What will go wrong?

What will go wrong?

Other urls found in this thread:


Win10 store
No private servers

they'll try to innovate instead of iterate and relic will fuck it up
microshaft will jew to the max
it won't sell the expected fifteen billion copies and the series will be necked

>Implying AoE are moba games.

So this is the current state of Sup Forums, huh? Unable to differentiate between MOBA and RTS. Truly a new low.

>reading comprehension

Are you an idiot?

I'm saying they will turn it into a MOBA

Being Windows 10 exclusive is enough, same goes for the definitive edition of AoE1

It literally doesn't matter what they do. It could be the best RTS in a decade and it would still flop because of the Windows Store exclusivity.

control groups won't be limited to 12
variable aspect ratios
interface will be in english instead of korean
rebindable hotkeys
ladder won't be locked behind korean SSN verification
windows 10 only


Windows 10 requirement and Relic being at the helm. Plus Microsoft's gaming division has been a dumpster fire for the last few years.

>The absolute state of user

>Relic made a lot of great games
>Made 1 shit game recently
>This means all their games will be shit from now on.
Since their newest game and all their new ideas are hated, game sold poorly and neither normies or old fans like it I'm sure they will try to fix their mistakes.

In short, pandering to nostalgia fags.
RTS is completely dead, we're getting aoe remakes we just had a starcraft remake. Competitive integrity will take a complete backseat because half the people like to play age of empires like a bad slow city/base builder vs a moderate ai at bad, pathetic dweebs who have to make up excuses about not being twitchy korean APM master rather than just take a few minutes to learn the basics. On top of all of this the definitive editions are going to split up the playerbase even further with voobly and hd not being enough. I really want this to be good and a revitalization for the genre, but i'm just too darn realistic especially after the mess that HD was and still is.

>Win 10 only
>British Longbow EXCLUSIVE pre-order bonus
>Last quality product Relic made was Opposing Fronts, 10 years ago

they either had some fucked development cycle or they just lost all their competent people, I doubt anyone skilled looked at DoW 3 and went "yeah, this looks good".

Literally nobody will play the definitive editions. People play HD until they git gud then go to voobly

>slow city builder
This applies to plenty of civilizations like the turks. They're utterly useless before post-imp.

>the mental capacity of the average Sup Forums user

>tell comfy base builder demographic to fuck off
>game flops because like 5% of people otherwise interested give a shit about 600 APM competitive strategy games
they should hire you

I seriously doubt that, what makes you say that? The two trailers have 2.5m views each and there is a lot of buzz around getting into the beta. It's going to have a lot more people playing on release at the very least and depending on its quality it will retain at the very least the same amount of players hd or voobly has.

windows 10 store only, zero sales.
they will probably fuck the formula of the gameplay too not that 2 was balanced in any way

Does anyone else just love all of age of empires, even 3? The games make me happy. The little stories in the campaigns, the varied mission structure, the wide open maps, the goofy parts of it and the developer inside jokes.

Because it's win10 exclusive.

I have talked to my AoE II gaming crew and none of them are going to buy the DE, either of I or of II because they are all on win7. MAYBE they will get AoE IV, but I wouldn't bank on it.

>muh apm
Or ya know, just make a quality game like age of empires 2 but this time fix its flaws properly.


but AoE 2 was very popular with the comfy demographic

>My personal anecdotal evidence says otherwise
That's good and all, but these days more people use windows 10 than don't.

i might pirate windows 10 just to pirate this

unless its true that windows 10 deletes your pirated games and you cant stop it

Company of heroes 2
Dawn of war 3

And that's where you're wrong kiddo.

I haven't had it do that. I'm probably going to pirate AoE 1 DE just to play with the computer.

Gee maybe that was my point. I'll slow things down for you.
>Competitive scene will not be developed for, unlike age of empires 2 which fulfilled both crowds needs.

Like what?




you cant even fucking install windows 7 on new CPUs, all the windows 7 users are probably mostly businesses, microsoft is trying to cuck us all into being stuck with that fucking piece of shit OS since its fucking locked on all the fucking hardware being produced now

Did AoE 2 really develop for the competitive scene though?

>They will make it a moba somehow, because that is 'a modern take on rts xD'
>Windows store exlusive
>DLC and preorder bonusses

>tfw have Windows 10 so don't have to worry about it like the losers in this thread

hey you're a retard


>you cant even fucking install windows 7 on new CPUs

Pathing, horrible netcode

are you kidding? look at the aoe2 pro scene, it's pretty well balanced; yes some civs >> other civs, but it's kind of like a pick-counterpick setup. the only gay shit about aoe2 are gunpowder units, which don't factor into most games anyway

Everything. Aoe3 was a boring pile of shit. What aoe4 would need to do to actually perform well is:

1. allow large armies (100+ military for each side)
2. allow mixed resource gameplay (aoe2 has a great dynamic with food/wood producing trash, gold/stone being rare and worth fighting over)
3. good vibrant MP

Basically though, if they could take what made SC and WC3 a success (custom maps & MP)
and just mix in what makes aoe2 so enduring they could succeed

We'll definitely see microtransactions and W10 shit though, probably M$ will try to make Aoe4 be xboxone friendly, they'll definitely fuck it up

RTS, like platformers, are a dead craft.

If it was today's Relic or the one that made the original DoW and CoH they will be a problem, because they didn't like other people's RTSs

literally all my games are pirated and they've yet to be deleted by win10.

The new expansions try to balance out the older civs

Damn now i'm the fool with false anecdotal evidence. Either way I think it's outlandishly foolish to think literally no one will be playing DE.


fuck microsoft, the fucking kikes
I hope someone bombs their HQ

Right now there's a small competitive scene and if you watch the top players it seems to be pretty balanced. TheViper plays all the civs pretty much, even in a competitive scenario. There are A-list and F-list civs, but they actually do all find their uses which is pretty unique, the cashgrab expansions are at least doing a little something right

I have no confidence a rts made after like 2004 can be on par with aoe2 though, the genre is dead and will not be revived until the industry implodes

did you pirate your windows 10?

i wish that stupid free upgrade would have offered me to install it on another drive instead of my main one just fucking overwriting the OS

>If it was today's Relic or the one that made the original DoW and CoH they will be a problem, because they didn't like other people's RTSs

This. Relic is out there to fix RTS games. But in doing so, they piss off a fuck-ton of people who are against the fixing of said issues.

Will AoE4 continue the timeline and go up to WW1?

>Windows 10.
>It's just a shitty AoE2.
>Or a worse Empire Earth.
>tons of DLC.
>That stupid card game/RTs hybrid like with Halo Wars 2 is a huge focus.
>Plays like SC2

>did you pirate your windows 10?

>Aoe3 was a boring pile of shit
You know age of empires 3 did big large armies so much better than 2 right?
AoE 3 died out because it was pretty lackluster for the top 1% competitive play, for the middleground players it's actually a lot more varied with options and how games play out. Instead of just everyone fast castling in AoE2.

You can still get it for free from the disability thing.

No. It wasn't till HD and the expantions that they really started too. Frankly they are doing a good job of i in keeping it both comptitive and casual.

If it as good as 3, nothing.

>dawn of war 3 developer
>windows 10 store only
>always online

Will there ever be an RTS with sprites again?

>2. allow mixed resource gameplay (aoe2 has a great dynamic with food/wood producing trash, gold/stone being rare and worth fighting over)
this, the AoE 3 plantations were so fucking stupid, and the dropoffless gathering too

i dont want to overwrite my windows 7 OS

that would give me a fucking nightmare of issues with my software

>Will AoE4 continue the timeline and go up to WW1?

If they were to follow the timeline, it would be cold war era.

They are doing a fucking horrible job and have yet to fix even the most simple of things, why do you think anyone competitively prefer voobly?

I haven't played a single Relic RTS that I liked. They have no idea what's actually fun about RTS

One of my favorite things about aoe2 is the economy/macro portion. Yes, some people complain about the slow startup of games, but I really like that and the early game harassment, and the potential for dark age/tower rushes is really balanced in the current meta and the whole way food can be acquired (fishing, farming, hunting, sheep, gathering) is really dynamic and interesting in some games, and something that's inoffensively bland in others.

Aoe2 is also great for the whole aesthetic of designing a medieval encampment. Relics shitty RTS games don't let me make pretty medieval bases surrounded by walls and castles and town centers. Sure, you can build a derpy but effective territory, but you can also make some pretty aesthetically pleasing bases (except for the whole mill not being the same size of a farm thing...fuck that)

Make another partition

>You know age of empires 3 did big large armies so much better than 2 right?
didn't AoE 3 have a 200 popcap and units that took up almost universally 2+ pop as well?

Wait is it confirmed that aoe 4 won't be on steam, or is that just speculation?

The aoe franchise is my all time favourite, but if it's only on the windows store that is a deal breaker for me desu

I only ever played custom scenarios in AoE2 multiplayer. I never found the regular game fun for multiplayer because it just came down to how fast you could click through a certain routine.

please no
Pretty much this.

For all the cool shit they have done, they have failed to actually make any positive enhancements to the game. Siege towers? lol Netcode? lol (especially with the largest maptype). Fuck, I can't even play the game against their new AI, because it actually throttles my i7770k. I wish I was fucking joking, but the AI pathfinding is so bad it actually will put you CPU at 99.9% if you let the game drag on long enough.

Just everything about HD is a nightmare and not in any way better than the original. The new civs are nice additions but not worth it considering at one point they were just free mods

>(except for the whole mill not being the same size of a farm thing...fuck that)
>not using the swastika pattern
Why do you think the symbol is global? It's because historical mills were bigger than farms too.

>I haven't played a single Relic RTS that I liked. They have no idea what's actually fun about RTS

>*I* don't like their games.
>Therefore, obviously, all of them are hopeless and people who enjoy them are wrong. Because I said so!

Geeze, man. There are multiple ways to do an RTS game, just like there are multitudes of ways of making a fun racing game or a fighting game.

you had 200 pop with units that would take like 2 or 3 pop, it was about as "big" scope-wise as WC3

It died because it was just boring to play

this guy will never post in this thread again and praises the amenities of being an user right now

I feel sorry for you, user.

sometimes I miss regular forums, all the kool kidz could gather in the local circlejerk thread and make fun of the retards

It's not though.

First of all, there are a number of strategies - scout rush, dark age militia rush, tower rush, galley rush, archer rush, skirm rush, fast castle, fast imperial, just to name a few

Each of these strategies are altered slightly or significantly depending on the civ you started out with.

Your macro does need to be good, but the difference is how you use your scout early game, how you manage scouting for deer/sheep/boar, and how you decide to prioritize villagers vs military

The game is a lot more complex at the mid-level. Yes, if you suck at RTS, then two bad players will pretty much just be resolved by who has better macro, but that's pretty piss poor of an argument

Empires began dying as a result of World War 1 and World War 2 totally ended them. It wouldn't make sense to have a game named Age of Empires continue past the existence of Empires

wow your all so dumb

If it's anything like halo wars 2 it'll have ai issues that will make rts fans seeth

>just googled age of empires because i'm underage and you are wrong it says RTS
So this is the current state of Sup Forums, huh?

Units being some cav and cannons. You saying this makes me believe you haven't played actually played any AoE3 mmultiplayer. at the 18-20 minute mark you can expect to have an all out colonial war with 100+ units from either side in a 3v3 or 4v4. In AoE2 you can expect to be seeing 5-8 at the most or so knights from one player. Maybe someone went for a drush or a tower rush, or went extra crazy and attacked with 20 bowmen.

You have no clue what you're talking about, admit it.

Easiest bait of my life.

They'll aim for the esports crowd

all me

>haha I was baiting haha lol

>He believes this
>He thinks it's a bad thing to have a balanced multiplayer game

Literally anything they do will trigger Sup Forums.

Best recommended to not come here or browse AoE4 threads until you've played it and formed your own opinion.


Played like a fidel. Thanks, this will get me a raise from my shilling company.

>it ain't me starts playing

>reading comprehension

All e"sports" does is remove all fun from the game, replace the playerbase with retarded children who hate fun and think they will become the next e"sports" thousandaire. Before you try to refute me think of a single game that got better because of eatsports.

>if it's as good as the best AoE by far

All of them, they would be boring unbalanced skill-less pieces of trash otherwise.

Are you talking about making games competitive?

Because in that case you're wrong. Competition is the main reason why AoE2 and SC2 are the only non-dead RTS games.



I hope they can strike a nice balance between the almost totally copypasted civs of 2 and the totally unique asian/native american civs of 3

like if there was a giant global tech tree which nobody had nearly full access to, but instead each civ group had some parts of the tree that were unique to them that they pulled from, with these civ groups overlapping, and each civ having their own unique twists
like if all islamic civs had different monastery techs from the christian civs, then all the asian civs had some tech group of their own (like elephants for example), then islamic asian civs like indonesia pulled from both of these spheres. And then of course each civ had their own completely unique techs, units and bonuses, as well as general orientations, so both the arabs and the french were cavalry civilizations and both the turks and spanish were gunpowder civs

I feel it would also represent the course of history better, because there's no such thing as a totally unique civilization, yet differences often appear the further they're separated from each other