
don't tell me your best team doesn't all have maxed super attack user

R8 AGL team

Is it even worth maxing out that blue vegeta?

tfw rerolling for good leads

Aiming for Cooler

What are some other acceptable leads I could settle for?

you tell me user

Guess not.

lmfao quit pretending you know anything

Pot? Meet kettle

Broly, though if you happen to get both PHY Cooler and FP Frieza, that would be just as fine.

Sadly, though, there's not much room for options on a Ext PHY team compared to the SS4 leads, which won't be coming back any time soon.

>no argument
I bet your team is some weak shit fag

>out to start a fight
Why so salty? Can't stand a little criticism?

Then again, this is Sup Forums. Anything that isn't a hivemind is a trigger. Even the hiveminds are triggering.

TEQ Fusion Zamasu worth a pinch of shit?

no more (you)s until you post your shitty team
ssb vegeta is a must have on super agl, if you weren't a dumb nigger you'd know this
don't ever reply to me again

If you say so

This game feels like a slot machine. Does the gameplay get better? Or is it all "same shit, different day" ala future fight?

check em

I maxed out my ssj4 gokus sa but I definitely need his dupe for hidden potential and to awaken him. I'm missing out on 500k damage just for awakening.

Someone gave me an account recently and I haven't touched it.
Anyone want an account?

what does it have?

don't tell me you can't beat boss rush user

>He doesn't have the WT Gohan for his AGL team
>He doesn't have the Bojack Gohan for his AGL team


Y'know, I never really felt the need to. I mean, with all the medal farming I still have on my plate, boss rush always came across as nothing more than an afterthought.

You get stones for clearing it for the first time you know.

>wanting that jobbing whiny faggot gohan instead of motherfucking super saiyan 3 goku

>he doesn't know that your team outputs more damage with support units than extra hard hitters

That SSJ3 Goku is old news. Drop his ass

I do know that, support units are still fucking gay
I'll take my maxed and duped up monster goku over some malnourished holocaust jew gohan
if you want to min max to the most autistic degree do it in a game that isn't a fucking slot machine

>I like to deliberately take longer to grind stuff because I can't get enough of the gameplay!

This is your right now

post your clearly superior team or fuck off

Here a clearly superior team :^)

You can farm his SA up+ he hits like a truck if your able to get supers off, which should be easy in a FZ/Rose leader type of team.

>he doesn't do events to test out teams, level up characters etc.

It's like you hate value

any LR or god leads?

is it fresh or modded

I feel like my agl team is so trash. I have decent characters but no leader that's crazy good. I'm currently using awakened ssj vegito

Working on my villain and hero team. Who should I use Elders on? Super Gogeta is SA10 with a dupe, Super Vegito is SA10 with no dupes, and Omega Shenny has two dupes and SA1. Farming SA for Fused Zamasu is a bitch; Goku Black was fucking ez.

Pic Related 1/2

SV is still a good lead. Can do almost any event with my agl team that only has SA10 SV and no ss4vegeta

>no leader thats crazy good
>SSJ vegito

aside from him being the second best AGL leader, sure.

2nd best agl lead is majin vegeta


Save them and roll on super 17 banner

Shit, I forgot he even existed, But I'd say he's the best one, then SSJ4, then SV

Alright. I'll just keep hoarding stones. Sitting on 250 waiting for that Dual STR Janemba/INT Gogeta event 100 years from now...

Why not spend some on super 17 banner? Don't you want ss4 vegeta, rose and Super vegito dupes?

> ss4 vegeta, rose and Super vegito
See, I didn't know Super 17 had those units featured on his banner. I'll pull on that too. Thanks, user.

I guess the main problem is my lack of agl characters

Forgot imagw

Well of course your agl team is shit then. It has nothing to do with not having the best leader skill

Which event is harder, ssb vegeta or ssj4 vegeta

Saiyan like....