


magic isn't real

Say it in red

Are you guys ready for another month of R07 telling us fucking nothing about WTC5

How do you expect him to say anything when he will die due to the nuke?

Oh hey, a tranny.

I've been enjoying these umineko threads on Sup Forums, especially since /seacats/ is now inactive.

pic is cute, give me a quick rundown of her.

That's a dude, no joke.

>Furniture bow to Ushiromiya
>In contact with demons
>Possess magical-like abilities
>Controls Rokkenjima with an iron but fair fist
>Own mansions & islands globally
>Direct descendant of the ancient royal Ushiromiya blood line
>Will bankroll the first Moon hotels (Ushirograd will be be the first hotel)
>Own 99% of summoning research facilities on Earth
>First incestual rape babies will in all likelihood be Ushiromiya babies
>Family head said to have 215+ desire, such desire on Earth has only existed deep in the Irie clinic & the Golden Land
>Ancient Japanese epitaph tell one sorcerer who will descend upon Earth and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented magical progress with him
>He owns small bombs restaurants around the world
>You likely have small bombs inside you right now
>The Ushiromiya head is in regular communication with the witches Bernkastel and Lambdadelta, forwarding the word of his beloved witch Beatrice. Who do you think set up the meeting between Hachijo Tohya & the Witch Hunters high command (First meeting between the two organisations in over 19 years) and arranged the Ushiromiya Group owner’s first trip to Niijima in history literally a few days later to the Kuwadorian bunker in Rokkenjima?
>He learned fluent italian in under a week
>Nation states entrust their gold reserves with the head. There’s no gold in Ft. Knox, only Ft. Ushiromiya
>The head is about 9 decades old, from the space-time reference point of the base human currently accepted by our society
>In reality, the head is a timeless dragon existing in all points of time and space from October 4th 1986 to October 5th 1986. We don’t know his ultimate plans yet. We hope he is a benevolent being.

- urghhhh

What the fuck are you talking about. There is nothing but a black square in OP's pic



You're right. He is not even real.



Can you say in gold "Beato is a female"?

Why? It would be a lie.


You could've let me keep believing that, but instead my dreams are shattered.

Gold isn't the truth. That's Red.

It actually is a valid gold truth, unless you go into the bullshit that witches are godly beings and yadda yadda boopp

Gold is the absolute truth for all games.
Like "Kinzo was always dead before the meeting"

Retarded inbred baby is literally throw off a cliff and he loses his penis in the process. Grows up thinking he is a girl. Life is shit so he decided to live in a fantasy where he is a witch. Fall in love with his nephew withow know that he is his nephew. He realizes. Life is shit again. Oh, and by the way, your father was the grandpa and your mother was his daughter. Lets kill everyone.

Fucking 10/10

That's not confirmed only one of the speculations. The only thing confirmed is what Lambda says that the Golden Truth can only be used by the Game Master.

Thats not how gold works

Gold = consensus.

Thats not how gold works

Maybe the entire game was just political commentary on the gold standard

And your father is dead so you can't even get revenge against him.


not this shitty ruined meme again

Happy ending!

Someone post that image that shits on everything george says

this +bh, fuck all the JOJI haters

What was her problem?

what the fuck is this VN?

Beato being who "she" is, I'm okay with. The identity of the actual killers, I'm NOT okay with. What the fuck man. I thought it was just yet another alternate dimension/retelling and Bernkastel was fucking with Ange, but apparently it's the canon version. What a dumb solution.

I love the chad vs virgin meme even if it lost it's original purpose but that was a poor choice of characters to compare

Her husband needed the money.

>in love with his uncle

What the actual fuck?
What are moonspeakers on?
What game is this?

>not the virgin witch of truth and the chad territory lord

None. She was one of the most human character in Umineko since the very first novel

Couldn't face going back to being Ange's mother while having killed almost all the family, so she shitposted to make Eva kill her and feel guilty about Ange

The only explanation that makes her consistent when you read EP8

Umineko, enjoy the ride. Its a little dumb and cringey and everyone here will tell you is the best of the best, but it's okay.


Some parts of it is cringey, and some parts of it is dumb, but overall, it's the best of the best

What am I in for?

It's a VN with amazing story but barely any gameplay features that belongs on

It's a solid 10/10 at it's best times and 6/10 at its worst, which is inevitable for something that big