Would locking out characters and forcing people to play tank/healer fix Overwatch?
Would locking out characters and forcing people to play tank/healer fix Overwatch?
No, because Overwatch is a game centered around choice. Locking people out of heroes does nothing, contrary to every urge you might feel.
If it gets this bad, do what me and my friend do and just auto-lock DPS.
More cute girls and cute outfits are the only thing that can fix the game.
I dunno. Go play Lockout Elimination in the Arcade and find out.
Then you'd have shit healers and tanks getting shutdown. At that point they might as well not even be there. Which would've happened regardless.
Would mods(fags) deleting this thread fix Sup Forums?
Go back to your off topic porn threads
Being forced to play something they don't want to play would get them to feed. Overwatch is fundamentally flawed and no you will not ever achieve balance in a game trying to ape TF2, while having 10x the classes.
Good idea, i'll start throwing matches.
Fuck no I'd literally throw if I can't play DPS. Healer is boring as shit.
You can't fix a game that has a class system, and different characters running around with varying levels of health and damage.
point about making everything DPS, and how it needs to stop won't benefit the game if the only class to deal effective damage are only the DPS. Health thresholds should be largely fixed to 100, with tanks perhaps being at 200, and defense somewhere in between. Nerf damage/healing numbers greatly to compensate these changes, and provide mitigation for tanks/defense as a stat and/or ability. Tanks and defense heroes should have more ultimates for survivably for themselves and their team (akin to Lucio's sound barrier), rather than nearly everone having and offensive ults.
Adding bans would fix a lot of the balance issues Overwatch has.
the problem with overwatch only the DPS characters are fun. I'd play tank if they manage to make on that didn't feel completely braindead. They kinda managed to do that with Orisa but you end up spamming shots down a hallway half the time when you play as her.
I do enjoy Ana though, but she can't keep up with this new meta where you get barriers and defense matrix rammed up your ass constantly
The game should auto ban people who pick Mcree or sniper when another one is already selected.
Can you still have multiples of the same hero in a game?
Is there more to this picture?
Tanks exist in Overwatch just to be fodder for damage heroes. Doomfist, McCree, Junk, Hog, Reaper, Sombra, Bastion, Pharra, Soldier, and
OW's problem is that there's too many heroes that do the same shit. Did we really need Hanzo and Widow? Did we really need Doomfist, Tracer, and Genji? Reinhardt and Orisa? Reaper and Roadhog? Torb and Sym?
Most of the heroes are just really shitty ideas that were added to pad the roster.
those you mentioned do the same roles but play differently, there is nothing wrong with variation.
your entire team instalocking dps is a problem with people, not the game
only in one specific arcade game mode
A possible idea would be to implement a queuing system similar to MMO's in which you pre-select the role you want to play (DPS, Tank, or Healer). You could also have there be a vote system to determine how a team wants their comp to be formed: ie a team votes for a 3 dps 1 tank 2 healer comp for attack. This would prevent the game just being 2 dps, 2 tanks and 2 healers forever.
The major issue with Overwatch is that you can be matched up in a comp game in which the enemy team has a balanced composition of tank, dps and healer mains while your team is full of insta-lock DPS mains that throw if they don't get there character. However, it had already be pointed out in this thread that while you can fix and mess around with the game, the fundamental issue with Overwatch is the community itself.
More healers with unique movement styles and fun mechanics to play with in relation to team members.
>your entire team instalocking dps is a problem with people, not the game
No. It's a problem with and FPS trying to be a moba.
No, but being able to select your role before you queue would. Not having to fight with 10 years olds for a role would make this game significantly less cancerous, at the cost of increased queue times however.
>only three new characters since the games came out
This mercy, dva, and junkrat update is completely unnecessary. I'm tired of seeing the same comps I want more heroes NOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW HURRY UP BLIZZARD FUCK YOUR DEAD MMO AND SHITTY MOBA GAME