What went wrong?
What went wrong?
Nothing, this game was great and a return to form for the series
ape escape faggots being fucking faggots as usual
They made a movie and tried to make it fit in a game while destroying the personalities and traits of the original characters
Pre order bonus bouncer was never made available to normal customers
why is ratchet a boy scout
why is there no character arc
why are so many planets removed
why are all the gadgets free
why did they remove so many characters
why is the story about quark
Kill yourself
They still didn't do that?
That's too bad. It's OP as fuck in this.
>mfw I pre-ordered it
Git gud, comprende.
They wanted the Pixar audience.
>muh story
>muh characters
literally who the fuck even paid attention to the story in these games
>what are interconnected parts
>what is tonal/thematic consistency
yeah nobody cares unless your autistic as fuck.
Come back when you understand English, pleb.
*learns english*
ok what now faggot?
I don't understand why these games are as popular as they are.
Jak 2 had 4 guns and somehow ended up having better gunplay than these games.
get some taste
>Says this while also saying Pixar-lite R&C was good
>inb4 le 1hr cynacial brit video is posted.
Nothing literally Insomniac's only good Series that have great titles over all. Even the Spin offs were good
The spin offs are overall are ok but Secret Agent Clank is actually borderline bad (yes I know that and Size Matters weren't made by insomniac)
I'm playing it right now
I don't really care about the characters, I feel like I should have started on hard instead of normal, and I don't much like the movie cut in parts
otherwise it's okay.
He went from being a cool dude to straight up nerd
SAC Had it flaws with the god auwful camra on PSP overall it wasn't so bad. I just them to finish making Spiderman and make a mainline R@C game post Crack in time.
Into the Nexus should be a spin-off and should be non cannon from the Future Seris
I can do without nu Ratchet, but I do appreciate what the old games theme had going on with commercialism, especially Ratchet: Deadlock. Insomniac had that shit down to a t. I hope now that the future phase is over and the movie biz has dried up, we can see another Ratchet and Clank game in the style of ACiT in terms of game play.
It was a terrible movie tie in.
>bland gameplay
>terrible story that, because it was a movie tie in, was obviously going to be bad and it had to diverge from the original plot at the end
>motion blur
>gutted humor
>ratchet isn't an asshole anymore
>removed planets and levels
>shit weapons
I had an ex who was really into R&C since the first game. Asked her about the reboot and she said "ratchet is such a fag now". I think that alone ruined the series, although all 4 one was garbage. Think they really want the nu-pixar audience who just want to go "aww".