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Dey tooker

Too ambitious. They still went ahead to make the best game of this decade.

So true /v can't handle that

Witcher 3 was a timesink and not impressive or emotionally reverent in any way.

Bloodborne is actually the game of the decade, Witcher 3 is the runner up.

I tried to replicate in my game like a year ago. It looks a lot better than the below picture.

Me not having completed Bloodborne and the fact that it didn't win GOTY sats otherwise

>best game of this decade.

Fuck off shill

git gud

It's fucking easy cunt, I got bored. I just completed Dark Souls 3 and it made me realize I never want to play those games again.

>GOTY given by current year journo means anything

Go back your cuck shed boi

Why was the Witcher 3 much more successful and beloved by everyone then?

>le wander around an incohesive Japanese Brotherhood Of The Wolf ripoff Dark Souls reskin


Too much graphics for its time and it was way ahead of that.

Would need at least an GTX 1180 to pull everything off in those trailer bullshots.


It looked realer than real life and no one could run that

you mean shills?

They played the game on a console.

What did they mean by this?

You can see it in the OP image.

it even doesn't matter, Novigrad is one of the worst open world cities ever made, the biggest disappointment of TW3

>game is fucking amazing
>get's salty cause the game is not graphically a master piece
>complains that uncharted 4 is sonyfag trash
make up your mind user.
+ i loved the game and better graphics wouldn't make it better, that's not how games works.

It's not about bloodborne being easy or hard, the game is just boring

did they slap the same two houses on top of each other??

A game also need a good control and combat which Witcher 3 doesn't have.

no it doesn't.

Fuck off you piece of shit snide shitposter who never contributes to anything and just insults people who have too much fun.

it's a glorified barbie game for boys you pleb fag.

tbf that shit actually happened.

there's a huge difference between being a graphicsfag and being disappointed with how a much a game gets downgraded before release

Developers need to get their shit together and stop showing off footage that looks better than their actual game ever will

I just insult peoples that have shit taste like you. Witcher 3 is the game of the decade? by what standard? Control is clunky as fuck, the combat is even clunkier with stupid auto-lock on, stupid enemy AI that just stand there while you unload 10 arrows to their face and lazy invisible wall.

I'm not that user you worthless shitposter, this isn't about whether the Witcher 3 is good (it isn't), it's about you calling anyone who has badwrongfun a shill.

>getting triggered by the word shill

Did I hit a nerve there, shill?


how much did they pay you?

When was the last time you had fun.

Right now actually :^)

being this easily amused

Exactly. You don't play games for fun, you shitpost and call people shills for fun. Absolutely pathetic.

>many retards like thing
>thing must be good

go back to your retard hole

>he doesn't have dual monitor setup

step it up faggot, I'm playing Dragon's Dogma as we speak

now i will snatch every motherfucker birthday

You're speaking as we speak.

It's not even the game of that year

Both are awful video games but Witcher 3 at least had an amazing OST and fun characters and places to look at.

Please neck yourself, NeoFAG.

And whether you like it or not, if a game is "game of the gen", it's the new Zelda.

This post gave me cancer

>if they put this amount of graphics in the final release you would be bitching that you cant play at ultra
No? When Crysis launched it had future hardware in mind and couldn't be played on the best settings at the time, and it was fine.

So why can't you just enable the settings that they used in the trailer, and run it at 5FPS or whatever? Oh, you can't, because they were bullshots.

wrong they had a gameplay demo during the e3

How does that prove what I said wrong? Try to really use your brain here.

Because they fucking showed the gameplay of the game nigger?

How's that a bullshot.

Just like Killzone 3 had "gameplay" at E3?
Does the game look like the video you posted? Did you actually try using your brain?

what a fucking shame. consoles holding everything back

Holy fuck you think that what i showed was CGI? You are even dumber than i thought.
>Does the game look like the video you posted? Did you actually try using your brain?

Thats the point of a downgrade stupid idiot.