have you ever pretended to like a game just to fit in
Have you ever pretended to like a game just to fit in
another shitty thread, just what this board needed
Most of those games cater to different audiences though
>if something is popular it's because of memes, not because it's worth praising
Hey. Fuck you.
No. But I've pretended to hate a game just to start shitflinging.
>trash a game in one post
>defend that same game next post
It's fun to start fights.
>Pretends to like undertale
>Anyone that's not a mentally challanged furfag underage thinks more of you?
I’m convinced Soulsfags pretends to like it so they can tell everyone what a hardcore gamer they are
Some of those games are too niche, for normies to touch and pretend to like them, since they're trend followers like the sheep they are.
Might as well add Brutal Doom to the image.
I just played TLoU and BB
nigga how did you not like earthbound?
I fell for the meme of the console and bought a ps3 in 2011 with deus ex:hr played it 4 hours until the 1st boss and never touched a console again because of the shitty controls lack of internet browsing while playing and the heinous UI
Same senpai I'm the guy who always tries to start shit in any purseowner/SMT thread I like both but I'll shit on whichever one is the thread topic
Looks more like "games i pretend i don't like to fit in Sup Forums's hivemind"
>Sup Forums not liking dork souls
You can't talk shit about that series without some autist coming out of the woodwork to defend it
>Rainbow Six Seige
You take that back faggot
And you can't talk seriously about it without some autistic and edgy try-hard contrarian shitposting about how much it's crap reeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Case in point
I don't get the enjoyment of Dwarf Fortress. You're spending hours every day for 2-4 months straight of you basically constantly pausing the game every time something unexpected happens to ensure that unexpectation doesn't fuck up your Fortress. Why can't just there be a exp curve that teaches your Dwarves to learn from their own mistakes?
>it's another stop liking what I don't episode.
Yeah, cool.
>have you ever pretended to like a game just to fit in
no, but i have see the majority of people on 3x3 threads doing it all the time