This series has the best soundtracks in videogames. Yuzo Koshiro is a god.
This series has the best soundtracks in videogames. Yuzo Koshiro is a god
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IV's first battle theme is unironically my favorite battle theme from any turn based rpg.
It also has the best lolis in videogames. Yuji Himukai is a god.
>tfw literally shaking to play some fucking ETRIAN ODYSSEY but is saving yourself for V
The wait... It's just too much to bear
Now hol up
would have been better used in a grandia game imo
I love SMTIV, but I thought the focus on a South Asian sound for Apocalypse was a misstep.I do love this theme
I'm shit with music terms but I think the part I love is slap bass.
> You stand before Heavenbringer
> That design
> That first time fighting
> That second form with the Medium
Shit was fuckin' choice.
Shit, forgot to put the link lmao.
There is a criminal lack of loli in EO5, potatoes are not true lolis.
I hope Atlus doesn't end the series with 3DS. I think EO Mystery Dungeon 2 came out this week and only sold about half as much as the first one.
Atlus still announced one more EO for the 3DS just a few days ago though.
>not even the best soundtracks in rpgs
Is there any greater example of generic weebshit than EO?
>Want to replay 3 badly
>Don't want to get burnt out for V
I haven't played 3 since before EO Untold was announced because I figured all of them would get remade.
At least there is still a chance.
I think the SOR II Soundtrack is the best video game ost ever made.
>tfw 5's soundtrack just sounds like ripoffs of 4
why does all the music in these games sound the same? you could interchange it with any moment in the game or any other nip game and it would fit. it's like the elevator music of RPGs
>when the boundary to another dimension comes undone
>when you awaken the indescribable god
>when the fm synth solo hits
>mfw it's a remix of the title theme
Blows my fucking mind every time. Easily my favorite theme in the whole franchise. Why couldn't he top it in EOV?
purely on soundtracks
3 is when he simply mastered FM Synth, just compare the boss theme which is still better than the arranges and remixes of it
no reason to include the original 1 and 2 since I'm almost certain they both give you the option to listen to the original soundtrack as well. They would be better than the originals by default.
I have no idea what the boss battle itself is like, but Ordeal of Stars doesn't lose to Legend's Successor one bit. That buildup makes everything 100% worth it.
I hope Sega does some kind of Streets of Rage Mania and gives him complete free license to do whatever.
How's V FM?
>post main quest final stratum has its own battle theme
bad, don't bother with it. The first battle theme works really well with it and I like that they were considerate to old fans of the franchise but alot of the originals in V translate horribly to FM
even though there are obligatory moments for the FM, like fights where Raging Waves plays
Here is one of the previews from the site
And the it changes to something arguably better
IV has the best soundtrack, and that's saying something in this series.
It's a two-stage fight. There are both hands of Heavenbringer, and Heavenbringer itself in the first phase. One hand does physical, the other debuffs, and the head magical attacks. It's ultimate attack, Almighty, can only be done if the hands and head are still alive, and it takes a turn to charge. If you don't have the damage output to take down one of the hands in a single turn and have been focusing on the head only, it's almost a guaranteed wipe.
The second phase...
involves the Heavenbringer being brought down to lower health, enough to expose The Medium that resides within and powers it. You have five turns to damage Heavenbringer enough to liberate the Medium, otherwise Heavenbringer heals completely.
No, I mean I have no idea what the EO5 story final boss is like, since I haven't played it yet like the dirty non-Jap I am. I know what Heavenbringer is like. Sorry for not being clear.
The super arrange version of this came on in my car as I was getting home Friday and I decided to drive around the block to let it keep going.
Pretty bad
Oh, my bad.
>Blows my fucking mind
I mean, it's pretty fucking obvious.
Shit because Koshiro didn't do it.
I should try EO Mystery Dungeon. I haven't played a Mystery Dungeon since Chocobo Mystery Dungeon for the Wii.
still my favorite Stratum theme in the franchise. It just has so much style.
>This series has the best soundtracks in videogames.
Hold my beer.
I'd recommend every other MD over EMD
Why is it so hard to make elemental damage classes work in EO 4.
You just don't have enough points when you can just make a silver arrow crit archer and a swordsman with all attack boosts that just spams double strike
XCX had some questionable choices, but some greats too.
>Why is it so hard to make elemental damage classes work in EO 4
It's not. Imperials and Runemasters obliterate everything.
What do you think is the best one on 3DS?
EMD is the worst Mystery Dungeon game in the entire franchise. Get Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon instead because it is the best MD game besides MD2: Shiren the Wanderer
>You just don't have enough points
nigga what. say you literally have no idea how to use them, don't lie.
If by Obliterate you mean they run out mana and do the same damage as my physical classes then yeah. At least when I tried to switch my ranger and swordsman out around level 50ish that was the case.
Can i get a little more depth on this? I basically know jack shit about MD but tried Etrian anyway and didn't end up playing it very much, what makes it suck so much compared to its brethen?
Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon
Alright thanks.
>Why is it so hard to make elemental damage classes work in EO 4
It isn't. They practically sweat five digits of damage.
I didn't know that was a sample. Nice find.
the absolute state of EO4 babies
EMD is a very glitchy game and it tries to make Dungeon Exploration team-based when the AI is still too simple for big parties. EMD still has some cool concepts like DOEs and Forts but nearly everything else is a mess.
T. I have the day 1 box sitting right next to me
How come it's the best dungeon crawler series of all time?
I actually like New LA when it gets going.
I remember being disappointed with the full version of Keys We've Lost after being obsessed with it because of that E3 trailer. At least it was used better than Sins of the Father in MGSV that also came out that E3.
>5 digits
>in one attack
Yeah, maybe at level 70+ when you've practically finished the game.
I've been doing just fine without one.
wrong. I love EO but nothing in the franchise comes close to Wizardry I-V even if you play the butchered SNES ports
>abyssal shrine got a misery dungeon remaster
the gameplay leaves so much to be desired but this shit fire
>70+ levels
Blood Surge is only 1 point you mong. And if you can't stick to just 1 element, there's always Origin Rune for special folks.
Too bad the West mostly gave up on dungeon crawling. Now Japan makes the best dungeon crawlers while every indie dev in the west tries their take on Metroid, weird.
the blood surge boost is not that huge
This one is secretly the best, though.
>5 digit attacks
you mean 5 digits per hit on multi-hit attacks. Nightseekers were retarded
*tips japanese sombrero*
I would still fuck one unironically.
I would have run one if they didn't feel useless for half of the game.
what the fuck dudes, why didn't you post the best track yet you guys are all my favorite anons though
Loli monk is the best Etrian Odyssey and you can't prove me wrong.
doesn't matter when the Necromancer loli is one of the most adorable in the entire franchise
first and second stratum they work really well with being safely in the front line since they can effectively evade on command. After that Venom and Spread Throw are incredibly broken. When you start fighting Dragons that is when they get at their most stupid and can nearly take them out in set up+1 attack
>actually posts the best stratum theme
I'm glad you're here.
That's not old Dragoon though
Because West sucks at dungeon crawlers. Wizardry was the only godlike series to be born in the West, others ripped off Dungeon Master (which is shit).
I still listen to EO music regularly on my playlist
any good track remakes in EMD2? I remember the first one had some nice ones.
I still like IV's music the best. I got my 3DS the same day the demo dropped but hadn't played anyof the DS EOs. Going down into that first dungeon with the 3D and this playing
It was amazing.
I put down the game I got the 3DS for, Fire Emblem Awakening to play EO III.
*rips off your song*
How much damage does the poison do? Arcanist poison circle would just kill all trash mobs easily and quickly up til 5 maze.
I think when maxed out Venom Throw would do like 600-700 damage per turn?
PQ2 can't come soon enough.
More composers should use popular music samples in games
>so many games have a dual wielding class
>still no EO where they take this class and give it a specialization where every armor equip slot can have a weapon instead
I wanna use 5 swords at once fuck defense
Bunnies can use 4 katanas
The first battle theme is still the best track in the series. The sequels and unnecessary remakes are irrelevant.
Best F.O.E. theme, hands down.
user, aren't you in for a surprise.
>Get SMTIV at launch
>Play through the entire game up until the last two hours
>Stop playing for whatever reason
>Picked it up again last week
>Have to tread through the worst fucking world map I've ever played in my life, get lost frequently
>No sense of direction for the entire game, have no idea how I made it so far
>Chose the bad ending simply because it cuts game time down by an hour just so I'd be done with it
Jesus Christ, what a shit show. Is Apocalypse better?
Apocalypse has a better world map but the game itself is pretty fucking bad
Should I even bother with it if I hated the complete lack of direction in 4? The gameplay itself was okay, but everything else gave me cancer.
Probably not. The story is worse, the characters are worse and so is the soundtrack
EO 4 is the first game in the series I've ever played, and I loved it. How much does 5 improve on it? Any drastic changes, or QOL improvements worth noting?
I don't understand playing SMT if you don't like getting lost. This is why we get stuck with handholding and quest markers.
As far as QOL changes Untold already did some neat stuff, mainly the option to run and in 2 the skill tree shows which stats the skill uses
Also NPC voices if that's your thing, Shilleka's accent is a godsend