Post games with nice art direction

Post games with nice art direction

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meant to post this

More please


Was their other point and click games good?

Why we don't get 3D or isometric games with this kind of graphics?




shame about the hitboxes not really matching up with the art.





Gravity Rush 2




The detail in both the backgrounds and rotoscoped animation in Flashback was like nothing else I played at the time. I can probably thank it singlehandedly for my love of cyberpunk
play it faggot

is there any way i can play this on PC.



so great

>It's another "just scan in the concept art right out of the sketchbooks" indie game

Fallout 1 is surprisingly still not ugly

Art Nouveau Tron is such a cool concept


Thread theme

You have good taste in games and are probably a good person


legend of mana


Beat me to it. Transistor is just plain gorgeous. Is there anything that comes close to the sheer beauty and elegance of Cloudbank?


>Child of Light
Nigga you either stupid, or ignorant. Maybe both.

beneath a Steel Sky? mah nigga, and the game is free on GOG too, there's no reason not to play it

What game?


Looks like concept art for Xenoblade Chronicles.

It's indie like shock top is craft

Is that area in the actual game?

T-thanks you too

Is it good? I got it for free but haven't played it yet


Kind of shame this game is basically just a short boss rush mode, but separate fights are interesting enough to keep you busy for those few hours. If you want some proper norse carnage with significant difficulty level, go for pic related.

is that like an even cheaper dragon age 2

how do those two games even compare?


childhood frustration: the game

the pic you posted reminded me of the opening to dragon age 2, the actual setting

Oh, I get it now. Disciples is basically a poor man's Heroes of Might & Magic game, so genre has nothign in common with DA2, but yeah, art styles might be somewhat close

I love the fact that theres absolutely no depth of field or "cloud" effect to emphasize on distant.
Like they know what they are and they have nothing to hide because they're proud.

Or maybe they haven't reached that technology at the time. Regardless it looks pretty good.



and it's incredible soundtrack does it wonders

>ctrl f
>no silent hill

Silent Hill 1 aged badly. As much as I love this game, I'm avoiding revisiting it because of how it looks. Those modern "all graphics, no substance" games have spoiled me.


Shame that the first area is kinda bland because the later areas and final bosses in particular look great. Nyarlathotep looks surprising amount like himself, as himself as Nyarlathotep can look.

>Those modern "all graphics, no substance" games have spoiled me.
clearly wtf. The lofi graphics add a texture to it not unlike watching a black and white 16mm film. SH1 is to Eraserhead as SH2 is to Blue Velvet. Hell I think SH1 looks better than 2 or 3 because of how the graphics compliment the art style.