How was this game so pretty yet to lightweight? shadow of mordor also like this. Is WB the GOAT devs for optimization?

How was this game so pretty yet to lightweight? shadow of mordor also like this. Is WB the GOAT devs for optimization?

go away mobile poster

>Is WB the GOAT devs for optimization
Yeah bro remember how well arkham knight ran?

It's an empty, barren desert

WB is not devs. They're publishers.

Avalanche Studios are the gods of optimization though. Just Cause 2 was also buttery smooth.

You must be forgetting how badly JC3 runs.

That's just a random New York studio Square named Avalanche aswell to trick people into buying JC3. Dishonest as fuck. The slint-eyed jew fucks.

This, JC3 was an entirely different team setup in america. Are they going to work on another project, who knows?

No kidding, I'd never known that. Makes a lot of sense now.

Not the same Avalanche
As this user said so well, they are a bunch of baby raping kike motherfucker nigger mudbloods.

The game was so repetitive but the driving was 10/10.

It is fun even though I never completed it. Too much shit to collect on the map.

makes sense

Mad Max game finally
>no bikes
>no trucks
Yeah no

Just started playing this game, got like 20 minutes into it. I feel like im still in the tutorial section, does this game get fun eventually? What is its main draw. Dont feel like sinking a buttload of time into it if its not going to get better

Yeah, current Avalanche are working on the vapourware known as 'Crackdown 3'

>tfw thinking how good it will be when it will actually be allowed to be released

>When I'm incredibly and confusing developers

Hopefully I'll be first on the day of the rope.

Mad Max was pretty neat even if it was so light weight, they at least did enough lore building to keep you interested in modern day Australia.

Shadow of Mordor and Shadow of War are obviously in that they didn't originally want to make a Middle Earth game, it was probably it's own setting until WB shoved the license down their throats. They have absolutely no respect for the source material and just fling their fan fiction power level shit around all over the place.

The beginning is actually one of the best parts about th game

I bailed after 2 hours. Literally no reason for it to be open world, it's just a desert. I don't want to explore

What the fuck did you think you were going to be doing in this game

Driving in a caravan
Car combat
Maybe even racing?

I didn't expect to arkham asylum through some maze-forts

>Car combat
>Maybe even racing?

You can do both of these things.

There's A LOT of car combat and car racing places though

I don't doubt that, but it didn't happen soon enough.

I'd rather the game have been linear, desu

I really don't see how choosing to take fort X over fort Y improves the game.

I've really enjoyed GTAs, Saints Rows, Just Causes, but the desert is actually more boring than a Rockstar city

I agree that the desert is rather boring to slog through, but it wouldn't be Mad Max if it wasn't a wasteland like that.