Are these games actually fun and worth the money? What about the spinoffs?
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You need to have an IQ of over 165 to understand the genius of these games. Every single one of them is worth every second of your time. Except Noire's game. Fuck Noire.
Is this true?
They're more for reading and enjoying the girls interaction than actually rewarding combat. It's up to you to decide if you like what the game prioritizes
Yes why wouldn't it be
When has anyone ever lied on Sup Forums?
Noire has no friends. NO FRIENDS.
Nonsense, i'm her friend.
Sure, go play rebirth 1 and see if you like it.
I just played them for the first time over the past few weeks. I enjoyed re;birth 1, 3 and sega hard girls. Wasn't a fan of re;birth 2 and didn't get more than a few minutes into noire's game.
>nep threads die quick if you talk about the games instead of the girls
Usually because those threads are shitpost bait
Pirate Re;Birth 1 and see if you like them
>Fuck Noire.
Lastation's sisters are perfect.
>Are these games actually fun and worth the money?
Yes. Although, I'd wait until they're on sale, which is pretty frequently. You'll easily get 60 hours of playtime out of the main games.
>Fuck Noire
I fucking wish.
The Re;Birth's and V-II are worth it. Of the spin-offs VS Sega Hard Girls is your best bet. Definitely wait for a sale though to buy them if you're going the Steam route. Waiting to see how 4GO is as a spinoff.
I'd like my own Histy for on the go, shame she only has a single use.
Stfu you brainlet. Noire's game was the deepest master piece on the planet. You need an IQ of at least 200 to understand it!
SeHa game is shit, Nep didn't deserve all that shit
she did, at least once
Cumming inside Noire!
Fuck off Segami
If Noires game was so great why didn't Secretary lick her tunmy, or confess to Saori? The brainlet is you.
>Re;Birth 1-3
Decent JRPGs, all use the same battle system and reuse lots of assets across all three games so marathoning them could make it tedious. Fun characters and funny writing (except Red, she's the fucking worst)
I haven't played this one yet, but many say this is the best HDN game.
>Hyperdevotion Noire
SRPG with Noire as the main girl. I enjoyed it personally but the amount of effort to get the true ending/100% the game + the self-insert protagonist annoys a lot of people
>Action Unleashed U & Blanc vs Zombies
If you've played the Senran Kagura Versus games before, they're pretty much those with a Neptunia skin. BvZ is my favourite of the two because it's funnier.
>Producing Perfection
Idol sim/dating sim/rhythm game (kind of) with the four CPUs. Probably the worst of the Neptunia games as all you can do in the performance sections is move the camera and trigger some effects
>Sega Hard Girls
Re;Birth game on a time management system
But Red is cute, annoying but cute
This dyke thought she could replace Nisa. She's fucking trash.
Is sega hard girls any good?
Someone is jelly about her assets
It's the best playing spin-off as it's a regular RPG. However if you don't like seeing Nep bullied you may not appreciate it.
Is Sega Hard Girls worth playing?
Is fine, but it could had be better, so much wasted potential
See Also too short, and the Nep bullying is disgusting
if you have to ask then no
i have never seen a nep thread discuss gameplay. every thread is about what a certain neps butthole smells like
I wonder what Noire's smells like...
I wonder what Vert's smells like....
100% waifus
Neptune is basically a vidya version of cute girls doing cute things anime.
Just about all of the games are $30 and below now except for new upcoming one.
Also murder
Only if you're a pathetic weeb manchild
Nepgear did nothing wrong
She exist
I want to play just one Neptunia game to see if I like it before getting more. Which one should I play?
RB1, V2 is better but might as well give that one a try
Re;Birth 1, it does a good job of introducing the player to the world and the characters. It's my favourite Nep game desu.
Noire is your favourite.
Nobody likes Nowa
all this Noire posting only makes me feel sad for her, she's better alone than with a fanbase of literal retards
Sure thing Noire
Is it worth getting the Rebirth series on the ps3 if I already own them on steam + VII?
But I do
You mean the originals? if you already have the remakes, why would you want them?
Is it worth getting the Rebirth series if I hate visual novels but love RPGs?
Fever system makes bosses pathetically easy, but it's admittedly fun abusing that and Mega Drive's Charge ability. Dreamcast best SeHa girl.
You may not, the best parts are the characters and their interactions, the rpg part is very basic
Maybe the originals too. I think I'm turning into a trophyfag or something.
Then the Rebirth are only for PC and Vita, not PS3
Ah bummer. I also have a ps tv but apparently only 3 games are available for it. ReBirth 2 included.
The only game that had mechanics solid enough to get me all the way through was VII.
Besides that game most of the series is just moe fanservice witha super low budget and extremely antiquated RPG systems, and you should already know if that's enough to sell a game to you.
Spinoffs are super shit besides Sega Hard Girls
But vert's game looks fine
noire's game says hellow
noire's game says hello
>Noire is a phoneposter
No, Nep > Noire ≥ Blanc > Vert
I haven't played it yet and I'm not passing judgement until it's actually out here.
The other Action games are trash, Noire's game was trash, and PP was trash. They all suffer from the samey party members the main games do, but on top of it they have really poor mechanics for their genres and extremely weak plots/character interaction which is the lynchpin of the series. SeHa gets a pass because it's just Re;Birth mechanics with some enhancements and the characters are all on point.
Nep = Blanc = Vert > Nowa
SeHa is shit
Uni is my UNIverse
What did Noire do to you user?
Fuck off, crap bike.
Do adults actually find any of the jokes in these garbage games funny?
>Sup Forums
much less neptunia fanbase
Dubbed Copypaste was the only character to make me laugh.
She is not that good
Got Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth 1-3. That'll keep me for a while, but any other games to get?
This is criminally dangerous
VII is the best one
the RB's are very, very same when it comes to gameplay so hope you either space them out dont get tired quickly, other than that, V2
I cant believe Ram wears no panties under that
Been eying V on reviews alone. I'll pick that up also.
W-why don't you buy my game too, user?
Buy Noire's game!
Please buy their game.
I don't have a Noire
how do I fug a noire?
Unironically no, you can get a better experience youtubing the world's most vapid grindfests. Or the anime, I guess.
I've heard recent games are better and noire's game was only pretty bad rather than a waste of programming but not recommended.
>can only corrupt 8GB worth of files in Neps head
That really blasts my processor.
What a little slut
neptunia is the mcdonalds of jrpgs
and no that's not a good thing you fatass
V is LITERALLY RB3, unless you are talking about V2
Noire was made for sex.