Style Over Substance: The Video Game

>shitty gameplay
>looks like a newgrounds flash game
>tumblr-tier artstyle
>reddit-tier animation
>made by your typical millennial overly liberal indie dev
>lazy shoot em up gameplay instead of figuring out interesting ways to let the player engage the enemies
>le nostalgia bait for shitty millennials who didn't even live through the period of those old cartoons
>xbone exclusive*
>stuck in development hell for years
>changed genre in the middle of development
>getting shilled on Sup Forums like crazy

Let me present to you, the plunder of the year 2017.

Other urls found in this thread:

why's the one on the left some fucking nerd
also (you)

Who hurt you user?

style over substance is a logical fallacy you retard

>sony friends shitposting again
what else is new?

>tumblr-tier artstyle
>reddit-tier animation


looks fun, is fun (according to everyone who's had hands-on time with it), looks great, sounds alright

not sure what the problem is, you seem to be a faggot of some high degree


[1 Indian Rubee has been deposited into your account]

Reported you console warring false flagger. I don't care if I get banned you're going down with me.


>tumblr-tier artstyle
>reddit-tier animation

Animation looks pretty cool even if the game is shit. Lets not boo indie devs for trying something new, its not like AAA have been delivering.

Fuck I just wish the gameplay looked better, the artstyle is cool.

Those are some hot opinions now you really convinced me to buy this game

Damn how old are you to have watched that style of cartoon

Delet this

If it had a decent looking combat system I would be all over this game.
Still going to play the fuck out of though

>copies mickey mouse
Defend this shit

>>tumblr-tier artstyle
>>reddit-tier animation
Unjokingly asking what the fuck that means?

I was just about to say this
Please tell me that's not official art

>all this hate for tumblr and liberals

did the fugly chick with pink hair turn you down today, Jake?

Goddamn that pissed me off.

Why I say, I sure do love me some old timey style, I can't wait to purchase this game to display it on the IKEA coffee table I had to purchase cheap off Ebay! What's that, am I going to actually play it? HAHA, gods no!

Entire japanese animation industry gets away with it on a regular basis?

>>made by your typical millennial overly liberal indie dev
literally the least superfluous nugget of information right there...

It's almost like it's inspired by older cartoons or something.

>tumblr-tier artstyle
>reddit-tier animation

You idiots can't default to reddit and tumblr for EVERY insult.

Dear god, I seem to have woken up in 2013 again
Does anyone have the date, by chance?

don't know anyone who's asshurt about this game other than sony niggers. everyone else including nintendobros i know are looking forward to playing it

Dumb frogposter

Great, so it's hipster trash AND runs at 12fps.

That's okay
What's not okay is fucking tracing other people's art

it's obvious bait

>tumblr-tier artstyle
>reddit-tier animation
What the fuck do these even mean jesus christ

Two wrongs don't make a right

op is completely right

gameplay looks extremely uncreative and generic, like one if those free psn games or steam shovelware. the whole selling point of this game is the artstyle, literally nothing else.

That is clearly above 30 fps

Why are people shitposting this game so hard? Especially in regards to the game play, when its not even out yet. Its just another indie title with nice hand drawn graphics, I'm not getting the butthurt. Tbh Im excited about the art style, I think its gorgeous and have a huge raging boner for hand drawn shit

what a tumblr-tier post with reddit-tier words

This game has nothing going for it other than visuals, and my experience would be the same playing it, or watching someone else play it. The only thing I want to see are the character and enemy designs, and all the animations. When this comes out, I'm just gonna watch a streamer play it.

>changed genre in the middle of development

I know the rest is bait, but is this true at all?

Sup Forums non-speak
shitposting in a nutshell

>getting shilled on Sup Forums like crazy
Literally only know of it because of which is hardly "shilling." But good job making an actual thread about it yourself, retard.

literally cuck logic

You mean the right one, retard?

Shut up you fucking tumblr

>hipster excited about cuphead
BOY have I got just the thing for you!!! Pre order now for the low price of 100$

I'm too old for this site.

Because there is footage of the gameplay?

The biggest thing I'm worried about is how completely unsatisfying the primary attack looks. You literally squirt tiny, slow-moving tear drops out of your finger. I can not image that feeling fun to use at all

>reddit animation

You do realize that it's a shitty indie 2d game that can probably run on a a shitty netbook?
Anyone can play it. You're not special for owning an xbone.

Threads like this make me really wonder if those are worse then Sup Forums-tier

Something about the gameplay I've seen kinda makes me nauseous. I don't know if it's the way everything moves, hot the enemies fill the screen, or the sound filter on it but something about what I've seen makes me sick.

its just buzzwords

I'ma pirate it
I'ma play it
and I'm going to evaluate it for myself
but no, i'm not going to ditch the game for your subjectivity meme calling bullshit you absolute faggot
if the game is trash I'm going to say it

neck yourself OP

Oh boy!

I still dont understand how people sit down and watch some streamer play video games. Is it like a movie for you lot? I sincerely dont get it.

No, it's always been the same run-and-gun style gameplay, but originally it was conceived as bosses-only. It was only during development that they decided to add normal levels.

>tumblr-tier artstyle
>reddit-tier animation

>tumblr artstyle
I'm convinced this is the same person shitposting in every Cuphead thread

It was supposed to be a boss rush game.

It does the exact same thing to me and I didn't even really realize it until I read this
What the fuck is it about the animation?

lol k, and theres nothing about the footage that makes the game seem like the utter garbage shit posters are claiming it is. Its fine if you arent interested in a simple run and gun game, but the shitposting seems to be unusually amped up over it. I dont get it.

Jesus H Christ, damn near all the regular buzzwords slapped into one post

>Gaia-tier artstyle
>YTMND-tier animation
I dont see what's wrong

nice bait thread nigger

>sony niggers
>not sonybros

is that a /p/-only thing or what
>this actually looks legit af

>tumblr-tier artstyle
>reddit-tier animation
I know you're baiting but I bet some people would unironically use those arguments.

it's some guy who has a hate boner for anything non-playstation. he just shitposts because it's not in the psn store even though he can literally play it on home computer if he wanted to with no issue

Streaming and LPs are basically podcasts with a visual element, sometimes you just want to hear someone shoot the shit while playing a game and don't have friends to do it with

It's not a trace, you moron. That pose is literally a reference to old Mickey Mouse.

I was about to say this lmao

How do these people take themselves seriously

I guess someone doesn't know how to dash in the air

stupid idiot

Nobody gives a shit about what you have to say.

>changed genre in the middle of development

>literal digg-tier animation
>2chan-tier artsyle
>okcupid-tier menu navigation
>stormfront-tier sound design

Yeah, I think I'll pass


It's less like a movie and more like a stand up routine or sitcom depending on who you're watching.

>this thread getting replies
goddamnit Sup Forums I thought you were better than this

this is a reddit-tier thread with tumblr-tier posts

>le nostalgia bait for shitty millennials who didn't even live through the period of those old cartoons

The game is inspired by 30's animation which is almost 90 years ago. People growing up with that sort of art style in their teens would be about 100 years old by now.

So it's not alright to use the 30's art style unless the devs are catering to people who are literally 100 years old?

What a terrible post.

It's because the gameplay is lackluster compared to the artstyle. Everyone just has a hard on for the asthetic.

>I'm just gonna watch a streamer play it.
fucking hell, this is the future we choosed

Nothing looks wrong with it at all. Shit like the OP is obviously just baiting people to talk about the game, but for everyone else hating on it I can only assume it's because it's getting mainstream attention. The level of pure malevolent kneejerk contrarianism on this site is nauseating sometimes, there's so many fucking children here now who just shitpost because they think that's what Sup Forums is for.

Style over substance is literally the way to go.

>being a filthy



>tumblr-tier artstyle
>reddit-tier animation
>9gag-tier gameplay
>something awful-tier level design
>know your meme-tier plot
>deviant art tier-character design
>facebook-tier difficulty curve
>linkedin-tier budget
>amazon-tier price
>google-tier unlockables
>irc-tier dialogue
>bbs-tier menus
what did he mean by this?

still makes me mad, video game journalism is a fucking joke.

>its not on playstation
>all these threads shit posting it to death

>habbo-tier artstyle
>newgrounds-tier animation
>napster-tier soundtrack


So early cartoon animation is Reddit tier? What is Reddit tier? Are they known for Steamboat Willie type cartoons?


it actually runs at a framerate high enough to make 24fps animations look out of place