);
>80% reported significant improvement in quality of life (95% CI = 72-88%; 16 studies; I(2) = 78%);
>and 72% reported significant improvement in sexual function (95% CI = 60-81%; 15 studies; I(2) = 78%).[4]

what causes depression in people with gender dysphoria is lack of acceptance

>get switch set up, put Spla2n in, play game
>literally first post I see is "Trans is beautiful"
Does reporting these posts actually do anything? Because any of them that promotes it I report ASAP. Fucking kids games don't need this dysphoria bullshit. Just enjoy being a kid.

What? No. This is a result of Twitter synchronisation

>There is a reason that people who change sex still are way more suicidal than normal hetrosexuals or gays
That's because people still treat them like shit, see: .
I can't imagine going through life with so many people telling me I should die just for trying to make myself comfortable in my own skin desu.

I don't hate trans. I hate the people that try to force that mental shit on children who just want to play some Extreme Painters 2.

If your entire life and personality is based on your sexuality and you need to tell everyone in the world that you're an lgbt than you're a loud mouthed basic bitch. Its the same shit with vegans. No one cares. No one is oppressing you. Get your stupid opinions out of my face.

>Put up a picture simply saying "Gonna build that wall. Inkopolis is for squids not octs"
>3 day ban from posting pictures

Actually, the exceptens has nothing to do with it.

The suicide attemps among transexualls is related to the age of the person. The deveation for ethnicity plays a small part but is in noway close to the impact of age.

If you take a culture that except transexualls like Thailand the suicide rate is still 39%. If you look at black the suicide rate is 45%.

The real kicker is the age. A transexuall over 65 only has 16% while the new generation (18-44) has a 45%.

This is because the transexuall over 65 has legit gender dysphoria and the post op helps them out with their problem. The younger transexuall doesn't have gender dysphoria many times but still change their sex.

Chaning the sex on someone who doesn't have gender dysphoria doesn't help with their problems at all.

Even if you find someone who loves you for who you are as a transexuall you are only 10% less likley to commit suicide than a transexuall that doesn't.

You can only be comfortable in your own skin by publicly outing yourself as a tranny?

>Miiverse then
>Man, I'm having a blast with it, just mindless fun scribbling around

>Miiverse now
>Ye, I can't say I'll miss it

I guess I grew old and tired of it. At least I saved my Miiverse doodles, which weren't much in the first place.

tell me the truth here: if you saw two dudes kissing in public, what would your immediate instinctual reaction be? Don't bullshit me here.

>reporting people who are proud of who they are

>what causes depression in people with gender dysphoria is lack of acceptance
Depression is caused by a lack of neurotransmitters such as serotonin, trans people who are messing with their hormones have less of these chemical reactions, and unless they are on anti depressants for the early parts of transition, it will get worse regardless.

I don't care if you're proud of being an adult baby who enjoys shitting their diapers. I don't want to fucking see it.