Why the fuck doesn't Nintendo just package something similar but cheaper/shittier with the Switch. It makes tabletop mode actually fucking work.
Why the fuck doesn't Nintendo just package something similar but cheaper/shittier with the Switch...
>why doesn't nintendo just X with their hardware
because when it comes to hardware, they've been retarded ever since the N64
Same reason they made plastic figure DLC. People will buy it and they want money. Business 101.
Because it's something they didn't need to include and a lot of people won't use or appreciate.
In the sense that you're taking the switch on the go this almost makes sense, but who'd want to be seen in public playing a switch while hooked up to one of these?
>firmware update
>screen rotates 180 degrees
>stand upside down
>charge port free
I'm a genius
Heat rises.
it's $20 who cares
Nintendo's response to voice chat was basically "fuck voicechat" and i agree
lucky you
It's not the price. Its that this accesory makes tabletop mode actually fucking work.
I'd rather pay $20, $25 even, if it came in the box.
somebody post it
It's $12.99.
It's like $12
what? what the fuck are you complaining about? you can buy more than one thing at the store you know
But most people wouldn't want that boost in price, tabletop mode is the least used mode by far.
It is a pretty nice stand. It even stays up on a bed.
wow nice source
They probably let Hori make a shitload of neat stuff and make money because after the WiiU Nintendo didn't had much leverage or becaue Hori seems to be on good relations with them and they got to sell their very convenient, cheap plastic stuff without having to worry that people will just use the accessories that come with the console (because there are none)
>you have to pay to play while charging
Pick one any one. Solves the battery issues too.
>design flaw
>release accessory to fix it
I'll wait for the Switch hardware revision.
Damn. That does look pretty good.
>Its that this accesory makes tabletop mode actually fucking work.
You do realise that charging isn't necessary to make tabletop mode "work", right? You make it sound like it's unplayable.
>no option to play while charging
take what you can get user
We could include it with the Switch for free.
OR, we could sell it by itself and people will buy it.
How does Microsoft get away with this year after year? They've been selling play & charge kits since xbox 360.
Honestly 140 dollars to insure and extend the life length of the console while getting rid of its design flaw is worth it but I digress yeah its fucking expensive and nobody has them yet.
sony really is smart with it's glowing light bar and 6hour non replaceable battery life :)
Do they say how much weight it adds?
i mean the switch already charges via USB so i don't really see the need
There are much cheaper options to extend battery life for the switch, namely usb power banks that are commonly used with phones.
I remember reading that most of those can't charge at the same pace as the Switch drains energy at least with more intensive games.
the dualshock 3 had LEDs in it too
Ironicly, the glowing light bar is pretty useful on PC for a quick status check (plus you can dim this all the way down till it barely exists).
I can't say much about the battery though, in fact i dont even think it's 6 hours, its like 4 if anything.
>(plus you can dim this all the way down till it barely exists
Which is a lie.
Even on the lowest brightness it's still pretty obnoxious
People like that they give the option to use AA batteries for some reason.
I know the hate but can you IMAGINE if Splatoon actually had voice chat.
>some guy has tri slosher and kills everybody, while squidbagging
>Which is a lie.
The brightness is one thing,
But you do know you can turn lower all the RGB bars to make it even dimmer right?
Granted the light never bothered me since i usually play with the controller under the desk, not over the desk.
I even confirmed it just to be sure (bad memory), hell you could literally dim it down with the RGBs till it kills the light with DS4windows. It's a shame Sony hasnt allowed this option yet.