Female gamers in one 30 second video:
Female gamers in one 30 second video:
I like this one better.
88 days silenced in gold.
I regret nothing
why is female rage so damn amusing
Why would you post a video of yourself getting shit on for not even being able to play the easiest hero?
This is just proof that women only play the most casual, normie-centric games on the market.
I mean, he got the objective right? Poor reaction skills from him though, who gets charged by a Reinhardt when you have jump?
>Not having Edict up when Riki ganked
>Losing your lane that easily
That felt more painful than funny
the 30s in the video was ok, but his team was complaining because their monkey was useless.
That isn't a good example because they were just as much as fault as her if not worse because they were actively trolling her and being toxic as well.
Was I supposed to hear anything in this video? Have no idea what OP is talking about
Shit I meant Lifestealer, Riki was just trying to get the kill after that stun.
>e video was ok, but his team was complaining because their monkey was useless.
she ended 0 and 10.
yeah she was a feeder agreed ,but don't you think your game play performance would be affected if you were spam pinged the moment you first fucked up?
Post mains
Female """"gamers""""
>"err hum this behavior is toxic and problematic"
What did he meant by this?
I somehow knew this thread was going to have her in it
How the fuck do you not beat Portal? It was 3 fucking hours.
Leshrac is a pretty simple and recoverable hero where only landing his stun is the hard part, if she was falling behind she could've just made him a bit tankier until she could afford a bloodstone since his spells have fixed damage like a support hero. She had a few decent opportunities to at least recover and farm well yet she didn't have any points into his lighting bolts since Edict and the stun are rather expensive MP-wise. She was thinking that if she didn't fuck up she could just backdoor and get all the towers.
If I kept getting pinged over and over I'd just bear with it and make sure not to fuck up, and if I do fuck up I try whatever I can to recover.
Someone will blame the patriarchy for this.
>3 fucking hours.
git gud
Which is worse, the girl gamer or the betas that give her attention?
>two women fighting over who plays the healslut best
boy am i glad i stopped playing this shit game.
the betas, but the "girl gamur" always uses "girl" or something in their name if there is no voice chat to get attention. It is a vicious cycle.
Why are you glad that you stopped playing overwatch?
>this many dislikes just because it's a grill
men get harassed like this everyday but when a female is the victim it's the evil patriarchy's fault
beta enablers
They were complaining he was useless because he wasn't helping them in the fight. Because they're retards who don't understand that killing the enemy team is not the objective and that he was pushing the payload for them while they distracted the enemy team.
if you dont have mute in this game you are using voice chat wrong
how do i get an ow gf
You don't understand Overwatch. He raped their ult economy by doing what he did and the last part of King's Row is a fucking nightmare for attack. Even if his entire team was playing deathmatch like spastics, they were doing more than him.
>durrrr dis guy sux as winston
>winston captures point by himself
>wahhhhh i'm switching
Fucking women are all useless.
>muh ult economy
no one was going to co-ordinate ults in gold
>playing mobawatch
I don't know what you expected
... why would they need to coordinate them?
>He raped their ult economy by doing what he did
I'm pretty sure if THEY wasted their ults it's THEIR fucking fault.
>0 kills
>derank to some garbage rank like diamond or plat
>play something easy to pocket(mccree,76,pharah)
>carry your trash team
>50% mercy mains that add you after the game will be girls
ive met 4 this way
they are all annoying cunts you dont want an OW gf
Whether or not they used their ults has zero relevance to the discussion. They just got wiped by a naked Genji ult, and all the cleanup, healing and shielding along the way was just free charge while monkey man ran away to accomplish less than nothing.
How are you people so bad at this game?
>capturing the point
Are you shitposting or being serious.
>monkey man ran away to accomplish less than nothing.
He moved the payload to the next checkpoint. Furthering, y'know, the GOAL of the game?
What do camwhores do now that they changed Mercy?
everyone here is leaving out when a big play or soemthing funny happens and then they have to somehow make it about something that happened to them last week not even closely related to what is going on.
god she's so painfully average
Quit and play PUBG
Healsluts are real
Do you think you win by getting fewer points, or what? Touching second point gets them another minute to play into the hardest push in the game after a full team wipe and filling up their opponents' ults.
It takes 2 hours. 2.5 if you're retarded like me. 3 hours is pushing it.
I can't hear shit.
Girls are weird.
Because she's not a real gaymer like us dude
>Play Dota 2
>Girl on your team
>She's actually good
>[Worried laughter]
>Turns out she was just doing the micspam and a man was doing the playing
Almost started to feel bad about my white male superiority.
this is not even a funny troll video
Mercy: Our Winston sucks, I'm switching to DPS.
She's not wrong though. I have tons of games I haven't beaten but I still enjoy them.
I played from launch until earlier this year and I don't think I've encountered this "ult economy" meme. When did this start? It's gold.
Do you buy merch for them and post yourself on reddit holding that merch?
But how many of those games are literally 3 hours long on a blind first playthrough?
uh... none I guess
And now you know why you are a reasonable person who wouldn't get made fun of while that girl is an idiot who deserves mockery.
This is just bullying
>OW come out
>Girl friend and I get it
>Play together
>She mains mercy
>Meets guy who's a friend of a friend through playing
>Cheats on me and leaves me for him eventually
So yeah Healsluts wasn't a meme after all...
Don't play Dota 2
>watch some other catfight video in the recommendations
>they start arguing about who gets more dick
gave me a semi desu
What was he maining?
It's another dumb excuse for shitters to use to blame their team for sucking so they don't have to take responsibility for themselves.
>white knighting
I don't remember honestly. I think Widow. I main pharah
>I main pharah
no wonder she left you
>calling people out for being unfunny bullies is white knighting just because the victim is female
>Pharmacy isn't totally your OTP
Don't lie user
>giant steam profile
>degenerate and feminist semi-feminist
>anime profile pic and anime artwork highlight
>bunch of beta orbiters in the comments
>twitter where she uses real name and post the cringiest weeb shit ever
how do we call this kind of creature?
Have fun in silver
>having an "OTP"
The picture is growing clearer by the minute.
>Forward - Z
>Backwards - S
>Left - Q
>Right - D
That retard actually uploaded the video herself to make the other retard look bad
yea, didn't stop my penis though
doing god's work f3ces
trick question
neither can exist without the other
>which is worse, the drug dealer or the junkies who give him money?
mind linking it?
Thing is you only find them unfunny because the victim is a female so yes you're a white knight retard.
Yes, it is.
Everyone likes to point and blame the"bully" but at some point these sad fucks need to grow a thicker skin.
>you only find them unfunny because the victim is a female
So what happens if you are dude standing up for another dude
Then you're fighting battles for other men and you're creating beta orbiters. All men must fight their own personal battles, or else they're just making the gender weaker.
How the fuck do speedrunners figure this shit out?
So much of it seems obtuse and and incredibly specific. To figure out you need to shift around in one specific corner and glitch through one specific wall and fire a portal to one tiny spot way off in the distance. Seems like it would take a lifetime.
I enjoy a good trolling as much as the next guy, but there is such a thing as being bad at it and just being an obnoxious harassing cunt, at which point it just stops being funny. Maybe people should get a thicker skin and better coping skills so they don't fly into a raging hissy fit over it, but I don't see how saying "That's not funny, it's just bullying" is white knighting.
Because it's a woman.
Oh my god, I absolutely LOVE OPs video!
You expect some kind of amazing play, but by the end there isn't one. Then you realize his entire team ran AWAY from the objective for no fucking reason and he's the only one pushing it.
So, it was an amazing play.
Because generally males only do that when a female is being target. It's a cultural norm, and you should understand that.
oh fuck same
fuck women