Name a more comfy game this year

Name a more comfy game this year.

That lighting sure helps. I hear this is using the Snowdrop engine or something. I dunno what this is, but dang.

> this is what happens when AAA devs put all the money into cartoony graphics instead of "muh realism"

More please!

what did they mean by this?

>Toad/Toadette escort mission

I'd be fucking pissed too. Good on the writers being blatantly honest on how they feel about it.

Agreed. I'm ten toes down for more games with stylized, cartoonish graphics.

It looks like a Pixar or DreamWorks cartoon. I love it. Can't name a more comfy game than this other than maybe BOTW.

Why does it have to be either/or? Can't we have realistic games and stylistic games?

>That part of World 1 where you literally ascend a tower of colored blocks
You guys are literally playing a baby toy. Extreme buyers remorse for this piece of shit.

How hard is this game for an 8 year old? Im thinking of buying it for my nephew. He is pretty good at games.

>It looks like a Pixar or DreamWorks cartoon.
Sound like one too. The music is fantastic.

why don't you just fuck him instead?

The main game would be easy enough, probably. There is an easy mode. The challenges would be damn near impossible though.

Not that user, but he never said we couldn't. He just wanted more AAA games with cartoony visuals and I agree. Stylish graphics can exist in both cartoony and realistic games. Stylish just means it has a certain unique style.

>using "literally" twice in one post
Good luck in English Lit this coming school year! Also no one gives a fuck what you think.

Ratchet and Clank was a really good Pixar-esque game last year

funnily enough Knack II scratches that same itch

I don't love how rubbery the characters look. They look like clay models with the matte reflections, I was hoping they'd have more texture to their clothes - but maybe because I've been seeing so much detail in Mario's model in Odyssey (and as of late, Smash) so I'm expecting more from the same "cartoony" art style.

The challenges aren't that hard, I finish them as soon as I beat a level before progressing on to the next one. It requires a lot of resets to find out the best strategy and not get fucked over by RNG though.

I think he'll be alright. If he wants a challenge it's there if he wants to get gold ranking in everything. But if he just wants to play it shouldn't be a problem either. The challenges can be hard but it gives him something to come back to. Kids nowadays rarely see challenges in games and it will do him good. Also there is a co-op mode for him and you to play. I haven't had an opportunity to play it myself but I hear it's pretty difficult as well.

is it wrong to want like a really nice looking Wallace and grommit or bob the builder game now

>calling a game comfy

I think they would be for an eight year old, though. Guess it depends on the kid.

I personally love the way it looks, but I get your point.

It really feels like you're playing a cartoon, imo.

Is this game a switch exclusive or is it on wiiu?

Right, RnC is also a GREAT example of a cartoony AAA game. Cartoony games aren't really being made as much as they used to be though. Mostly because many AAA developers don't wanna take risks.

switch exclusive.

I like it.
Every since Wind Water I like cartoony graphics.

>is it wrong to want
Wallice and Grommit, no. Bob the Builder, would be boring. Also, don't put "like" in the middle of your sentences like that. "Like" in that way is an vocal thing. Makes you sound like a air-headed blonde. Just saying

Of course a game can be comfy.

Not gonna lie bought this game today and having some the best fun in agrs and the visuals look polished as fuck

I used to love bob the builder. the Wallace and grommit were rabbit movie scared me a little.
sorry. I have a lot of bad habits relating to using filler words or attaching strange phrases to the end of my sentences and I forget I do it so thank you for pointing it out to me

It's fun. I got it on Thursday, just beat the half point of world 4. do all of the challenges as soon as you beat a world. They are a great challenge and the orbs rewards are useful later.


>drones will literally LITERALLY defend anything
Oh man, just to think about all the shit this game would receive if you replace Mario with some generic character and make it multiplat. Pure cancer.

hey sonygro, neogaf is that way ----->

it's the engine UBI made for "The Division"

>Implying adult normies don't go to the theaters to watch Pixar movies about fucking toys coming to life

>were rabbit movie scared me a little.
I feel you. When I was a kid the penguin movie kinda freaked my out.
No problem, mate. Vocal habits are hard to break. I have my own share of habits I deal with.