Mobile games

What do you play?

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Flappy Bird.


I miss PAD.

Just bought Strike Team Hydra. I don't do P2W garbage. Much. Often.

FEH purely because of the free shit and drop rates. I like FGO but I fucking despise its drop system atleast in FEH you could get a shit hero who has a good skill but in FGO you sometimes dont even get a servant its fucking annoying.

Dokkan and FEH. I still have Record Keeper and Exvius installed but bith have burnt me out too many times. Dropped FG:O within three days.

JJBA Diamond Records

the only one that matters to me


Certainly not gacha shit.


>I miss PAD

What happened to PAD? It's still the same as ever, only complain I have is being a month behind Japan when it comes to monster list and events

FGO, some dumb panda ball puzzle game in my spare time, shadowverse, and buriedbornes

Brave Frontier
Bleach Brave Souls
DW: Unleashed
Duel Links

Currently more active on Dokkan, P&D, Bleach and FGO. The rest is mostly doing my daily log ins for bonuses

FGO and Worlds of Tomorrow

JP F/GO and Magia Record. I also play FEH sometimes, but it's pretty boring and its events suck ass. NA F/GO is shit and dropped it not long ago. Looking forward to Senran Kagura New Link.


I only collect Kantais

Final Fantasy Brave Exvius (jew as hell) and recently Fate (goes beyond the jew)


>FEH you could get a shit hero who has a good skill but in FGO

Doesn't that also work in reverse, a good hero that ends up as shit because of RNG or something?

I downloaded Magic 2015 the other day.

FGO since the only reason I play it is because of Fate. No reason to play the others

This, fuck FGO.

Crusaders Quest

I finished the grind for team I could have. I didn't care about the co-op stuff since I never really had anyone to play with, didn't really help that their major content update was that. I can't stand how they just keep adding GFEs instead of fun pantheons. I also didn't like the powercreep, I couldn't really adapt to it, nor did I find the stronger characters more fun to play - why do rainbow and combo leads have the lowest multipliers? Makes no sense.
Even when I log in every now and then, I find that I have little to do in the game.


>people actually openly talk about and play gacha shit on Sup Forums now
Man I remember when Sup Forums as a whole was 100% against mobile gaming. What the fuck went wrong?


And pocket Morty, fuck you.

Only really play pic related in about as causal a way as possible doing events and collecting the free stuff. I honestly wish more stuff gatcha's didn't have the BS draw rates, I can at least deal with GB's 3% and 6% every couple months.

/vg/ canger happened.

>try GBF.
>the grind is worse than some MMOs.
>try Dokkan.
>all the fun shit is gated by team cost and it takes forever to level up enough.
>try FEH.
>just makes me want to replay a real FE.

>rick and reddit

>try FEH.
>just makes me want to replay a real FE

This holy fuck

Get outta here with that weak ass shit and open way for true patrician taste

I guess FEH is doing its job right, then.


I need something that I can play for about half an hour a day, has combat that's completely hands-off, has lots of customization options, and has huge titty bitches. Example is Valkyrie Connect, which I gave up on because it got too grindy with and I couldn't customize characters.

Just bought this, really worth the money

Mobile games are garbage and youre all fucking casuals. Fuck off

At least I play real games with RetroArch, I'm more sane than 99% of the "people" in this thread playing gacha shit.

Also I like Rick & Morty and never visit Reddit. But hey, if it's time for you to launch some epic bantz tier buzzword... Fine, have fun.


>people on Sup Forums now play mobile f2p shit because it has waifus

By making me emulate their games?

which is the best mobile gatcha with huge tits?

Nah, some have decent game play, like Brave Souls. The waifus are just a perk

>People actually spout twitch memes

Is there a single Gacha game where the Gacha element is tolerable? And don't give me this "Oh the SR/SSR/UR/etc. has a 1% chance in this game which is waaaay more generous than the 0.00001% in most other games" bullshit.

>Literally all Gacha games are like that why are you even asking?

Because I like the aspect of Gacha style games, I just despise all the bullshit around them.


hello rebbit

Star wars force arena.

Trying to get into battlejack but the chest system is making me stop after level 10

FEH and FGO.

rucoy online is pretty fun.

I really enjoyed Crossy Road but I unlocked everything

FEH, gotta prioritize getting Camilla, Tharja, Charlotte, or the special costume heroes though

>gacha shit
>decent gameplay
Fucking lol

t. ironic nu-weebs

FF BE since I got 2B.
Also playing GBF but I'm gonna drop because the app is atrocious.

How do you mean tolerable? Like easy to get prem currency and high drop rates?

Because thats either Dokkan or Brave Souls.

Both have very high SSR+ drop rates and shit out gems like crazy

What are some good one-handed games that isn't F2P multiplayer only garbage?



>Brave Souls
>musoushit mobile edition

The absolute state of vee

Compared to other "Tap your screen and wait for your turn to finish" gachas, yes. At least Brave Souls requires active input from the player. Even with autobattle being an option, its not a VIABLE option in higher difficulties or raids

FGO and remonster at the moment

i was playing Fire emblem but I got bored of it.

>butthurt over random reaction pic

PAD and Terra Battle have really fun gameplay. FEH is FE-lite, but that ends up making it more puzzle-like.

The character you roll can randomly have up to 3/4 less points in one stat in exchange for 3/4 more in another, so your big physical attacker who gets blown up by mages can potentially do less damage in general while still getting blown up by mages because their Resistance stat sucks, yes

Record keeper

FGO is my poison

FEH, it even tells you the percentages of what you can get.

You have like a 6% chance of getting a 5*, and unlike other gacha games you aren't stuck rolling for 1-3* units until you get a rare chance to roll for higher quality units.

No, thats literally Dynasty Warriors Unleashed

Worst case I've experienced was the 5* NieR units in FF Brave Exvius. Like 0.5% chance to roll an A2 or 2B, awful stuff.
FEH feels a bit more generous by comparison, especially considering they gave us a free 5* of our own choice for the latest major banner, and they recently made your first pull for every new banner free too.

Gacha can be fun if you can be happy with what F2P gets you on average, thats the only reason I can tolerate the more than often BS drop rates and just have fun with the actual gameplay in them.

Mobile legends
Guns of boom
New star soccer
Random adventure roguelike


>Compared to

Yeah, and MacDonald's is high sophisticated French cuisine compared to some dog shit found in my garden, doesn't make their burger's better.

>FF BE JP/Global
>Sin no Alice

I was playing fate go but emulator got BTFO

Is Dokkan and that bleach one good?

Gimme a good lootaholic RPG with a competent story that isn't F2P garbage like Dungeon Hunter 5

>navel window

You'll never find something like this because mobileshit can't handle more than five enemies on screen.

Destiny Child has a good plot

Remember that if you purchase microtransactions, you deserve to be put in an oven.

I don't play games that require me to flip my phone sideways, so only FE:H and chess.

Been playing both Dokkan and FEH daily since their respective launches, enjoy both greatly.

I've spent probably $100 over the past two years, which is perfectly reasonable for the amount of enjoyment I get from the games, though I'm sure there are plenty willing to call me a cuck for spending money on something I like.

fuck daily logins and whoever started that shit

Paladins Strike (which is in alpha) on the off chance that there's bonuses I can get in the main game for participating, which there likely will be.

Beyond that? Nothing. I've played mu share of boring bullshit gachas and the only one that is actually fun is Terra Battle. Granblue and friends can fuck right off.

LLSIF > Bang Dream > Starlight Stage

Bang Dream > LLSIF > Starlight Stage

Bang Dream > LLSIF >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Starlight Stage

Starlight Stage > Bang Dream > LLSIF

Why do people like Starlight Stage?

>Not playing idol rhythm games
Bad taste.

I got an ad for something called King's Raid. It had tits and a cute girl on it, so I downloaded it on a lark.

I don't really bother with games on my phone. I guess Burrito Bison's Revenge and Ballz are about it. Adult Swim makes a solid mobile game.

Used to have Monsters Ate My Condo, Giant Boulder of Death and Robot Rainbow Unicorn.

They're to keep you from quitting a game cold turkey.

Last I ever played was Threes. Don't have time for gatcha games.

Story-wise: Fate Grand/Order just blows the other 2 out of water. It's the 2nd worst Fate story, but the other two game's stories are just that awful.

Gameplay-wise: Fire Emblem Heroes, since it's literally Fire Emblem if they sacrificed a vast party for more focused team construction. FGO and Dokkan is basically touch colors for pretty animations, the lowest level a gacha game can go.

Gacha Balance: Tie between Dokkan and Fire Emblem Heroes. Their rates are shit, but at least they give you free shit every so often. FGO is on some jew-tier level.

All in all, FEH>>>>>Dokkan>>>>>>>>>>>>>FGO.

Which ones, and are they one-handed?

For FGO, it's been both entertaining and demoralizing watching folks blow a thousand+ dollars and not even get their waifu, or even a single SR rateup servant. Ain't no safety nets to save you from falling overboard into the whale-hungry sea there.

Every time I think about doing a casual roll on a banner that doesn't have my one true desire, I think back on those brave fallen anons and stay the course so their sacrifice will not be in vain.

I don't like jpop sorry.


Dokkan is fun, but grindy as fuck.

Bleach is decent, and the game shits out gacha currency like no tomorrow. Every mission has the potential to give 5 gems, Coop has the potential to give out 9, and then they have "Achievement" missions which drop gems left and right.

Plus they have frequent events to give out more currency or characters. Last month they gave out a free 6* maxed out character during the Bleach anniversary event

I personally like the gameplay as it requires a bit more active player input

Dokkan is all about team composition. That's the meat of the game.

I played Tales of Link for a while but the gameplay was mind numbing.

I never knew I wanted this until now.