There better not be a single Al Bhed posting here, ya? Like I always say, better dead than Al Bhed

There better not be a single Al Bhed posting here, ya? Like I always say, better dead than Al Bhed.

Other urls found in this thread:

>you will never do a Jecht Shot in real life




>life of self and friends on the line
>uses a ball as a weapon





what did he mean by this?

Yuna is half al bhed though Waka

Re-played through about half of this game recently. Didn't used to like it but it was better than I remembered. Playing around with the skill and battle system is pretty fun, the former really good for replay because I just sent characters down completely strange paths this time.
They still gotta re-make a standalone online-capable Blitzball at some point.

That would be way too hard.

It seems to do enough damage.
The spiked/metal versions are definitely more convincing though.

She may be half Al Bhed, but she is 100% my waifu.

maybe you can't but don't lump the rest of us in with the losers, I'm the best

post her feet


I didn't hear that from you, brudda

It's lethal, user


>the second best character for endgame right after tidus

You remind me of brudda
His name was Chappu

>stupid bigoted hick got to stuck his teeny weenie into lulu


Don't joke about that shit, Tidus was killed by a blitzball

Why are Al Bhed so dumb and ugly?

He can perfectly aim a hundred meter foes and get his ball back even.

Al Bhed are cute, and smart. You better start learning Al Bhed, they're coming for your country.

How the fuck do I beat omega sin? He kills me without me even getting him to half-health before he cast giga-gravitron. Please tell me I don't have to grind