Over 20 side quests to do

>Over 20 side quests to do
>Too far into the game, areas are full of annoying and boring to kill enemies
>Moving around the ship is slow and doesn't feel good

I should just focus on the main story, right?

>he didn't get mobility 1 & 2
>he doesn't just zip around the station at sanic speed
>he's such a pleb

This game be very fun user in my opinion.

It seems to polarise people. I love it, my brother thought it was boring and hated it.

>he didn't get mobility 1 & 2
You're actually right user. I would've if during the almost 20h I've been playing, most of the areas didn't have only 2 enemies at most.
I tried to play as a sneaky character and this is frustrating now.

My PC isn't going to load the areas at sanic speed though.

What kind of junker do you have? Prey isn't a demanding game.

This. Hell I underclocked my 390X set the game to medium and my temps don't even go over 50 degrees.

>I tried to play as a sneaky character
This is your biggest problem.
Prey isn't Thief or Dishonored, it's SS2 with a new coat of paint. Sneaking is a tool to help you in combat by allowing you to start engagements on favorable terms by scouting and getting the drop on enemies.
Also most areas certainly have many more than 2 enemies.

Its just like Dishonored or Hitman. Most people can't into stealth, and just ignore the optional parts of the level or level design which means you skip most of the level

Wait, this game has sidequests? I thought this was some sorta Bioshock/System Shock thingy.

It most certainly is a System Shock thingy, aka it has sidequests.
Bioshock on the other hand is a linear, overrated shooter.

I'm not great at stealth, but I DO love hacking everything I see, and setting up turrets to ambush the enemies, and then beating them with my wrench if they get too close in bullet time.

It's a shame ammo is so scarce in this game outside of making it yourself, at least early game. But on the flipside it makes you think a little harder about how to make the most of it.

Sometimes it's fun rambo-ing the shadows, then running up the stairs spam the heal bot and then run back down and rambo some more.

And what I like most is that the game can surprise you. Enemies can actually follow you and ambush you.

>shame ammo is so scarce
Did we play the same game?

>outside of making it yourself
But you can make literal shitloads of it, that's the point.

It has side quests, but only a handful are somewhat meaningful, and even then all of them follow the "go there get that" pattern, which means run through the station killing the same enemies you've been killing for hours and maybe come back
Prey isn't a stealth game, at all.

I waste it accidentally when I get ambushed.
I'm trying not to abuse the psi powers first time round.

I get that you can make it, but I'm trying not to backtrack too much outside of sidequests.

I'm not going to horde things up like I'm playing other Bethesda games.

But why? You just take every material you see and throw a recycler once in a while. I never really had a shortage of it.

>I'm not going to horde things up like I'm playing other Bethesda games.
Then you're honestly doing it wrong, the fact that this game's progression system is based around crafting, which you can only do from turning the shit you gather into materials, "forces" you to hoard. I ran with over 100 shotgun ammo from like 5h into the game until the end

There's no reason to backtrack at all either, you find reclyclers in every area in the game

>Prey isn't a stealth game, at all.

>He wasn't a fucking ninja by the end of the game with the mobility upgrades and silent sprinting.

You're right though, the game can't handle stealth in the slightest, enemies are too stupid to deal with it.

>Stealth means sprinting past everything
Oh okay, why would you compare it with Dishonored or Hitman in the first place tho

I waste it on mimics a lot. I spent like 20 shells trying to hit one that hid on a platform and wouldn't get the fuck down.

It doesn't matter all that much since the most lethal thing in the game is broken walls that shoot out electricity, and like three shadows at once with elemental powers.

Ask for a refund like I did


Shows how much I know about System Shock, lol.

I'm not that guy, broseph, but saying Prey isn't a stealth game "at all" isn't true, when it gives you pretty decent options to be as stealthy as you want.

System Shock has no sidequests.


>Not using the Margrave