What's a game you would really love to play that doesnt exist?
What's a game you would really love to play that doesnt exist?
good ones
cyberpunk 2077
Half Life 3
battlefield 5
A proper Heavy Gear sequel in the Fox Engine.
that a kerrigan?
Deep down
your mom not being a slut
StarCraft: Ghost
A good FPS mmo. Not a fucking WoW rip off or anything, but a normal FPS with lots of weapons and cool armor and shit in a big world with lots of monsters to fight, but with a PVP focus.
Battlefield 2143
Fuck DICE for teasing us with that final BF4 DLC and blue balling us with Hardline and BF1
and open world version of the Metro universe. I'm not Artyom. I'm not the chosen one. I have no destiny. I'm simply another survivor trying their best to brace the surface for riches not yet plundered.
Basically a stalker game, but you know, not shit.
A Good sci fi mmo
I remember being hype for that back in like 2001
Fucking Blizzard
ARMA but with better single player content and an engine that allows for good looking production values and performance
>that mission where you're driving with the altisian rebel through the AAF checkpoints
>all the guards are just standing there motionless
>when he gets out of his car to "talk" with the captain they just randomy make gestures for a minute
>all this happens at 40 FPS
Silent Hills
That is indeed the future, well I got you
Guyver game made by either Platinum or KoeiTecmo
A very very VERY large RTS game, it should be ao big it almost starts stepping into 4X territory
Double points if it has the whole planet and solar system deal like planetary annihilation
I unironically wanted this ever since I played 2033
Just being able to do anything you want in the metro universe.
Trading, hunting and even just fucking around in the metros
competitive school shooter fps: who can shoot the most people
My own
Battlefield 1952, with mini nukes and ak47s
>WANTING linear games to go open world
Because that worked so well for the past 50 series that tried, right?
>calling STALKER shit
Low IQ
Planetside 2 already exists. The monster stuff was never implemented though, so it's only PVP.
the Roberts Rebellion game I made up in my mind
not him but stalker is utter garbage. its the definition of contrarian bait
Silent Hills
it still hurts bros ;_;
Those city dark souls pictures that get posted sometimes
>this whole post
As stated before, Low IQ
Devil May Cry 5
>liking STALKER is contrarian
How to show everyone you're a newfag who's been here for 2-3 years max
An arena shooter with a consistent and varied player base.
You know, like the old days.
A good pornographic game. Like masterpiece tier.
It's shit though
there is no long term progresssion in PS2
there is no open world, only open maps
no anarchy
Arena shooters only had big player bases back in the day because those were the only multiplayer shooters around with a few small exceptions.
A western game with Japanese game design principles.
A horror game thats actually scary.
No, Im trying to be a tryhard here, I just got used to every formular
The last game that comes to mind which did it right was P.T. with all the mindfuck elements
Damn Kojima, why have you forsaken us when you went back to your "kino bullshit"
same here. Last Light only cemented that want
>low IQ because I dislike Stalker
The game plays like shit. Graphics aside. Graphics don't make the game but the rest of the game is meh. The idea behind Stalker is cool. But the engine and overall atmosphere feel like garbage without mods.
As for linear games going open world, yea, it'd be a jump. I'm not talking constant randomly generated shit. It would require a lot of work, but basically, take the metro engine, gunplay, and enemies. Make a couple raider factions that own certain parts of metro tunnels, etc.
It'd be a blast.
an actually good Naruto game
if Shinobi Strikers flops ima kill someone
and this
A game set in Vanilla WoW through Wrath with combat and a companion / pawn system like Dragon's Dogma so that you can either play solo or group up to do shit. Have 1 or 2 custom companions and the rest guys you recruit through questing and what not. Sucks knowing it will never happen.
Exactly. Which is why the industry was better off back then.
The bulk of consumers are too dumb to make the right decisions and as such should have their options restricted by the elite. Democracy was a mistake.
Spore but good
An arcade sytle fighting game, but all the characters are various dictators. They also have CUH-RAZY moves sets and what not.
Any game can be a horror game with the proper motivation. Play something you know you suck at and hook a car battery up to your nipples every time you die. After a few good zaps your asshole will be puckering at every hint of danger.
Gotcha Force 2
why not just play japanese games?
how is your day
The Deus Ex games.
Marvel vs. Capcom 4
What about No Guy Buy but good?
could be better. but i made this thread to see what game players would actually want to play because im working on one. people seem to show enthusiasm for an open-world sci-fi anarchy mmorpgfps
Mega Man Legends 3
Mega Man X10
A New 3D Mega Man
Lisa 2
Devil May Cry 5
The World Ends With You 2
A Good Tony Hawk Sequel
A Good 2D Castlevania
The Ending to Metal Gear Solid 5
A Real Paper Mario Game
neat. good luck with your game :)
thanks bro
you forgot porn
A The Thing game set on an open gigantic modular space station with aesthetics similar to Alien: Isolation. There's all kinds of different areas that interconnect to form different wings like the Engineering Wing, Security Wing, etc.. The kicker is that you're playing as the Thing, and you have to either kill or subvert the station's staff until you're in complete control, with multiple tools to do so such as different disguises, using the infected ones as distractions, weapons, or even bait. And with a lot of different ways to do it.
>Stealthily infect everyone and everything, never even dropping your disguises and barely facing resistance
>Throwing the entire statiom into disarray as half of the staff explode into twisted masses of bone and flesh
>Consuming anyone and everyone in your way on a singular rampage
>Not spreading to anyone, simply using the environment to destroy everything
And to not have stupid helpless AI enemies either. If a module goes out of control, people inside can try and separate it to keep you out of the rest of the station. Self destructs are an ever present threat as you begin reaching to the end. Each staff member has a personality and an AI to match. Some will jump at the slightest issue and distancr themselves. Others might throw themselves at you trying to stop you. Some may even accept what's going on and simply give up.
But hey, that's never gonna happen. Ever.
Noxian Nights
a version of ss13 that isn't on a shitty engine with a community full of faggots
if your list isn't starcraft: ghost, Half life 3 VR, and silent hills then you don't know shit about vidya
A semi-modern WRPG fashioned around The Oregon Trail in which you have to actually attempt to barter and subsist to survive rather than just blasting injuns and wildlife
best post
>starcraft: ghost
always my first thought
>you will never crest a hill to see a huge command center perched beside a mineral-encrusted cliff face
>you will never watch in awe as massive doors roll open to allow for a team of SCVs to bring in their cargo
>you will never watch an enormous ultralisk lead a charge against this structure, tearing the thick metal plating to ribbons with it's enormous alien tusks
What all these people meant to say was a good porn game. Trust me, get on it op.
theres very little place for game design in a porn game
Perfect Dark 2
Modern Body Harvest & Space Station Silicon Valley with full Rockstar budgets
Something like Kingdom Hearts that actually has a fun, Rodger Rabbit esque story
implying sengoku rance doesn't exist
Devil May Cry 5.
Fuck Capcom.
Knights of the old republic 3
>boob shaped armor
Samurai Jack RPG
whatever happens if MGS 5 and PUBG would have sex.
i feel like that would end up being the top multiplayer game globally.
too bad they are instead making a zombie survival game 5 years too late.
>5 years late
L4D came out last decade though
Chrono Break
Your creativity is limited. There so much you could do, mechanics you can use. It's an untapped gold mine. You wouldn't have rely on used up videogame mechanics that you haven't even realised have become the standard that everyone employs.
It could be innovative enough to spark its own genre like demon souls. But with tits. You could take creative liberties you couldn't otherwise.
dragons dogma 2 with six years development time and as much budget as it needs for full creative freedom
also no shitty grind/fetch quests or micro-dlc's
I could think of a number of combinations for my perfect game, but overall I think that would near enough encapsulate it
A real Fallout 4 and 3
Jokes aside, Prey 2. Bounty Hunter in space age. Come on?! Do want!
They renewed the trademark in December
>suggests a game that gravitates around porn
>calls me creatively bankrupt
good luck with your shitty porn game faggot. not only that but you couldnt advertise it into the mainstream because adults only rating. how the fuck are big tits going to enhance the GAME DESIGN? fuck outa here. give me some ideas come on
semi post apocalyptic city builder were crime and overpopulation forces you to build a dystopian shithole.
Basically just an RE game -- RE2/3 city setting -- that has more exploration/sandbox.
I just want to be able to explore more of RE settings, really.
a good one
Prey 2
Battlefront 3
my dude.
don't get tilted.
you won't be able to afford advertising low budget indie game to the mainstream anyway, so why bother censoring yourself for that sake.
We'd all play the game that Momonga played and regardless of what you think of the anime, you know it's true.
>taking over entire dungeons to make your own Guild Hq
>NPC creator tools
>literal game breaking world items
>play as a mother fucking elder lich
Name one real life game that comes CLOSE to Yggdrasil
A 3D version of Discworld MUD with full voice acting. Or even a great 2D tileset.
tell me about your genius groundbreaking PORN game mechanics that everyone will love. ill wait
A true open world rpg that focuses on martial arts. No not absolver, fuck off with that multiplayer shit.
Something similar to jade empire i guess, but a lot less limited and in a different environment.
Skyrim VR