Why do so many people pretend to like this game?

Why do so many people pretend to like this game?
It's absolute disaster,everything about it is fuckin shit.I have it on my pc for like over 3 months and still haven't finished it all,it's really that boring.I literally have to force myself to play it in order to finish it.
And i've played almost all the other Platinum games,but this is just dissapointment.I think they shouldn't have cancelled work on Scalebound,so they would not get involved in this mess.


Mostly the soundtrack and 2B's ass. Gameplay is pretty shit.

It's not a disaster but it did fall short of outdoing NieR

My main gripes are the combat system, whilst fluid and responsive, doesn't feel very weighty and there's very little viscerality to it all
I also don't like the characters, 9S is probably the most annoying shota bait I've seen in a while
I don't know how they could mess up so bad after Emil was such a good boy

Also, I didn't exactly get pulled into the story very much
Papa Niers dillemma gripped at my heart and got me wanting to save my daughter where I lacked that sense of purpose in Automata

The soundtrack is also a step down in my opinion, they kept it more lower paced and quiet which I didn't think fit the fast pace of the game

I think a rerelease for NieR with the piano rendition of the soundtrack and slightly upgraded visuals with both Papa Nier and Brother Nier available as seperate campaigns would be a much better game overall

when u got no argument,this is the easient way to respond
soundtrack is shit too.90% of it is just some girls chanting,trying to sound epic and thrilling but it's just cringeworthy.In a few missions that chanting even gets so annoying i was tempted to completely shut the sound.

When you make a bait thread, it's the easiest way to respond. There's already a thread up for the game, and your arguments are trying too hard to be contrarion. Moving along.

its not a game for brainlets

the story is recycled and generic too.Whats this 2deep4u concept?.That robots can feel emotions?I've already seen this in dozens of movies and other games,so yeah,nothing new really.

You already made this thread.

not me,i saw this earlier,but i wanted to make my own thread.

>nier autoundertale
>people can't argument that it isn't just a degenerate shill game

>people can't argument

Nier has been on Sup Forums's 'always like' list since the first one.

>Playing a Nier game because it's by Platinum

Finished it within a week, one of the best games released in 2017 so far.

>I don't like it so it means everyone else is pretending to like it

OK kid

Why do you type like a complete retard? I suppose it at least compliments the content of your posts.

I was on the fence since it's on sale, but this thread convinced me to pass up on it.

>passing on a game because a retarded phoneposter didn't like it

To be fair, do you want faggots like these to pop up when discussing the game?

>when u got no argument

You literally started your post with "People can't like things I don't like they must just be pretending to upset me"
If it isn't bait then it doesn't even deserve a response, even if all your criticisms of it were valid (They're not, you're not making any real criticisms or even making an argument at all beyond saying "It's bad and I don't like it" which can't be argued with beyond saying "It's good and I do like it") your post would still be irredeemable garbage.

That's because there's only 20 of you faggots that actually talk about it

I like it for the lynchian narrative but whatever