Post bad character (re)designs

Post bad character (re)designs

I'm onto you, bitch! I know you want to have a gay "haha" thread where people say "haha" about having INSANE weird degenerate fetishes that involve weird gay shit and Weird Egg Jack Offs where people further degrade their brain into more and more insanity and memes.



old wario was better. now it just looks like he's wearing mario's clothes with a different palette

Dude, what in the fuck are you talking about, he looked more like Mario in his first designs more than anything. Latest design of him has him sporting a t-shirt contrary to Mario's long sleeved shirt. His cap is also the only cap to have a white ridge in its front and unlike the other plumbers, the suspenders in his plumber attire CROSS on his back.


This was never a good design

To think Spyro used to look so cute. Who in their right mind would mangle Spyro in such a way? That person must've had a sick twisted mind to pull something like this off.


Every time I see the new spyro I'm struck by how eat fresh manages to make everyone look more in character and on model than the new games

So will Nintendo NEVER redesign ever again?

Fun fact: a lot of ex-Insomniac people actually worked on the Skylanders games and were okay with this.

do you think we'll ever see classic Yoshi show up in a game?

in a new 3D game*

>Bowser's design is always perfect across all dimensions and generations


>Bowser is always perfect across all dimensions and generations

>n64 had reflections and no jaggies



What do his eggs smell like, asking for a friend haha

>what is a render

Like poop.
Are you happy? Are you ready to jack your dick clean off now?

>Wario barely changed even from his inception

can't improve on perfection

Literally the same


Yoshi was always bad.



>Wario's most recent design
>classic costume
I'm so sorry to be the bearer of bad news

>Not liking both the classic and the bike outfit

It takes a whole level of Wario worshipping to acknowledge both the Wario Land and the WarioWare outfits and goddamn it, I'm part of it.

Cute butt.


We better be getting a Warioware Switch game soon dammit.



The problem is that there's not much they could do that's original, that's not just rehashing the old games.
Of course, if they made 1-2 Switch a Wario game, it might've worked. But nope! We got an overpriced tech demo instead.

But honestly the decline began with Adventures.

>Wario used to speak German in the N64 games

I miss this, bring this back


The design is so bad it even made Chad throw up

they raised the scuttlebugs wrong

I think Smash and Zero managed to salvage the designs.

Not completely. N64/Melee Fox and Falco were boss in terms of personality and appearance. But at least Command Falco didn't carry over as much.

i wish i could go back in time and fire whoever designed these abortions