
Why arent you playing one of the best fighting game to come out in a long time?

Aside from the obvious connectivity issues it has at times, this shit's fun as fuck yo

What's your style?
Fave opener?
Fave guard break?
Fave mask?
Lets talk about this shit

What's your style?
drunken fist
Fave opener?
180 spinning kick
Fave guard break?
elbow punch
Fave mask?
only lvl 34 pleb

Stop shilling your no content early access turd with shitty servers

>playing it on pc

No one's shilling, jesus christ why would you even care if they were, it's discussion about a game, it's what Sup Forums's for.

>one of the best fighting game
stop, it's decent.

Because I've already completed it and I'm desperate for some more meaningful content.

I can tell a FOTM game when I see it and this is a FOTM game.

Probably the least entertaining/satisfying """""fighting""""" game I've seen. Every character is just a masked lanklet throwing punches (with terrible punching sound effects btw). 20 minute boring fights.

if youre fighting for 20 minutes you need a better deck

I was under the impression it was for discussion of famous people getting paid to play games badly

Play PVP? It where the game shines
1v1 matches against a worthy opponent are insanely fun

this. i mainly only do 1v1 matches because they're so much fun. each game is different
because you have to adapt to the other player's style.

What's fun about it? The last 3D fighting game I tried was For Honor and I didn't really like it.

If you didn't like For Honor, you won't like this game.

When you come across that other player that is just as good as you it's so good. Every mechanic has a purpose. So far i havent lost to "bullshit" tactics either. Seems like they did a good job balancing too

This game really isnt that similar to for honor other than its genre. Have you even played it?

>when you come across that other player that is just as good as you it's so good

yes, the battles are a lot of fun, only downside is the leveling match up. Sometimes you match up with someone 20 levels higher than you, which really sucks

>when you meet your match at the apex

managed to fuck bunch of lvl60 people while was around level 40 myself, then got beaten by couple of 40-50 levels while i was at CT level 50. Level probably helps a bit, but still wont save you if you bad or fucked up during match.

donut and library arenas, and people who spam shockwave to cheese there can go fuck themselves with a broomstick.

game is skill/build based anyway

was about to say this same thing. Had a lvl 60 char day 1 but my save got corrupted so i started a new one. Jumped into pvp around lvl 30. I had no issues with lvl 60s aside from less moves unlocked

I feel you. Its a cheap ass tactic. I backaway when i have them to close to the edge. Shits not fun if you aint fightin

Scissors Kick
Basically spam everything i got till they guardbroken or open themselfs earlier
Preorder mask
CT level 90, still not a single cool unique mask dropped, but tons of dups of other useless shit like elbows or shoes

I played for a few days really good game but the controls are unresponsive as fuck and windfall its a joke on pc/mouse, you dodge down and the camera shoots up to the sky and starts changing your stances without input, only side dodging is viable. Not to mention the hackers laggers and constant crashing.

Cant be bothered enough to load the game up because its not THAT fun when half the time you are just grinding mobs for new attacks or dealing with unplayable shit, I just played 1 match and lost because the game is just unresponsive, my guy ate like 3 super slow kicks to the head and didnt even try to fast kick when i was spamming LMB, the one after that the game got stuck on the loading screen trying to find a new opponent.

TL;DR, decent game just not worth the hassle

Not playing this with a controller is basically cucking yourself

>Open world to explore
>All out the fucking window because the bulk of the game and where all the rewards are is instanced 1v1s.


1v1ing is literally the best part of the game

Then why even include the entire map and world and PVE events?

game designed around arena duels, pve content is basically a big training course, with slapped coop just because. But its fair to brag about it. You should refund if its not your cup of tea.