New scorn trailer is out:

New scorn trailer is out:

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What engine is this? Looks like UE4. Looks pretty good aesthetically. The guns are still a bit silly looking though.

I think is Unreal Engine

why do guns made of flesh and bone sound like regular guns?

This trailer makes me think this game might just have merit beyond it's great Beksinski/Giger artstyle
>character moves at a decently fast pace
>Guns look and sound like they have weight to them

And what surprised me is the PC has a relatively human hand at the beginning.

I'm expecting a slow horrific transformation into the player model they've released so far over the course of the game.

Might actually be cool

Get your ears checked.

That caught me off guard as well. Was expecting a fleshly noise and not a boomstick soundbite.

Stop shilling your game here please.


Something sounding like squishy-plasma would fit better

as long as i can disable those crosshairs, im fine

Empty corridor shooter game with gieger shit. Not looking great. Agony is looking better

That close quarters from the monster was very lackluster, it didn't feel threatening and the knock back from the player also lacked intensity.
Seems like it will be a more slow pace shooter, perhaps the emphasis will be in exploration?

The movespeed is good but it has very few footstep sounds when moving in a straight line with just one key, which combined with the long headbob makes it feel like the character has an abnormally long stride
Although it might be appropriate for the game and its atmosphere, its a little disorienting

Empty corridor hide and seek Amnesia ripoff. Not looking great. Scorn is looking better.

Calling it right now.

Everything will be fine except for the shooting/enemy movement


The aesthetic looks amazing so far, the shooting very generic though, up to and including the gun sounds

It's spelled Giger you fuck.

And the art style looks like a mix of other artists too

Oh the dev is here. Your game looks like shit

>porn for scorn is already out

Oh the Agony dev is here. Your game looks like ass

In case you guys don't know, the Kickstarter launched today. I'm a fucking shill, I know, but for one indie game that actually looks interesting, I want it to happen.

Did you back it?

Yeah, 20 bucks. I very rarely put money on crowdfunding shit, but I think this game is worth it.

For your sake I hope it is snepai because that shits a gamble

>Everything looks surreal
>Weapons sound like regular guns
Thats pretty shit. I hope they change it.

Why they change it to look like a human hand? Super autistic user from before pointed it out that in the announcement trailer the protag hand looked incredibly different, not human peach color but sickly, fleshy grey with veins like the rest of the game.

Calling it a gamble is a pretty pessimistic way of looking at it, but not unreasonable, considering the many recent failures. We don't know how the game will turn out (they'll release a demo soon I think), but they're clearly very talented people with a strong and unique vision and I want to support that.

Yeah, the only thing I don't like so far. I was expecting guns that wouldn't even shoot bullets. I want weirder stuff.

As far as I know the protag isn't even human. At least he's not supposed to look like one.

Maybe they thought it didn't stand out enough from the environment.

if this is just gonna be another amnesia clone, where you have to hide and not look at the monster (which was fine for amnesia) then im over this game

Like I said, I think the implication is that the PC is going to transform into the character model pictured in the OP over the course of the game. Kinda like a Quake 4 Strogg thing


honestly im ok with generic gameplay if the atmosphere is amazing

What's it about though? I've got a feeling this game will be an amalgam of a few genres without doing any of them well. Is it a shooter? Survival horror? What's the story?

They blew it. Generic dogshit #21315: the game.

>guns don't shoot out giblets taken up from enemy corpses that concuss your opponents, knocking them around like ragdolls
>guns don't shoot out streams of acid that melt away your enemies
>guns don't latch onto your enemies and bite chunks out of them
>guns don't even wiggle, pulsate or shuffle around unless you are examining them
>guns might as well just be a pistol and a shotgun
>hitscan shots from a fucking biomechanical horror gun


But Quake 4 strogg thing was very straightforward. Right now nothing is fucking known about what the hell we've watched in the trailer, not even a voiceover or anything. It's just some slow walking through a Geiger wankfest with no context.

What should it sound like? It's an explosion, possibly those little beads the PC stuck into it are some kind of chemical concoction similar to gunpowder;

What's with the fucking Tech-Metal in the beginning sound so out of place. Like this is just a slow paced doom I hope it's not though

An implication isn't straightforward whoda-fuckin-thunk

can i play it to nine inch nails

this is important

ugh so they went the 3person shooter route, jez i was expecting a good olĀ“ puzzle game ala myst/riven

Implication of what you fucking nob? Zero context besides a Geiger wankfest of his closet vore fetish and that other slavs flesh fetish.

name a game where you cant

Weve only seen two weapons. Theres a chance theres more weird flesh guns that do more biological attacks.

Crosshairs in a horror game when the fuck will devs learn? Srs make it harder for the player not easier where suppose to struggle!!

any game that doesn't fit the style of year zero, fragile, downward spiral, add violence EP, or with teeth

Anyone else upset how functional the world is. Beksinski is great because his art is so uncanny and otherworldly. But here you got guns and elevators like your just on some creepy planet instead of some insane dimension

>First trailers released show player model with some fleshy, bio-organic exoskeleton
>Latest gameplay trailer shows human hand and monsters attacking for the first time, implied to be the first time with the nonhostile creature at the start

im sorry you hate video games and art this much to be retarded

>most decent looking game in years
>post the trailer on a board with such low standards, that Nier is the current contender for GOTY
>all of the sudden autists become critical
>the game will either release with hype out the ass or will be thrown under the rug for not being feelsy shit

never change, Sup Forums

reminder that advertising threads are bannable

I thought something like maybe a mini-teargas nade launcher or some shit. Quick, silent, maybe fleshy ejection of a projectile that explodes on impact, later affecting enemies with poisonous, corroding damage.

>No option to be compassionate towards monsters.
>No option to pet them or befriend them.
>Player shoots first, being the violent one.
>No option to MAKE US WHOLE ISAAC.


Man those are some odd forms

It's for discussion. If you banned people for announcing trailers of new/upcoming games that'd be fucking stupid.

>most decent looking game in years
design wise yes, gameplay wise,it looks like your standard generic corridor shooter

consider that this isn't the beginning of the game and he's already been attacked. or he already knows that everything will hate him. or the idea of dropping a game because you can't be friends with the monsters is the dumbest shit i've ever heard.

it looks interesting still and i'll probably still be buying it, but to say that we're being overly critical is folly
most of the complaints are with gun sounds

>Agony is looking better
I though this was an Agony trailer, these games are basically the same.

The visuals don't look as nice as I was expecting -- everything looks like plastic -- but that might be due to shitty video compression erasing fine details.

It is UE4

no budget

don't have high expectations, it's gonna be janky as fuck, and episode 2 is most likely going to be canceled. Devs don't have the budget and have been really struggling

agony is a hide-n-seek simulator with demons and pitch black hallways

>can make super detailed walls and monsters
>can't bother creating a gib sprite or some kind of projectile

The game looks pretty slow paced and without a too satisfying combat despite the massive amount of recoil that even the "pistol" has. The environments are straight outta a surreal horror painting and I love the way it looks despite it all being too static and unmoving for something that should be built out of flesh.

Honestly the game seems like it is trying to sell purely on its aesthetic and mood alone, so when I buy it it better deliver on a damn good show.

Why the actual fuck do developers always use a gamepad when recording a gameplay demo of a first-person game?

well yeah that's what the kickstarter is for. they'll probably finish episode 1 regardless, but if they don't meet the goal it's not gonna be polished at all

Not a huge fan of horror games as a whole but the I really liked the art direction. Game seems slow paced though, but might give it a shot if it releases

to be fair, it's probably all scripted, including the look commands.

but it gives it a smoother feel, instead of some guy unevenly moving a mouse around


we had the same thread yesterday
and I'm sure we'll have the same thread tomorrow
and the day after that too
it's blatant shilling.

Agony is more Dan Seagrave, this is more Giger.

Agony looks a lot better. This just looks like Unreal walk down corridor game.

Looks cool, make me think of alien.

But this horror in the way Dead space is horror, meaning not scary at all.

I suppose using a mouse does sometimes look like shit to anyone who isn't playing. But personally, I'm more bothered by the jerky thumbstick movements. I'm never really bothered by watching someone play a first-person game with a mouse, but I'll concede that it might not make for demo-worthy footage either.

it looks great, definitely get that HR giger feel (guy who designed the original 'alien' movie stuff).

nah it's probably just a guy playing with very low mouse sensitivity, that's how it's often done. scripted camera movements look too fake because they're "too perfect".

really? I don't get why people like Agony, except for the tits-demon

don't worry, PC is their priority platform, they're just using the gamepad for trailers because it looks smoother

>"agony looks better"
>its a literal hide n seek simulator with shitty blurry visuals and crooked Unity-tier animations

at least Scorn gets the damn visuals and some gameplay right, Agony is an outright fucking mess with no visual focus.

i knew it. this game has been in limbo for years. a bunch of failed kickstarters and they're trying again? i had high hopes for this game but the way its going its not going to be good. you can't have no communication and little to no updates and expect it to do well. the last update we had before this was june 2016 with promises of a new trailer soon and here we are a year later and finally a new gameplay trailer but also a kickstarter? this project is just mismanaged. at least we have Agony.

I like the aesthetics, but the trailers do give the impression that it's basically a walking simulator. The artists who worked on this game should have just been hired for the Doom remake, or a non-shitty remake of Painkiller, or something.

It looks like they're trying way too hard with the gore/viscera and flesh moss.

>you can see your character's dick


and most games still won't let me see my feet


Looks boring and slow. Why doesnt everything always need to be covered in blood in horror games and be bio tech.

>game is just a shitty corridor shooter

game gives me the same feeling of the original prey