>assassination mission
>it's a likable character
Assassination mission
Other urls found in this thread:
>it's the retired protag from the previous game who just enjoys his peacful life
Mafia 2
>it's a black guy
>target is a cute grill
mafia 2
>have to assassinate the assassin
>he regrets killing
>leave him alive because you understand it was just his job
>Target is a police officer that was doing his job
>the only safe place to do it is when he is eating dinner with his family
>You hear the tragic screams as a woman lose the person she loves and as two children completely lose their innocence
>500 exp, $1000
it wasnt
>hey daud can u shank this homeless dude for a couple of coins
it was
>hey daud kill the fucking empress right in front of her lover that's like orders of magnitude stronger then you or anyone in this world.
he basically asked to be killed.
>Target was you
>not killing just the kids
role playing edgy 'nothin personnel kid' is fun
>dudes brainwash people they capture to kill people for them
>you're a threat to them , they capture you but dont know its you
>brainwash you to look for and kill yourself
should i play that game?
I heard the technology was fun
>You need to kill someone to save your son
>The scene is full QTE.
You're thinking about Mafia 1.
Play that first, then get ready to be disappointed by 2, and get ready to hate 3 until you realised that it's alright albeit boring game.
Mr salieri send his regards
Irish brothers was a harder choice. Playboy was clearly a faggot. I liked both of the brothers.
You don't have to kill Dwayne though, you can kill the other guy and get his appartment.
I know but it's still a pretty depressing moment. Dude just turns around and accepts it.
>escort mission
>it's an unlikable character
>Its a retired protag from the previous game and it turns out he's an asshole
>people killed Dwayne
>escort mission
>involves kids
Fuck Bioshock man
>Assassin joins the party
>Justifies his job by claiming he isn't murdering anyone, its the people paying him that are the true murderers and he is just the weapon
>Not killing Playboy and getting his apartment
>And Claude's outfit
Fucking slavs
>game forces you to kill character
>feels like afterthought
fucking BF4
>assassinated character turns out to be bro-tier in the prequels
>not enjoying beeing big dady.
What a faggot you are, holy shit.
If I want to be a big daddy AND a little sister, I play Bioshock 2. The last level of Bioshock 1 was horrible.
What game?
>Assassin joins the party
>Thinks his work is art and drones on about how death is a release
you can't stop me
>guys tries to get you to kill one of 2 characters you've been playing as the entire game
>instead work together to kill them
Get out of here STALKER.
Kinda dissapointented when the YOLO option the GTA5 ending didnt result in Franklin dying, would have fit.
Why did they have to make ryder a vilian.
He wasn't busta, he gave his heart to groove
Driving around the map, switching characters and killing all the fucks that messed with you thorough the game was honestly dope as hell
Still, I would prefer if the "death wish" option would result in an actual death of Franklin and the Ending C we have now would be some kind of secret good ending, unlocked under specific circumstances. If the game had more actual choices this could work great
>assassination mission
>wide variety of ways to accomplish it
I love the Assassin's guild one where you kill the bride. I stealth casted frenzy on the groom and watched as he stabbed his wife to death.
>Assassins claims he's just doing the dirty work that needs to be done
I forgave him on an emotional level, but I still killed him. He lived by the sword, so he got to die by the sword. That was the consequence for his behavior, I understood that he wasn't a bad guy, but being chill isn't a free pass.
the Deathwish option should've had the player scrambling to control all 3 and keep them alive, and if anyone dies during that mission its permanent and you get a different ending depending on who makes it out alive, including if all 3 get killed
Can't do that mission. Dwayne was like a kicked dog that is dying.
>Thebe Neruda Kgositsile
Who made the contract? Same with the treasure hunters up north.
Childhood is idolizing "Kill Trevor"
Adulthood is realizing "Kill Michael" makes more sense.
At the time, Daud and his men had powers from the Outsider and Corvo was just some regular (albeit decorated) soldier rumored to have had an affair with the empress.
>Character that joins the party revealed to be assassin
>Whines about protags being moralfags
>Ends up worshiping parties most hopeless moralfag
It was pretty much accepted that Corvo was the father of Emily. They just don't mention it in good company.
Its ok if you take it as an interactive gangster movie
What sense it DID make though? Granted, I've played the game right after first release and haven't touched it since then and I did forget a lot of stuff probably, but I don't remember Franklin having much reason to kill Mike other than a rich powerful asshole forcing him to do it
Who the fuck choses Dwayne over Playboy X? you don't even get a sweet apartment
don't worry, the plot was forgettable for everyone else too
Michael is a snitch, he turned states the second he had anything to lose like the bitch he was, if anyone ever put pressure on mike again he'd probably flip on frank
Mafia 2 has great cutscenes/story and boring gameplay. If you get past the WE WUZ for Mafia 3, at best the cutscenes are worth checking out on youtube
I'll concede that I didn't read too many of the literal novels scattered throughout the game, but was it ever clarified how open this "secret" was? Like, yeah, everyone in the Empress' palace would know and I assume that everyone of the upper class (ie: everyone in the Boyle party) would at the very least have heard rumors but would the general public and working class know about it?
>snitch's instantly deserve death
do you live in a philadelphia ghetto?
Do you enjoy having your chest cavity blown open in the middle of some shitty Canada farm town just because your "friend" got married to a whore?
>police member that allows you to clear 3 star wanted level during story quest
>a homeless guy that would die of cancer anyway
Canon choice would be killing Derrick since Packie mentions his death in GTA V during the Paleto Bay heist
betrayal leads to the lowest place in hell
Probably. Everyone knew about the gay brothel scandal with Queen Victoria's husband Albert,
>Play as an assassin
>Have to assassinate the bad guys
>Partway though you switch sides and have to assassinate your former allies
Rogue was pretty fucking great.
Actually from what I remember she got pregnant during some festival in which everyone wears masks and basically "whatever happens during the festival is forgotten". Even if rumours circulated, I don't think that many people actually knew or were certain, definitely not in a "everybody knows, but nobody speaks it aloud" kind of way.
>assassin joins the party
>is gay and comes onto you
>decides to try and kill you if you reject his advances
Alpha Protocol did it good
>escort mission
>if you fail you have to start from the very beginning again
>fail when you're near the end
>have to do 15+ minutes of bullshit again
That was my understanding as well. Like it was an open secret in the palace but in the general public it's just randomrumors that people circulate but it's more of an entertaining theory than an actual confirmation.
Like the equivalent of Dan "Funny fake name" Schneider being a pedo. It's fairly obvious but ultimately just a rumor.
To be fair, Corvo coming back so early caught Daud by surprise, Corvo was due to coming back months later, hell, they actually went with the plan to kill the empress because they believed Corvo would be leagues away, leaving them plenty of time to cover everything up.
>you have to choose between a likable character or a piece of human shit
why even bother having "moral choices" when one is objectively the correct decision? I seriously hope none of you niggas killed Dwayne.
what's even the point of killing dwayne, if you kill playboy you get his safehouse
To end his suffering
>Irish brothers was a harder choice.
Not really. Corrupt cop that tells you to kill his own brother just because he's a nuisance is a million times worse than a drunkard who only wants you to kill his brother because he already put a hit on him first.
to be honest, both were shit. I had enough of dwayne's crying, and so badly just wanted to tell him to man up and go work a factory job or some shit. and playboy was an insufferable cunt that needed to be put down.
tfw killed dwayne
Would have killed whiny Dwayne if it wasn't for the apartment.
Yes thats where Michael will be
>tfw he calls you up after thinking you tried to contact him
He's the only character in the game to do this and it's really depressing.
>Ay yo, did you just phone me?
>No, Dwayne
>I was in the shower, man, and I thought I heard the phone.
>Sorry, it wasn't me
>That's cool. Call me if you want to hang or something
They're both pieces of shit though, just in other ways. Thinking that killing Dwayne is morally superior just because he's "oh so sad and miserable" is naive as hell. Playboy did offer him money, support, place to sleep, even a piece of an empire that he built by himself when Dwayne was rotting in jail. But instead of accepting help and getting straightened up Dwayne preferred to sit by himself in some ruined apartment and cry about how nobody likes him any more and that he's not a big boss any more(surprise, surprise, that's what happen to you when you get arrested), ultimately getting hostile towards a guy who legitimately did try to help him before he noticed that not only he's beyond saving, but also turned into a dangerous paranoic. Putting him out of his misery was the only thing Dwayne deserved. Yes, playboy was a manipulative bastard, but Dwayne was as well, what he does to you is pretty much emotional blackmail
Holy fuck was Playboy always the ugly
He's hard to recognize without the big shit eating grin
He was just doing his job but he is the one who chose that job knowing what it involves doing to everyone else who lives in the country with you. He deserves it, he is a member of an armed gang not made any better by the fact that it is funded by the government and occasionally also does the right thing as well.
My inner-authoritarian can't let me hate a cop who bends the rules to remove criminals. Every country needs a Duterte. Crackhead brother was good for nothing.
You sound like a repulsive cuck.
Well, can't argue with those trips.
I totally agree with you but come on man, just look at this sweet penthouse.
>assassination mission
>it's your mentor
>assassination level
>it's a black guy
What a fucking whore
>breaks your bones then throws you into a ravine expecting you to die because "grrr i hate the guvernmant"
Big boss is a cucked retard
>You need to kill your son
>The scene is full QTE
>assassination mission
>you can just use a sniper from a rooftop and then calmly leave the scene while everyone is losing their shit
>you have to kill yourself
>no QTE
>from a rooftop