Is it a good idea to turn a Video Game into a stageplay?
I love Junko!
>Is it a good idea to turn a Video Game into a stageplay?
Phoenix Wright got a movie.
After Death Note, I'm looking forward to a live action bastardised Netflix series.
What actors would they get for a Netflix series and who would they play?
A bunch of no names, with the exception of Junko who gets someone relatively famous because they're all set on making her the next Harley Quinn.
Well, that was hell. Traffic was awful as well. Glad I'm done with that for today. However, that extra time did give me some time to get some fighting concepts done. So in addition to Makoto, Byakuya, Kyoko, Asahina, Yasuhiro, Toko, Hajime, Soda, Imposter, Akane, Nekomaru, Nagito, and Mukuro, I've just completed Gundham, Junko, Izuru, Komaru, and Mahiru & Hiyoko (they're a pair)
Also a reminder that Kyoko is the best girl
What's Junko's concept?
What actress would pull off Junko well though?
I wouldn't mind a live action movie that decides to be it's own thing to the point it changes the survivors to stand out from the games.
>Junko Enoshima
Unlockable character. Throws wrenches as her ranged attack. Can summon smaller Monokumas for special attacks and to start combos. Alt costumes are Ryokoa Otanashi, all of her split personalities (IE crown, glasses, etc), and Mukuro's Junko Disguise clothing. Victory pose is clutching a Monokuma and throwing up a peace sign like pic related
So I take it you like it?
Yes, I liked that you included the wrench ranged attack
I'm interested are you making a Danganronpa fighting game?
Kyoko is cute.
Concepts for one
>it's another idea guy
If I had the knowledge I would make one, but for now I can only supply ideas to those who would make one.
Kyoko a cute.
bumping this, who would it be?
The stageplays are actually better adaptations than the anime at least.
Obligatory in every thread.
Not even, it changed everyone's motivations to be disgustingly selfish and both Nekomaru and Gundam get literally written off.
What's Toko's concept?
Why is official misspelled?
The chart is a sham.
I mean, I didn't make the chart, I'm just posting it. Minor typo I guess.
>Toko Fukawa
Slow and weak in normal mode. Players who don't know how to play her will get destroyed easily. Can turn into Genocide Jack when they input a button combo. Genocide Jack is essentially her super move. Genocide Jack is incredibly quick and agile, her damage is increased due to her scissors. Genocide Jack can not be grappled. Genocide Jack lasts for a short amount of time (around a few seconds) and will revert back to Toko. Victory Pose for Toko is fainting, however if she wins when she is Genocide Jack she sneezes and reverts back to Toko.
Well, user cited Harley Quinn, so Margot Robbie?
>Jack cannot be grappled.
So gonna guess you've never read DR:IF or played fighting games?
Hmm. Would Toko have any decent attacks in normal mode, or would one just want to go for Genocide Jack? Also, what's Asahina's concept?
I think that if you were grabbed when using a 5-7 super move then people would exploit that whenever she would turn. However, a lot of supers in fighting games can be stopped by blocking, so maybe. I don't know man, I'll look into whether changing that would be a good idea or not.
DR1 is improved since it's no longer the Naegi/Kyoko power hour, so certain characters get more screentime, like Ishimaru, who was surprisingly really fun here. And the rewrote chapter 3 to not be shit.
I do agree that sdr2's wasn't quite as good, especially Peko's motive, but I didn't mind they got rid of the despair disease, so no more brainwashing shit.
5-7 second*
Toko is mainly a zoner until she can build up charge for Genocide Jack. Toko's combos are very short, where as the idea for Jack is to activate it and then go to town
>not SS tier
>SS Tier
Eh, I didn't make the chart anyways. For example, I personally don't approve of Seiko, Junko, and Mukuro being in S tier, they're B or C tier at most.
What about husbandos?
I approve of Junko, Mukuro, and Seiko being in S tier bc they are my 3 favorites
Mukuro 100% deserves S tier, Seiko can go to low B where she belongs and Junko to A
Humanity is . . . beautiful
Did someone say humanity?
Switch A and S tier.
Twogami can stay though.
I want Tulpaposters to leave.
Why is a chart nobody agrees with obligatory in every thread
>Move Makoto, Hajime, Hopeman, OUR BOY, Tulpa, trap, and Kibo to A tier
>Move Rapist, Lil Gangster, Coach Man, DINDU, Tennis boy, and Gonta to S
Gozu, Kouchi, and Ouma deserve S tier more than Chihiro and Kibo though
the two best bros of DR1 and DR2 are C tier
He's nothing but a whiny crybaby who doesn't get anything done
He's only good for memes, which weren't that good in the first place.
nice meme
The old chart, which I post, has Ibuki in A tier whereas the new one has her in D tier due to the get debacle that I don't really acknowledge. I don't post the husbando chart in particular though.
>Unironically liking Taka more than Hajimeme
danny devito as monokuma
so did street fighter, mortal kombat, mario, double dragon, tekken, yakuza, wing commander, bloodrayne and dozens of others
I love Seiko!
I like her too
>Whoops, sorry, dropped my Monster spear that I use for my Magnum Execution
>unironically using nisa translation terms
Secondaries please leave
If you made it completely invincible that'd be bullshit, and that's how transformation supers work in all fighting games anyways. It would make it so the Touko player activates at a smart time rather than predictably. If turning into Syo was completely invincible then everyone would just pick Syo even if it meant playing as Touko for a part of the match.
I was looking at it in a different way, but you're correct. That would just amount to people choosing Toko just for free combos. I'll scratch that off. Thanks for the input user
Who would be some good Dangans to have around when the inevitable hurricane apocalypse annihilates your home?
Makoto or Nagito and pray that luck makes the hurricane not effect you
I live in Chicago so I don't need to worry about hurricanes ever
The night hasn't even started yet, we can't just let the thread die now!
Every time I see Ouma's fucking face I now associate it strongly with gay porn. What has this place done to me
I would love to discuss V3 with you guys but I haven't played it nor have most on this thread probably
The same happens to me.
I bet is going to be fun for you ehn play the game
At least you don't think of some terrifying shit when you see his face now like I do now.
I love Hina!
Keep up the good work, ace.
thanks ace
You're welcome.
You're a good man for supplying good art for all the waifus.
I like Hinata-Kun too
It's what I like doing.
>literal whore Mikan above pure and sweet girls in B tier
switch the B and A tiers and you're spot on
This is Mean.
so is this shilling?
barely anyone talked about these games for years and now theres a thread every day just around the release of danganronpa 3 (tm)
of course a new game naturally gets people talking, but this is a bit much. then again ive seen way more jap adventure game threads in general recently
good games though. obviously not as good as ace attorney, but still good.
No, it's called franchise exposure. It became popular once it hit PC because not everyone is an idiot that fell for the Vita meme.
No we just really like the game
I guess in a strange sort of way yes this is shilling
We just like talking casually about the games and sharing excitement with each other before V3.
Do you mean the S and A tiers, or...? Because Mikan's in S tier, not A.
Anybody have a template of this?
I think the anime from last summer really boosted the popularity of the series despite being so horrible.
I'm so obsessed with her, bros. Is this what love feels like?
that's just the doughnuts talking
You are not the only one, Asahina is certainly wife material. Her love for campy action movies and dedication to her friends make her a good companion.
Sounds like a bad case of Donitus, probably terminal. We might have to put you down.