When are they letting Obsidian make another Fallout?
When are they letting Obsidian make another Fallout?
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>Letting fans have what they want
Pick one
While I don't quite see it being Obsidian, I could see Bethesda farming out Elder Scrolls or Fallout to a third party to have something for the next year or two and it running on the Fallout 4 engine.
I'd be shocked if Obsidian would want to work with Bethesda again after all the bullshit that was pulled with NV, but I can semi see them going back out of desperation.
The Obsidian of then doesn't exist now.
Oh fuck this might happen.
God damn, I'm not sure if this is a good thing or a terrible thing.
This, wouldn't be the same thing as New Vegas.
Thats good to hear then. I just hope if they are given another Fallout project Bethesda gives them way more time to polish and finish the game then NV.
>New Vegas 2 gets released
>Only way to get mods is via creation club
what bullshit ca some one fill me in?
He might be telling the truth, but adults often lie to children rather than hurt their feelings.
Oh shit, so it might stand a chance at being a complete or functional game?
Chris is working as a freelance writter
I don't see why he wouldnt come back
He didn't have to respond at all.
The last few Obsidian games have been shitty isometric RPGs that bombed.
They will never let them do Fallout again.
>New Orleans
Fuck no. I don't want to play as a bunch of backwoods Protestant hicks shooting each other up over rival meth cartels.
Considering the current market for CRPGs, they're pretty good and Pillars didnt bomb at all.
Who gives a shit about Chris "Nuke the NCR" Avellone? He hardly contributed to vanilla New Vegas
The way you phrase that makes me think he had a lot to do with Ulysses. If so, I hate that guy's fucking guts, and I don't even know who he is.
Bethesda gave them an extremely short time period to make the game, a year I think it was, and whatever they had once it was up is what they were forced to release whether or not they were done patching it, fixing bugs and so on. They also said Obsideon would get a bonus only if they got an 85 on Metacritic.
It got an 84. To make things work considering it's not even a secret vidya journalist's are less then honest and have biases and sponsers to please, some conspiracy theorist believe Zenimax payed critics to give NV a marginally lower score.
Yeah, he's the one that created Ulysses.
Avellone hates the fact Fallout has become too civilized.
Avellone directed Dead Money, OWB and Lonesome Road. And although the wiki doesn't explicitly name him as the guy who wrote Ulysses, all the quotes about the character come from him and Lonesome Road's finale is Ulysses acting out Avellone's desire to "reset" Fallout back to its post-apoc roots.
What a bunch of dick holes! so they pretty much sabotaged themselves to fuck obsidian in any furture involvent in the fallout series being them the original creators of the franchise. thats just sad. thanks for taking your time user.
>hates the fact Fallout has become too civilized.
>didn't work on Fallout 1
>only worked on Fallout 2, which created the NCR and pushed the universe so far forward technologically that most of California is in a pre-war state
Nigga what
I think he's a good writer but that always felt backwards to me.
Watching the Fallout world grow and advance while simultaneously repeat the same mistakes of the past is literally what the games are all about. If he truly can't see that, then maybe he shouldn't write the next game.
Sad truth is this 4-D chess bullshit of screwing other people happens all the time. I wouldn't blame Bethesda for all of it though, there just another pawn branch of Zenimax. I doubt this decision was originally thought up by Todd or anyone at Bethesda besides the couple executives and managers that solely work their to be Zenimax's eye's and mouthpieces who were probably told by another higher up what to do.
Given that Obsidian went and leaked information of their clause, I'd say 0.
Get over it and let go, faggot
Fallout 2 is pretty primitive outside of the Reno/San Francisco/NCR triangle. Vault City is pretty much the only civilized society out there, while Klamath/Modoc/Arroyo/Den/Redding/Broken Hills/Gecko/The Tribe are basic post-apocalyptic fare.
It's still a post-post apocalyptic setting. Civilization is well and truly making a come back, even the least civilized places are basically functioning and organized towns.
Even Fallout 1 was edging away from pure post-apoc, seeing as it was set 80 years after the bombs and traders are established enough to endorse a wasteland currency.
I mean the years after Fallout 2, specifically around New Vegas time. The pic I posted is Arroyo post-GECK, and the NCR is very prosperous in NV.
It got an 84 because some fucking asshole gave it a 0
That's a user score, pal. Those don't count.
The ''professional'' score is brought down by some guys giving it a 65, mostly because of some bugs. I never encountered serious bugs, even when playing on release, but apparently some did.
Yes yes well done Obsidian, well done..
Story, quests, stat system and factions of NV with the combat and voice acting of FO4 would be the best Fallout game ever made.
Make it happen.