Open random twitch stream

>Open random twitch stream
>Streamer starts talking to me
What? Why? What do you even do in this situation?

he's just happy to have someone watching faggot.

>What do you even do in this situation?
I am usually polite and type hello and then talk to them. I'll skedaddle quick if they ask me to follow or dobate thpugh

>Try streaming
>Feel self consious because nobody is watching.
>Get a viewer, welcome him to the stream briefly.
>He leaves.
Fuck everything.

>Twitch "entertainers"

Make usage of the communities feature. Which games you stream by the way?

>0 viewers
>you join
>starts talking to you
>feel awkward and leave
>makes me feel like a monster
>it actually gives me a boner

Say hello, and then proceed to criticize his gameplay.
It's not hard.
You're still yelling at the TV. It's just, this time the TV might actually listen.

>do this
>one time it's a girl

>everything ends up pretty much normal
But man it is awkward when you suddenly get someone in there.
I came to discover that the game I was streaming made it easy to get a straggler or two. If you play Hearthstone and name the video some silly shit, SOMEONE will click and come on in. I mean, I doubt they stayed because of my absence of a personality or anything.

I had to stay up all night in some frenchman's stream because I was yhe only viewer and he was so excited to see me in the chat and I would've felt bad about leaving

>not videogames twitch personality shitpost thread
>touhou picture

Match made in heaven.

Hey man I work the night shift often and I can't play vidya so streams and fapping are ny only entertainment. With some girl streamers I combine the two. And watching movies and such is not as doable because I have to go check up on random stuff every now and then.

Depends on the context.
>low viewer count
He's happy to have someone watching. If you don't say anything back it's alright, as long as you're watching it's all good.

>high viewer count
He's a crowd pleaser and nobody will remember anyway since he does it all the time. Usually bros.

Most streamers realize that most people that watch don't use the chat much.

I was recently in a stream where the streamer started bitching about blubluhbluh muh low viewer count and I immediately left. I hate pity fishers online and irl.

>What do you even do in this situation?

>type heya on the chat
>watch stream

is it that hard?

You faggots pretending to be shy girls piss me off.

Learn to socialize, faggots.

>type hey
>streamer starts talking to you and asking you a bunch of questions

>I'm at my bed watching so I can't type much, but *replies to question*

>streamer starts asking where you live and your real name

Yeah anybody that is either too arrogant about their positions (i.e. witwix) or begging for pity immediately puts me off
It's like just be a fucking regular person, treat your viewers as equal
I don't know why so many streamers have problems with it


>tell streamer you're at your bed and you can't type much
>he starts asking you about what kind of bed you have and how your day went

Fuck off. Assuming you're watching on your phone you have hundreds of games you can play through emulators and you can savestate to pause them at any time.

It's even worse if a friend who streams is one of those cuntrags.
Every single time you miss a stream they try to guilt trip for it and ask you where you were.

>don't reply

I'd just make up something.

I dislike playing games on a phone desu. I could get a handheld though.

At that point I'm just saying that I'm losing connection lol. Then log off and watch without account.

Touhou, rarely, so I'm lucky to get more than 3 viewers at once.

Leave, streamers should leave lurkers alone

Yeah, some games are hard to get a decent viewership at unfortunately.