>he unironically thinks Horizon is a more aesthetically pleasing game compared to BotW
He unironically thinks Horizon is a more aesthetically pleasing game compared to BotW
I like anisotropic filtering
There comes a point where color saturation is just too high. This is it. Shit's brighter than the sun in battlefield 3.
BoTW is honestly one of the best adventure games ever because of just how much shit you can do. You really can do "anything".
The only game that does adventure and "do whatever you want" is Dragons Dogma. And if BoTW had better combat, it could easily be a DD1.5
But Booty Wild is almost always opaque thanks to the weather system
>You really can do "anything".
Sad thing is that there's really not much to do but to run around and replace broken weapons.
>hourly A vs B thread
Needing validation, eh?
If you think zelda is more aesthetically pleasing you need to castrate yourself
But user i think both games look terrible
Why does this make my eyes hurt?
I doubt anyone can honestly say that BOTW looks better than horizon.
>720p on switch, best it can do is 900p docked.
>30fps, with drops in areas w/ too many particles.
>Horrible draw distance, you can see where the tall grass starts.
>No AA or AF to make the game look good from 2 feet away from the camera.
This is the same board that thinks Hollow Knight is more aesthetic than Ori. What the fuck do you expect?
because youre a degenerate weeaboo that hates everything that isnt japanese
Absolutely seething
If you think zelda is more aesthetically pleasing you need to castrate yourself
>he unironically thinks BOTW is a more aesthetically pleasing game compared to Xenoblade X
Lol that looks like a zoomed in bit of Planet Coaster terrain except with PS1 era Tomb Raider water
Saying BOTW looks better then Horizon is ridiculous. The only way people can say this with a straight face is by hiding behind their Babydick illusion of """"charm"""" to make up for relatively bad graphics.
It does look better At 4K on my peecee
lol btfo XDDD epic!
Horizon is obviously technically superior, but lacks good art direction. It doesn't have much going for it as far as having a distinct style is concerned. This an issue with many games shooting for a pseudo-realistic look. Where as in Zelda, everything from the lighting, cel shading, level design, attention to detail as far as physics and how they interact with the environment, and carefully curated to lend themselves to the game's specific tone/atmosphere as opposed to trying to directly mimic real life. Lots of little touches that serve some kind of function instead of focusing on how many polygons they can get on the screen at once. This gives the game's visuals a really unique flavor, much like Wind Waker before it there's really nothing else out there quite like it, and it's a more visually interesting game as a result.
Horizon's horrid, uncanny valley character models don't help mattes much either.
>posts Sylvallum and the one or two beautiful spots in the rainforest area in every thread
>never posts Oblivia, Primordia etc because they're boring as shit, visually
The quality in X is lopsided unlike BOTW.
I disagree, many regions in BOTW look really similar visually while XCX has 5 visually distinct regions. Primordia does look kind of generic but Oblivia is nice
Nice cherry picking faggot
not an argument
Holy fuck you're pretentious.
Nice meme
>mfw I like both games and their aesthetics
The fuck are you gonna do about it?
I guess how much the person who made that image got paid.
I mean, nobody would make such thing for free right
It's true. Take a screenshot of any random Breath of the Wild vista and show an average video game playing dude, and they'll recognize the game it came from almost immediately.
Where as Horizon's world just sort of blends into the crowd, and doing the same experiment would probably ending in very mixed results depsite the game selling more copies. It's pretty for a console game, sure, but there's nothing about it that stands out.
sci-fi > fantasy
You can tell that a lot of work went into designing the color palette and the lighting for the areas. The only time it looks bad is midday in some of the grassy fields
And oranges > apples, what's your point?
But I haven't played a japanese game in months
When the sun hits those grassy hills just right tho
You're all fucking retards for falling for this bait. And I guarantee it happens daily, but you never learn. Even lab rats have more sense then you. Please kill yourselves
How can you like alloy or link
>This gives the game's visuals a really unique flavor
This sentence proves you're up your own ass.
made me chuckle
can just imagine the person who made that image now "th-this will get them!"
Name a game with a similar visual style.
I'll wait.
You should probably neck yourself, while you're at it go ahead and have your entire family join you. Killing off your entire blood line would benefit this world, as to not have any of you breed and have your genetic material create more autistic off spring. Have a great day in you and your families deaths autistic fuck face.
Can we euthanize autistics already?
Rime looks similar enough.
Why is Botw so empty tho?
Horizon looks great
>implying i'm going to buy another console just for 1(one) game
Call me when they release the SwitchPro with all the fixes and a few more decent games to come with.
>then you
Why would you want to do that to yourself?
I mean it's not a surprise given that Horizon had many of it's assets outsourced to bring costs down, which is why the game has a muddy look to it, no unified vision and not aesthetically pleasing, in ten years people will look back on it as an ugly game.
Rime has more of a cartoony, pastel look that shares more in common Wind Waker. Especially with it's rich blues.
>Kindergarten tier response
lmao, just..... lmao.
How ironic
Horizon is going to look like this in 10 years, just how ugly this looks to us now.
>Talking about Style for a Zelda game
>Using BoTW and not Windwaker
Go fok urself m8
>Middle school tier chatspeak
>someone took precious time of his life on making this pic
the level of autism of the average Sup Forumsirgin never ceases to amaze me
>It's impossible for more than one Zelda game to have good art direction
I liked that game until the very end but the ending was literallywhy.png
> much like Wind Waker before it there's really nothing else out there quite like it
Learn to read, mouthbreather.
I own BotW and still think it's trash.
The world feels so fucking sterile though. Where's shit like Bottom of The Well? The game has too little enemy variety. Not even redeads amke an appearance.
And Windwaker is better if Zelda games are the focus.
You need more comprehension yourself. If you're speaking style for a Zelda Windwaker should be the focal point. Not just mentioned because the blandness of BoTW doesnt hold a candle to Windwaker.
it was ugly back then too
This thread is specifically about Breath of the Wild and Horizon my nigga, that's why I'm talking about that game. Nobody is going to argue that Wind Waker isn't the best looking Zelda game, but it's not relevant to the discussion at hand or the point I was trying to make.
Context nigga.
>BoTW doesnt hold a candle to Windwaker.
>confusing personal opinions for facts, the post
Still? This is still going on?
everyone has them. some of them are different than yours.
This is a shit-posting console wars thread about the (relatively current) hot topic of BotW vs HZD. Wind Waker has no relevance whatsoever.
BOTW is ugly
>Fucking Literally quoting a shitty ancient meme window image
Get the fuck off my board
They're both two of my favorite games not just in recent memory, but of all time, but they have different strengths.
X has a greater sense of scale and a larger world. Movement is almost stupid fast, and you really feel like you're tackling an entire alien planet. The enemy design really helps this feeling, as well. However, things look pretty ugly up close. Outside of the main cast, NPC models look horrendous, especially humans. There's also no dynamic lighting in environments, instead we have static shadow maps that just fade out at night. This pretty much applies to the game as a whole in comparison to BotW.
BotW is a much more dynamic and interactive experience in all senses. The world is more about the little things and feels more intimate, and you can interact with nearly anything. Theres also the day-night cycle, which in my opinion is the most beautiful of any game, and the only thing that really comes close is GTAV.
Thanks for reading my blog, started going off on a spiel but didn't feel like finishing it, so whatever.
Breath Of The Wild is truly one of the most beautiful games ever made.
It's just extremely extremely aesthetic from character designs to the environments.
oh this is pretty tame by Sup Forums's standards. This is normal shit. Some user was passioned by a neverending argument on Sup Forums enough that he made a quality meme pic.
It's not even that impressive, he just added a bunch of existing images and text.
What about Sonyfags, who post a 40 by 5 image square of 200 different game covers just to prove how PS4 is the best. They had to download and edit 200 images, just to prove a literal non-argument. At least BOTW guy had a motive, a actual passion. They did that just shitpost furthere
What about the actual Sup Forumstards that make new wojak images like the atari one just for some artifical hype.
Some guy actually legit made a 7*7 square, a detailed pictogram of letters and words, just to prove that nintendo didnt "create" the ideas it gets praised for popularising. Like every nintendo shit, not just a d-pad argument, but petty shit bought out of nowhere, he wikipedia'd that shit, and gave a reason for the most obscure features of nintendo consoles, then posted it. Like the impact doesnt even make sense, because so many examples that nobody cares about, it just further made everyone realise that Nintendo were the ones who made that shit useful or fully realised its potential compared to the shitty examples.
And THERES much WORSE. I guarantee some user is gonna post some even worst shit.
I'm doing this to let you know you've been acknowledged and nothing more.
I like good games like Zelda Breath of the Wild.
I'm glad you're happy playing with anisotropic filtering though.
Not trolling, I honestly think BotW looks absolutely fucking atrocious. Its gameplay is tight, but is it fucking UGLY, I don't understand why more people can't admit it. It has this ugly white coloration over everything, the textures are ass, even the artstyle is really not that appealing. This game is good but certainly not because of the graphics.
Toddlers are obsessed with the superior game Horizon Zero Dawn.