Animal Crossing Switch

Can we talk about Animal Crossing on the Switch? What are your predictions / wishes for the next installment? Also how do you think the mobile app will tie in?

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a return to acres and getting rid of logworld would be nice.

Controllable boats and bikes.

I want them to get rid of that rolling log perspective.
I want to be able to select older soundtracks (GCN please)

great ideas. I would like to see game consoles return like in the Gamecube version

Needs to have a new gimmick

I'd say make it in a city, you can be mayor and all that shit but instead of villagers its businesses

>actual house-visit flea markets
>less bland personalities
>you're not the mayor but a normal villager like before new leaf
As for the mobile app, it'll probably be some poke pelago-esque thing where you visit daily and get fruits or something

It would be great if the villagers would sell stuff too. It would make it worth it to visit them more than once.

Off the top of my head
>Logworld and no acres stay, but the map is divided into acres for easier navigating "Meet me at A4"
>Mayor overhaul, evict villagers by sending them to friend's towns, choose between a set of plots whenever a villager wants to move in
>Better PWP
>Main street in the town
>HHD house layouts, including the outside and facilities

It better look close to mario rabbids style graphics

it's been said, but I want the rolling pin perspective to disappear, but not back to the Gamecube perspective, just make it have the same perspective as any regular 3D game but with that Animal Crossing Art Style, it would look fantastic
I'm really hoping for aeroplanes to be in the next game too and it would be pretty cool to seamlessly enter any of your friends' towns without any transitions into an online mode where you can't really do much
otherwise I would love to have multiple islands to travel to in a boat that you can control yourself and have fishing locations that are on these islands as well as the resort
maybe each island has a different season, but in a way that doesn't make the game too easy. Imagine having to travel to these islands to get an extra 4 fossils or something or being able to run your town like it's part of an archipelago where animals can move into the various islands that you run, maybe being able to build huge bridges between some of them, but limited to two, as to not erase the usefulness of the boat
>I want to be able to select older soundtracks (GCN please)
that would be amazing, I never realised how much I wanted this user.
it's sad that they probably would never do this, due to losing money on VC games
having huge events like your villagers host a huge market with a long line of stalls would be great, but we'd need a lot more space for the town

>As for the mobile app, it'll probably be some poke pelago-esque thing where you visit daily and get fruits or something

agreed. I think it will be some sort of "standalone game" but it will benefit your town and maybe allow you to interact in basic ways

Why does everyone hate the rolling logworld so much? It's one of my favorite parts of the new games.

this logworld sucks

whats the gif from? Fan mock up?

Make the towns as big as the Great Plateau, have actual topography and shit, jumping and climbing, bikes, celshading or flat lighting instead of donut glaze bloom or clay "realistic" lighting

After Mario Run I don't have any hopes for the app. There is a small chance we'll get a decent little idle/timer game where you can build up a nice house and neighborhood, but you know Nintendo can't resist putting a quirky gimmick on it so it doesn't take away from sales of the actual game.

>not even letting Animal crossing escape the hueg open world meme

please just die, I don't want you giving Nintendo any ideas.

yes its from a fan made WII U mockup

not him, but it wouldn't be open-world if it's animal crossing
it would work the same as any AC game except there would be more to do

I hope they take my idea, they're never going to put any real effort into making the worlds in these games feel truly alive, might as well try to pull some wool over my eyes through sheer size. The tiny towns in WW and NL are fucking awful, anyways, especially NL with how everything is moved into a designated Main Street in the name of convenience.

not him but I'm tired of this

it looks awful now

honestly ac would work better as a phone game, that way you can check in on it a couple times a day. there's nothing to do anyways besides beetle farming on the island

Yeah, I don't see nintendo doing anything groundbreaking on mobiles anytime soon. Miitomo lasted for a few months at most, and I forgot mario run even existed. All the pokemon ones seem flawed; pokemon duel is the most enjoyable but noone even knows about it

the pokemon ones are basically licensed reskins, magikarp jump is near identical to hunt cook

I just thought they've probably been delaying it over and over because they might end up putting it on the Nintendo Switch App with some stuff to do on it without owning the next Switch game, before revealing lot of new crap to do when it's out

i want more collectibles and more interesting co op

I'd kill for this

I really hope we see an Animal Crossing coming to Switch in the near future. though the Wii U didn't get a port, there's really nothing left other than the mobile platform. it's guaranteed that the next main game won't be on the 3ds. Whatever Animal Crossing game comes out on mobile devices, will definitely not feel like the traditional Animal Crossing experience. New Leaf already suffers from a lack of dialogue variety and I doubt the mobile AC game will surpass it. I'm expecting the mobile game to be somewhat like Fire Emblem Heroes: very watered down and micro transactions

as for the Switch, I'd rather they put more time into including much more dialogue. I'm indifferent about the rolling log perspective. I'd like some sort of hub world where people can easily interact with each other, en masse.

animal crossing switch is definitely going to be a money-printer/system seller so i'm glad that they're taking their time with it (just like any other ac game (except city folk))

>More creativity like design your own shoes, socks, whatever Nintendo can think of.
>A Pokemon series
>A Bravely series

absolutely. I have the special edition AC 3ds and im literally just waiting for switch AC to finally get one

You got "open world" from that? Are you fucking retarded

>Mobile only
>Fallout Shelter ripoff
>Control the whole village, send villagers off to explore
>They'll fish, collect fruit, get stung, etc.
This is the future of AC, you know it's true.
This, or they won't bother making another after Amiibo Festival failed.
>"We need to rehaul our formula for no reason!"
>"Look, we made an AC game that nobody wanted and it sold poorly - Nobody likes AC anymore!"


>"Look, we made an AC game that nobody wanted and it sold poorly - Nobody likes AC anymore!"'

stop parroting this shit, it never happens

>there are still retards incapable of understanding the concept of a spin-off

>run run run wait
>run run run wait
>run run run wait
>run run run wait
>Can you deliver this to Rover?
>run run run wait
Fuck your acres.

This is a needlessly pessimistic outlook.
Happy home designer sold like hotcakes, New Leaf did so fucking good they did a full free major update to the game years after it came out, and Animal Crossing amiibo's are one of if not just straight up the most successful type of amiibos

Imagine somebody argue that mainline Pokemon was going to cease in favor of Pokemon GO because Pokken didn't sell great. That's how retarded your argument is.

They'd be stupid to not make AC mobile content but they'd be equally as stupid to ONLY make AC mobile content

forgot about this lol

anyone remember the random soccer balls that used to appear?

The cards were very, very successful but the figures flopped hard

>Look, we made an AC game that nobody wanted and it sold poorly - Nobody likes AC anymore!
This ain't Sony or Capcom jimbo

>Mfw I don't like the idea of acres returning other than the character being able to walk around the whole screen
>But rolling log is also shit
Why exactly can't we just do a normal top down perspective?

I also just really dont know where we can go from New Leaf with the series.

Let me fucking pick where the fucking villagers fucking put their fucking houses so some fucking rhino bitch doesnt fucking plant her fucking ugly ass house in the middle of my fucking orchard and ruins the whole fucking thing

But that isn't correct at all

The Welcome amiibo update secured success for that entire series of amiibo

I want the camera to be behind my character.

a town map that you can change up. via public works system. like moving ponds or some shit.

Nintenbro Defence Force is strong today
How does it feel having Nintendo's cock so far down your throat their nuts are on your tongue? Nintendo happily fucks you over year after year and you still defend them and their cancerous practices
>B-B-BUT [other company] DOES IT TOO
Not an argument

New Leaf already perfected all the utilities but they dropped the ball on the personalities. I think they need a complete rehaul.

Get rid of "personalities" like Grumpy and Jock and Preppy. Cut the villager count down to maybe 50-60 villagers, each with their own wholly unique dialogue and habits. By habits I mean wake-up/sleep times, where they can be found on any given day, their hobbies, what events they participate in, etc.

Bring back NES games you fucks.
Or even SNES games, those files aren't too big.

All I've ever wanted since Population Growing is a harvest moon style farming system

It would be the best game ever

Stardew Valley

I dont even buy products from Kikeshima's Nutendo you retard. We're just discussing the possibility of another Animal Crossing which is quite fucking high
>Being THIS upset you got proven wrong
Maybe don't just parrot Sup Forums pessimism in a vain attempt to fit in? Lurk more.

It makes me feel very sad that this doesn't sound completely impossible. I'm still optimistic that we'll see a really great AC on switch though.

don't respond to obvious bait, fucking idiot

>Falling for my secret double reverse bait

The 3-packs still clog shelves and just because stock was finally liquidated after over a full year at clearance prices and with resources pumped into another game to make people have interest in them, doesn't mean it wasn't a flop.

>nes games
oy vey, those belong on the virtual console. who doesn't want to pay $5 for balloon fight?

Well yeah, 3 packs are always retarded and don't sell

But there isnt going to be a virtual console on the Switch

You just fell for my triple layer bait, you fool!

not enough housing customization
not enough villager interaction
shit minigames
way to easy to get to "end game"

stardew valley is 5/10

The Sims 3 except not shitty and buggy but Animal Crossing.

>Implying the Switch will get an Animal Crossing game


All I'd like;
>More space for Gyroids
>My own aquarium/bug display case to fill with whatever I put in it
>Stacking the above close together increases space. Example; 1x1 holds 2, 2x1 holds 4, 2x2 holds 8. 8 Whalesharks inbound.
>Hanging out with animals. Like, you can have them follow you around and do the things you do. Plant flowers, shake trees, go fishing (and offer to exchange fish with you), etc
>Sleepovers; play at night, an animal you became good friends with may show up at your door, and ask if you'd want a sleepover. Fun minigames leading to pajama and night-themed items
>Slower grass degradation. Like, 10kx slower or something.
>Random weather. Day is cold, maybe has snow flurries instead of rain. Day is hot, get heat waviness. Day is fish, it rains fish.
>Quarry so you can mine stuff. Collect rocks, gems, and fossils that way.
>Swimming without the need of a suit. Negative that slows you down on land if you jump in with normal clothes.
>Shop and important NPCs have homes that they go to at night. You can visit them before they go to sleep and get fun lore or gain friendship with them.
>Short load times. Connect to the internet in seconds, join a friend's town in seconds. Done.

THIS. They don't have to bring acres back, but just get rid of the shitty rolling view. Or at least give the option of an overhead viewing angle. Also they need to fix the damn music and make it like the original again, I'm tired of airy tunes with no synth.

This, if nintendo wanted to go mobile AC would be perfect. Shallow, attention sucking waste of time.

24/7 stores from the beginning

I know it might ruin the small town feel but realistically people have all kinds of schedules and its bullshit you cant play the game if you work night shift or travel alot or something

Personally I think AC works better as a mobile game.

They simply need to add way more shit to the town. The games barely changed in terms of content since the first. The gif looks great in terms of that.

>Day is fish. It rains fish

I was with you until there. What the fuck does that mean

Shit nigga I've answered to this thread in my head many a times. Let me tell you.
The core gameplay mechanics should be left as they are. It is functional enough to keep you playing each day. I would obviously welcome a way to manage your tools more efficiently but I can live with how it is now. Where I really want to see them evolve is on the interactions with the villagers. New Leaf went on the right direction making villagers ask you to hang out and such but it led to nowhere. There shold be a meter of friendship and the better friend you are to a villager the more dialogue options and the more you get to know him. Here is where the app could tie in. The app could be a way to be in your village without being on the switch. What if, just hear me out, what if everyone on the village had a smartphone and that way you could ask them to hangout in your house at a certain hour without having to be in the game. You tell a fucking panda to be at your home at 8 and when you get home, you turn on your console and five minutes later there he is. You could even manage mail like this. Keep the old mail but add a new option where you can chat or message villagers. The functionality with the app would make the game so much more manageable. You could order stuff from nooks catalog, etc...

So, what does v think?

>Day is fish, it rains fish

>Swimming without a suit
Anyway nice ideas. I like them all, except I don't understand the stacking mechanic. Also loading time isn't much of a design choice.

Ability to kick animals from my town. The fucking anteater in new leaf needs to fuck off.

It's not as uncommon as you'd think

see yourself

i like how that one guy posted a whole argument with facts and analogies and you just called him a drone and totally blew him the fuck out

more fruit trees

Do you live in a submarine cavern?

>Day is fish, it rains fish.
>Day is fish

I could get behind AC having more bizarre things like that though, frankly

Actually having some good video games and a sense of actual progression until new game plus where you can do whatever after the main story finishes.
New Leaf sucked because there wasn't enough content outside of collecting bullshit like I'm a 10 year old girl in the pioneer village looking for berries and mushrooms so papa can put some mirrors in the house.
If Nintendo can apply open world to any IP AC would benefit the most from it along with having multiple towns and stats for fishing, gathering, bug traps, etc.