this game is literally perfect.
This game is literally perfect
Other urls found in this thread:
chalice dungeons
chalice dungeons were an amazing piece of optional content
You can't pause the game
Not perfect but my only reason to be blacked by Sony.
Talking about Souls... I bought DS3 on PC last week and aside from the bigger resolution and framerate Bloodborne looks better some wet surfaces and shadows looks really good but those graphics effects are missing on DS3.
chalice dungeons were fucking trash
No it's not. It has a shitton of flaws.
Rom's kinda dumb. Not impossible, just not particularly fun. It's a boss I could do without. Speaking of not particularly strong bosses, The One Reborn was...a thing, I guess.
>15 fps
>convoluted story
>no weapons
>poor rpg elements
>mid-tier level design
>broken ass procedural dungeon
This. So many of the coolest enemies and bosses are restricted to a HORRIBLE side mode that isn't even remotely fun. They should have completely removed the component part of the dungeons and just made them an optional area you could go to if you wanted to grind. The only thing that should be able to stop you from progressing in the dungeons should be difficulty, not arbitrary ingredients you need to grind for or find.
All the chalice versions of bosses sucked ass. Amygdala goes from a fun diversion to a giant pain in the ass. Rom goes from a pain in the ass to the most giantest pain an ass can fathom.
BB had a bigger budget because Sony. Also BB was even dubbed in other languages beside english same as every Sony exclusive. I'm from Italy.
FS have no money so DS3 development was fast and the game it's only avaliable in english with a graphics downgrade compared with BB.
>Too short
>Magic is literally No fun allowed until after Cainhurst and even there
>everything is melee
>Build variety, what's that?
>fanbase (we can argue this one)
great game, but far from perfect, but whathever I say you will start to refute it like the fanboy you are.
Chalice dungeons were a nice idea but the only rewards you get from them are items to make more chalice dungeons so fuck you.
Bosses were so unmemorable though. Literally every boss since BB were atleast interesting from a design point.
I like them, the problem was mat grinding not the actual dungeons themselves.
*almost perfect, but definitely one of the best of all time.
It's funny, I love chalice dungeons in concept, just the sort of room by room dungeon design like in Zelda 1 or something but the rooms are all made from the same half dozen or so designs arranged slightly differently and it just gets old fast, not to mention farming for ritual ingredients. If they could've kept it fresher then I'd adore it but as is it's too repetitive.
There's literally no point in trying to refute it since sonybros are the only people who bought it, and you know how they are.
Well that's not a downgrade.
They won't polish the game in that aspect Bloodborne indeed sometimes looks better than DS3 but both games looks pretty bad compared to others. FromSoftware ancient engine didn't help.
One of my favs this gen, but far away from perfect
>Blood Gem farming sucks & people abuse PSN+ saves
>PVP is probably the weakest out of all the Souls like
>Weapon diversity is a bit lacking
>Chalice Dungeons are half assed & it's questionable if such important lore bosses should have been locked behind them (Phtumerian Queen)
>& yes the frame pacing is a bit shit & the loading times were hilariously bad pre patches
i did not know "sonyggrs" was filtered lmao
>chalice dungeons
>blood vials
>forced transformation attacks
>repetitive artstyle
>eyesore framerate
>shit online
>half parries fucking everywhere
I actually fucking bought the damn thing(ps4 was borrowed though), good game but the fact that sonegros hold it on a pedestal makes me hate it.
I really hope this is a joke
I notice that too.
Bloodborne is completely dubbed in spanish here in Spain but Dark Souls 3 is in english with subtitles.
>mid-tier level design
I like its design more than the DaS games. Takes more cues from DeS with the progression and shortcuts.
BB has a vaseline filter+heavy chromatic aberration, textures are about the same in general. Lighting is genuinely better though.
I forgot to say spanish (from Spain) doll is the best.
Y quien diga lo contrario me puede comer la polla.
>totally optional
>unique items, weapon variants, enemies, bosses, blood gems, runes and an armor set
>can co-op/pvp inside
>can use never before seen in a Souls title random generation system to make your own variant dungeon crawl
I will never understand the hatred for Chalice Dungeons. It's hours of additional content. Unique additional content.
Yes, the tilesets can get samey.
Yes, it would have been preferrable for the content to have been full levels/locales.
Many other studios leave a lot of this sort of stuff on the cutting room floor, at least we get to see this content implemented in-game in some form.
I honestly love the chalice dungeons. They the were closest thing the series has to dungeon crawling and some online ones are fun. To me they were just a way to continue playing and experimenting with the games combat system. I wish DaS3 had a more improved version of them with actual different, branching layouts, maybe even puzzles and more unique bosses
No, just NO!
DS1 level design was objectively better and simply revolutionary, in BB there's a shitty hub where you can teleport... is this Super Mario World or something? What year is this 1990?
>chalice dungeons
not a negative when they are basically extra content
>blood vials
not a negative. it is better than the souls approach
>forced transformation attacks
this is good and gives the weapons character.
If they weren't there, transformations would also look janky.
Also they aren't forced if you aren't midcombo.
>repetitive artstyle
meme. How can an artstyle be repetitive?
I enjoy the consistency that it brings.
If you think the designs are repetitive then you must be retarded.
>eyesore framerate
the only thing I agree with.
Although I must say, that the game handles running at 30fps pretty well.
>shit online
literally why?
>half parries fucking everywhere
the fuck are you on about?
Some effects had much more work put into them in BB compared to DaS3.
Look at the Moonlight Greatsword or the blood effects for example.
In Bloodborne it has particle effects on every swing and has unique moves.
In 3 it looks like an ugly low res mess.
As earlier anons mentioned, chalice dungeons would have been fine if they were all accessible from the start and didn't require grinding ingredients. If I want to get my shit kicked in by enemies way above my level, then fucking let me. The system they went with was one of the worst they could possibly choose.
this, why didn't ppl like them? it seems ppl go out of their way to shit on them but they are out of the way anyway
>buying ds3 for pc when you have a ps4
i dont get it...
The hunters dream is there for a reason.
If you don't understand why, actually play the game, and at least try to understand the story.
Also DS1 level design IS objectively worse.
BB has the best level design in any souls game.
I don't know what must be wrong with you, if you don't understand this.
Neo/v/ are a bunch of opinion parroting faggots who want to fit into the mold.
Groupthink or get called /reddit/.
It needs to be harder.
>Bloodborne is a good looking game
you can psuedo achieve this by using crap weapons and limiting your vial usage.
What would make this game harder for you?
I liked em too. they were a nice diversion from the main game to mess around in once in a while. only problem I had were the first ones were ugly as fuck aesthetic wise and some of the bosses were just lazy and shitty (chalice Rom, and the big lightning beast one that tanked the framerate)
PS4 = Exclusives
PC = Everything else.
Some people have consoles + PC.
The best choice is PC + some Nintendo crap but Sony trash + PC it's also a good choice.
I literally never had to grind anything. If you do them in order and don't skip areas, you'll always have the mats to create the next chalice
>chalice dungeons would have been fine if they were all accessible from the start
Also,in the end chalice dungeons can become much harder than anything in the main game.
For example some cursed and defiled dungeons kicked my ass.
The chalices are further a part of the lore, and I don't know if it would have been a good idea to include access to them in the beginning.
Also the access to the dungeons is only delayed a few hours from the start of the game.
No way! Are yoou saying that an area of the games has been contextualized in the lore?!
Thanks Sony! What a game!! What a gaming revolution...
What exactly are you trying to show?
For starters faster enemy animations, especially reducing their recovery time so you have to work harder to find openings.
Because grinding through the same pre-made chalice dungeons each game to get to the good stuff is a pain in the ass? Did you ever even play the game?
>weapon diversity lacking
Oh, you didn't play the game
Wow, what a non-argument.
I hope you reread the shit you wrote and realize what a huge fucking retard you are.
>>no weapons
Sorry would you like 20 reskins with the same movesets. Almost all the weapons in BB feel much for satisfying to use than around 80% of the weapons in Souls and are actually unique. They are almost all 2 weapons in 1.
>each game
Oh wow, you have to replay the game to replay the game?
Who would have fucking thought?
If you want to just play the chalice dungeons, just don't defeat the final boss, nigger.
more accurately, the fun weapons are locked behind several hours of the DLC, instead of being available earlier on. There is no sane gameplay reason for the de-facto arcane weapon being locked behind the strongest boss in the game.
Ive put like 500 hours into it
Quite a few of the weapons are just not that good
>Buying a version with bad framepacing and a 30FPS cap when you can buy a version that runs at 60FPS with no framepacing issues
Are you retarded?
Who are you quoting?
I said they put more work into effects like the blood and some particles than in DaS3 and it shows.
Frame pacing,frame rate drops below 30fps, chalice dungeons, literally perfect.
>Frame pacing,frame rate drops below 30fps
valid critique.
Although a bit better on ps pro.
>chalice dungeons
You are retarded.
The moon looks like some MS Paint stuff, also it doesn't' reflect light.
here comes a mad pcfag with his "frame pacing" memes
protip: it's supposed to look this way because of lore
The bosses are pretty bad.
>Witch of Hemwick
>Celestial Emissary
>Darkbeast Paarl
>Moon Presence
>Cleric Beast
>Mergo's Wet Nurse
I want a reason to explore the game and find new items.
Having only 20 weapons is a bit, you know... disappointing
I'm a BB fag and even I think that's retarded.
Is the floating statue in Old Yharnam lore too?
Not perfect, but it's a damn good game.
You are... I dunno, I don't have words to describe a retard like you
>DS1 level design was objectively better and simply revolutionary
you must be underage
None of these are bad though. Maybe the witches or Celestial since you fight the minions more than them.
Lol git gud
can't even run at a steady 30fps. call me when it gets a pro patch or doesn't run on garbage hardware
There's 41 including secondaries. More if you want to include arcanes. Plus most of the trick weapons are you know.....2 weapons.
You're right they're terrible.
You spend most of your time running around and when you finally do fight him he is trivial, you just stay up close to him to bait out his tentacle move and then attack him. His second phase is the same thing except he can use A Call Beyond which is easily stopped with your gun or just staying close to him.
>Darkbeast Paarl
This is a boss that literally can be perpetually stun locked as he collapses after a certain amount of damage has been done to his feet, even if you fight him after first arriving to Cathedral Ward he's not a challenge in the slightest.
>Moon Presence
Can't say much about him other than he stops you from healing because I killed him so fast, just hug his blindspots and hack away. Nothing to it and a very disappointing followup to Gehrman who is one of the few good bosses in the base game.
>Cleric Beast
All you need to do here is hug its feet and hack away at it, the only moves you need to be careful of are his grab and when he jumps up. Again there's nothing to it.
>Mergo's Wet Nurse
This would be a good fight if she was more aggressive like Logarius or Gehrman but sometimes she'll inadvertently start her attack string when you're nowhere near and you can easily just go behind her and get a lot of damage in. If this boss was aggressive then it would be a great fight but once again it lacks any sort of challenge.
Bloodborne's bosses are quite and and there is a serious lack of variety to them anyways which is why I'll give Rom and Shadow of Yharnam a pass since they're unique fights even if they're both relatively easy.
Those are different things though.
Furthermore go outside and take a good look at the moon.
realize the following:
The overall albedo of the Moon is measured to be around 0.136,[21] but it is strongly directional and non-Lambertian, displaying also a strong opposition effect.[22] Although such reflectance properties are different from those of any terrestrial terrains, they are typical of the regolith surfaces of airless Solar System bodies.
Then maybe look at the moon again in bloodborne and realize, why "it doesn't refelct light".
Why does the moon in this game look kind off in this game then?
Maybe try to think about what the fuck the moon presence is, and why a whole lot of shit in this game references the moon.
This has nothing to do with the "reflections" of the moon though.
Maybe I am so retarded that I can't even understand what the FUCK you are hinting at, but my guess is that you don't even try to think beyond anything that is immediately in your grasp of understanding.
>the game handles running at 30 fps pretty well
Man that moon looks fucking shit. It's hideous, bad modeled and doesn't reflect any light .
Seriously, it's not that hard to understand
the second half is shit it become a linear loading screenfest of shitty areas and shitty bosses
Byrgenwerth (shit) + Rom (shit) -> loading screen -> Yahrghul (shit) + One Reborn (shit) -> loading screen -> College Building (shit) -> loading screen -> Nightmare of Mensis (god-tier) + Micolash (shit) + Wet Nurse (shit) -> loading screen -> Hunter's Dream (shit) + Gehrman (great) + Moon Presence (shit).
people were just busy with "muh cosmic horror transition" to notice how shit it was.
It isn't modeled though, since its a texture.
There is no difference between just a texture and a model when the object is far enough from the camera, since the z component in view space of every vertex is roughly the same.
And I really don't understand what the fuck you find hideous about it, since it is pretty much just a picture of the moon with some distortions applied to it.
The thing that is truly peculiar about it isn't whatever the fuck you retard are talking about (if it wouldn't reflect light it would be black you fucktard) is that it is in front of the clouds!!!
This is because it isn't actually a fucking moon in the sense that it is an interstellar rock floating around the planet, but rather something related to the whole plot and lore of the game.
If you don't understand this simple fact, you are a huge fucking retard and a waste of space.
8.5/10 Base game
10/10 with Old Hunter
Astral Clocktower is top 2 zones in the entire series along with Latria.
You will NEVER fucking adventure through the Clocktower for the first time again. I fucking hope TGS gives us a sequel or spiritual successor.
I don't own a pc I have a ps4 and bloodborne I like the game but it's not perfect by any stretch also these threads are constant and fucking annoying
Of those I only really disliked Byrgenwerth/Yahrghul but in general I would agree that the second half is weaker than the first.
>Astral Clocktower is top 2 zones in the entire series along with Latria.
When should I do the DLC in NG+? I think I'm around level 85 or so, I beat Gascoigne last I played.
>Micolash (shit)
I hate you, and hope you die a painful death.
true Souls games were always dubbed in english even in Japan (there are no japanese dubs).
Levels dont matter THAT much if you're good.
But if you're just another dude, I recommend AT MINIMAL 40 points in Vitality and 40 in your primary offense stat, and a +9 or +10 weapon with at least 18% gems to plow through NG+ DLC without feeling like it's a chore
>The hunters dream is there for a reason.
If you don't understand why, actually play the game, and at least try to understand the story.
Also DS1 level design IS objectively worse.
gameplay > lore you fucking pleb
I dunno about NG+ because that too is the last thing I did but in NG 85 would be fine. Can't tell you how much harder it'd be in NG+ but you wouldn't be overleveled in NG. I dunno, you could give it a go and see how Ludwig pans out. If you can handle him, you should be good.
>Also DS1 level design IS objectively worse.
thanks for agreeing.
>gameplay > lore you fucking pleb
too good BB is better in both aspects.
If someone doesn't agree, he must be literally stupid.
Not that user but I never cared as much for DaS's more sprawling design compared to the tighter focus of DeS and BB. It's all fine but I prefer the latter. That said, DaS1 does have some fun as fuck levels like Sen's Funhouse and Duke's Archives.
BB=DaS>DeS>all others who cares
You know I'm right.
>Blood vials doesnt replenish at lantern
>chalice dungeon
Its almost a perfect game. I still consider it to be in my top 5 games.
If lanterns were taller and you could just lean against the pole under the light to replenish blood vials the game would be 10/10.
Lantern should definitely have reset area + restock from storage. That's a big miss
And they should have given us AT least one of these:
A. One stat reset per playthrough
B. Chalice Dungeon progress should be account wide.
>Blood vials doesnt replenish at lantern
After talking about it for a long time with my brother we agreed that this is actually better.
You don't have to agree, but you need to understand that others think so.
i didn't agree i just forgot to greentext that, also please tell me how many different progression routes i can take to finish BB compared to DkS1.
Switch DeS with DaS.
Just because he says funny shit doesn't make him a good boss. He's a gimmick fight.
It's good you can keep getting blood vials from monsters so when you get to the boss you can potentially have a full stock of vials, but if you're starting out and you die a lot and run out of vials you're stuck grinding for a while.
It doesnt have to be free vials.
Lantern restocking you with Vials from your storage would have been fine. The fact that you have to go back into the dream to reset area and restock consumables is a huge waste of time, especially with how bad the loading time was at BB's launch.