>game where you play a hunter in a pre-industrial society
>you can recruit animal companions to take hunting with you
>they're cats
>not dogs
How do you fuck this up?
>game where you play a hunter in a pre-industrial society
>you can recruit animal companions to take hunting with you
>they're cats
>not dogs
How do you fuck this up?
Cats are cuter and more marketable.
Shit look stupid as hell for a new PS4 game. Why are the guns so slow?
more puns
because of the japs' stupid infatuation with them. they can't get enough of their NYAAAA~ >w< crap.
Because it's somehow a little bit more reallistic than the average fps
You can hit shit while moving with a g
there probably is a lynian race of dog like fuckers in the mon hun universe
frontier had the monkey guys. i prefer a Shakalaka tho
Cats are better hunters.
>he's having a ruff time barking up some tail-wagging puppy puns
it's pawsible that you were dropped on your head as a pup, but awoo'll throw you a bone just this once. Now, fetch.
meanwhile in the U.S. you have faggots going "heck" "bamboozle" "bork"
U.S./Australia's obsession w/ dogs is as sick as Nip's with fucking cats
t. people disgust me - 2017 edition
>not post
user get it together
>white cats are suicide bombers
>black cats steal from you
NYAligion of peace!
deepest lore
Puns are the lowest form of humor.
Who says bork besides the swedish chef
Dogs is too cool for that shit.
post rooms
That sounds fun as fuck. Game?
Stay mad dogfag, cats are just better hunters.
Surely you must be joking
I actually don't really get why they haven't made a dog version yet. Just model a couple different heads and glue them on top.
In a series whose grotesque premise involves relentlessly hunting giant monsters to their deaths and harvesting their already mutilated carcasses to build weapons and armor (and occasional purses) to repeat the cycle, you...
> Hunt with hunting CATS instead of dogs
> Shout "HYAA!" when you successfully overcook a steak to well done with a cute jingle to go along with it
> Flex every time you drink a potion, even in the midst of a battle against the most savage of Jhos
> Rub your tummy in satisfaction every time you eat a steak
It's these little cute details that juxtapose with the main theme that make Monster Hunter, Monster Hunter.
Which is what monhun does with palicos
Beast Slayer
because dogs are boring
the cats have no fur ball related animations and meow constantly for attention.
how'd I do?
I fucked a dog when I was 26
>new mh where at the start of the game you have to choose between the cat faction and dog faction
Doge fags, pls go
>cats are good hunters
>can't even avoid being btfo by great jaggi
>he prefers cats over dogs
dogs are great and all but cats are superior
thanks OP, now I want a game with a darker aesthetic where people with swords and muskets hunt monsters with mastiffs.
I came buckets.
They were actually considering bringing in dog companions for Generations during development.
>you can train your doggo to the point where it turns into an anthropomorph
Japan has little land space for dogs. Cats tend to not take as much room as dogs and you don't need to walk your dog every day. That whole walking the dog will interfere with their busy lifestyle.
It's a post industrial world fagboy.
I will buy the dog DLC for MHW for $9.99.
Cats are fine too
Posting best doggo
Meowstress for MHWorld!
At least doggos are safe from the faggots who make porn. Seriously, how lost do you have to be?
Cats are hunters by nature
Dogs are slaves by nature
Cats hunt just for fun just like us
Only after they have included Sophia and Aisha
Dogs are retards.
All they do is shit and piss on everything.
Is that what you want?
A dog shitting all over your enemies?
Cats are retards. All they do is throw bombs at you when you're charging up to a bop a monster on the head.
>he doesn't have a hunting Beatle
Dogs are shit tier animals, cats are superior.
Cats are to unintelligent to really care about their owners
Dogs are smarter than cats though. It's like saying chimps are dumb because they throw shit at eachother, the more fun an animal has doing stupid shit is usually an indicator of intelligence, they enjoy themselves like people do. Dumb animals like cats just sleep all day because they don't have a concept of fun.
This. You must be seriously low IQ to think because dogs are clumsy and so dumb shit that means they are actually stupid. They are actually pretty smart animals which is why they can be trained and are actually useful to people
Just imagine a seeing eye cat
>be catfag
>kitty comes in and starts rubbing against me
>start petting her
>she enjoys it for like a minute
>out of nowhere, grabs my arm and claws the shit out of me for no reason
fuck cats. she's my sisters and she just started college yesterday. i'm going to just put the damn thing outside and let it fend for itself.
She's playing with you. Don't be such a pussy about a cat.
Let it be free.
My neighbors cats visit my house everyday.
You're already regularly throwing shit bombs on monsters in these games.
No. Waifushitters get away from my mh.
On topic though, dogs>cats by a large margin.
I think I prefer dogs because they act more like humans, but I don't hate cats. It's just with my dog I can make retard noises and chase it around making dumb faces and it gets that this is a game and plays along. My cat just does not give a shit and sleeps all day, it's cuts but just behaves like an alien. Dogs seem to think about the world a bit more like humans do which while not making them "superior" I think makes them a better pet.
What about Wyverns?
HBGs were already some of the best weapons in the series, now you get to move around even more along with a much lower skill floor and you're still bitching
Idgaf about guildmarm or any of the guild ladies. I'm here to smash monsters not talk to nerds.
I trained my cat to fetch. Adorable little bastard. I miss him. Cats are cute AF, and that makes them marketable. Intelligence isn't the issue here.
I'm here to smash monsters and dress my femhunter up cute.
I don't want to talk to people who play femhunters. Anyone who chooses frilly skirts over sentai armour is no friend of mine.
Behemoth Killer
I see you're also a man of culture
Not wanting to be an adorable bundle of fur, wielding a big ass hammer smacking monster around
You are correct.
Creature Stalker
Look at second from left on the top, that shit is mad gay. Do you know what male gammoth armour looks like? I do because I'm wearing it. It looks sick.
There are only two decent suits here. Astalos and the one below it. If you have exposed skin the armour is shit. I don't want to see your ugly face cover that shit up.
Dont use as often.
When I get swindled.
When something breaks
Please try to contain your homosexuality.
Also isn't MHW apparently going to have a helmet toggle option?
Pretty sure the homos were the kids playing with barbies. Dunno, that'll be unfortunate because every special snowflake weener will run around helmetless so I can appreciate their 100 hours in the character creator.
And that shit doesnt even look close to the game because fem hunters are so bulky and rigid
That's actually for a new weapon like the insect glaive it would be a sword and sheild with no sheild but doggo
it's post-apocalyptic you nignog
>Talking shit about Fem Maccao armor
You sicken me.
I don't even recognize it on there. Male armour is usually easier to line up with the proper monster. With fem armour I have to decide whether the frills look more like a zinogre or a khezu.
it is a universal rule that once a steak is eaten, you gotta flex. Dogs are no exception
oh wait, MHW ruined that
Femhunters in the game are too fat, unlike the ones in the concept arts. They seriously need to add body slider in MHW.
I think you are trying a bit hard user, yes girl shave a bit less in the way of nice lookin armor. But you can clearly tell which monsters produce which armor.
As long as you know who the monster is. Given some of the armor on there isn't even from a monster like the bottom right two.
>all these catfags
cats are absolutely fucking stupid animals. It is embarrassing that they became domesticated through self-domestication but their domestic breeds are still fucking retarded unlike Doves and Dogs which actually became smarter and more complex.
A cat's brain is more complex than a dog's but it is entirely wasted on their eyes instead of cognitive ability. Cats are so retarded they have no social behavior except acting like they are a kitten even when they are fully grown-up.
Cats are the animal equivalent to a socially retarded manchild.
Which armor is the bottom-middle right one? It looks really good, dunno if its in any of the games yet though..
There are a fair few that I don't recognize there and it was much easier to do so with the male armour. Some of it loses the monsters identity in exchange for "cute" factor.
Mitsuaoi Armor.
Shit meant for
>browsing reddit
Is Gammoth a wyvern too?
Thanks! :)
GOAT game right here
Wiki says fanged beast
Well there is some concept art where it depicts a new weapon which used a dog as a companion, that might had ended up as the kinsect staff though
Dogs get the spotlight in most games. Cats need some time to shine too.