Be baldurs gate player

>be baldurs gate player
>get killed by an op enemy in a place that is supposed to be safe

Other urls found in this thread:

>be Baldur's Gate player
>wish that the game included representation for pansexual races of color that would discuss issues of racial oppression
>get Enhanced Edition

What is wrong with more representation for underrepresented minorities exactly?

Nothing shitlord, that's why I wished for it. Also, I wish that the game had more Redditish dialogue that I could identify with. Pic related.


Yeah I noticed it too, especially in the character creation screen.

Most of the fights in early Baldur's Gate felt like a coin toss to me. Sometimes they'd land a magic missile, sometimes they wouldn't.

almost like its a dice roll

Holy shit, glad I told her to fuck off

There's no dice rolls for magic missiles. They always land.


They're not underrepresented, that's what's wrong.

>Get a good roll
>Proceed with the game
>Get a bad roll
>Forced to restart

I wonder how this shit game got popular in the first place.

>turning down the romance option that doesn't discriminate against race
wow... uh, okay sweetie, why even play the EE if you're such a fascist bigot??

What can I do to die less often?

I'm not really a fan of savescumming. It ruins the atmosphere. Plus, the walking distances are ridiculous and the characters are way too slow.

It looks like that game is overrated. Shame really.

>That is what comes of judging others by their appearance
It's funny because drow are fucking evil 99% of the time

My main character is going to be a Fighter/Cleric (multi dwarf) Any hints or suggestions on how to use it properly or what spells to open up with once I get them?

WOW. Did you ever consider that it's because the white skinned races forced them to live underground in poverty and that if they weren't systematically oppressed and given the same opportunities that the privileged races had that their crime rates might be different? No, of course you never did. Check your human privilege, shitlord.

"We wuz heroes n shit"
Fuck off Drizzt

Depends on the character and skills/spells you have. Throw me a class you'd like to play as and i'll pitch you some ideas. The game is rng heavy at the start but towards the end and in baldur's gate 2 + it becomes whoever can cast dispels and spells the fastest.

Face it nazi shit, the Enhanced Editions are the definitive editions and they belong to US now.

Hello shlomo, how is life in New york?

>implying I'm not Canadian

Not that guy, but I started playing recently too. I'm a mage. Last time I played I got to the mining town.

you stalking some rando their champ?

Because only faggot commies care about that shit.

>this fucking writing
what the fuck

>Jaheira was a nagging wife

Yeah she was cunt, but it was kinda nice how she and Khalid legit loved each other and were close.

I bet the stupid bitch liked the books were Jaheira immediatly started fucking CHARNAME the second her husband died the dumb prick.

I took the pre-generated group. I have now 2 figthers, 1 thief and one figther druid.

So far that magician in op pic related killed me and I was ambushed by a pack of wolves who also killed me and ambushed by skeletons. I also killed some stuff, so there's that.

I've heard grinding is impossible, is that true?

What in specific is hindering you? At the start mages aren't going to be able to dish out damage, focus on your blind/confusion spells until you get the level 3 spells - skull trap is really really powerful and only gets more powerful as you level up.

>doesn't mesh with modern day gamers
I thought gamers were sexist and evil?

oy vey shut it down

Look away before it takes your soul.

Oh, I haven't been having too much trouble. Just looking for general tips I guess.

>Modern day gamers are sexist and evil
>But they like progressive politics shoved down their throats
>Because they're sexist and evil

Being such a bitch makes her reaction to things in 2 all the sadder, you see that strong big headed self suredness fall away

> I'm a mage
Stand back with a sling, you won't kill anything, but only other range fire will kill you. Also sleep is broken in BG1 because you can't wake up from it. Burning Hands is another good spell at lvl1 since Chromatic orb doesn't have anything good on it yet, and Magic Missile sucks at lvl1

>I have now 2 figthers,
In the event of just regular fights, have one of the fighter be a distraction, and have the rest of your team shoot the ever loving hell outta everything. If something deaggros, kite with whoever they're chasing, and try to get them to focus on the fighters. For the mage, the thief should have a wand of Magic Missile that you should use at the start of the fight. After that, it's just praying to rnJesus, hoping you kill him before he casts fear.

Command, slow poison, silence, and animate dead are probably going to be your most used spells besides heals. Shields are neat in baldur's gate but you'll want to work on dual wielding eventually. Points in flails and warhammers aren't misplaced, but I think you won't have a shortage of proficiency points.

pausing the game and selecting each spell is tedious as fuck

what hotkeys do pros use? QWERT?

It is supposed to be safe. That's why the guards even help you in the battle.

Yeah command is becoming a charm. Why dual wielding exactly? From a roleplay perspective I don't like it too much but I'll do it if it is a massive benefit. Also how about quarterstaves for when I get to baldur's gate 2? I've had my eyes on using staff of the ram with flails of ages ever since I heard of baldur's gate.

I'm pretty sure they just select each spell. You can assign spells to a key though. Go to options - gameplay - assign keys - priest spells, click on the spell you want to hotkey, and assign it to a key. The number pad keys display as other characters on the keyboard for some reason, but they don't activate any function other than the spell you assign to them. For instance, number pad 9 displays as A, but it won't toggle party ai when you assign it.

It's an rpg and min maxing isn't necessary. You can play how ever you want and if you want to roleplay I suggest you stop asking for advice on how to play your character because you'll get people hounding you for doing only a bajillion damage instead of a bajillion damage + 1.

The fucking guards always ignored the guy in my playthrough

i'll do me my man

>Be me
>Leave town
>Die to wolf

I realize you're a triggered Sup Forumsak trying to stir shit but the enhanced editions are the definitive editions.

>Most of the fights in early Baldur's Gate felt like a coin toss to me
Is that really a bad thing? I mean, you're just a normal dude fumbling about the wilderness trying to kill bears with a rusty piece of shit or whatever in the beginning. It's possible to not get fucked over if you really play it safe, but at the end of the day if you're 1v1ing a killing machine as a level 1 bitchboy in a RPG I don't think you should win every time, I don't think the game should spoonfeed you safe encounters either.

So is there any mod of the 'enhanced' edition that unrapes it?
Or do I need to mos the original game myself?

>Her husband is a spineless coward
>Xan is Fantasy Marvin
>Every evil party member is generally just evil for the sake of evil
The fact that they focus on "Jaheira was a nagging wife and that's bad!" and not "most of the characters were fairly shallow, and had their traits played for laughs" is quite telling.

>Want to play Ranger
>Ranger makes no sense for CHARNAME to be story-wise because he spent his entire life in a fucking library and the only explanation you could possibly have is LOL HE READ A LOT OF BOOKS ABOUT FORESTS AND SHIT so my tism wont let me do it
>basically no other class makes sense either except for primarily mage/sorcerer and maybe thief, cleric or fighter if you really stretch it

>playing baldur's gate with a friend
>constantly get pulled to dialogues the other starts

That is valid criticism. She cared about her particular agenda and nothing else.

play iwd instead

>multiclassing on first playthrough
yeah i dont know if that is a good idea

>You will never smell Viconia's overpowering vagina-cheese while talking to her

Nobody in the game, with maybe like 2 exceptions, cared for anything but their particular agenda. It's why you couldn't have certain characters together. Depth was not the characters strong suit, it's just what they had was likable. Valid or not it's fucking selective.

Dude above you just explained this. You start out as a level 1 bitchboy. You aren't a ranger yet. You're a guy that calls himself a ranger and can barely manage to point the business end of a bow the right direction. You're a guy that calls himself a mage but only knows two spells he copied from little laminated notes he got as a prize from a box of fruity pebbles. You're a guy that calls himself a thief but the most he's ever stolen was a candy bar from wal-mart.

You just lack imagination like all autists

What if some respected rangers regularly visited the library in the chars childhood/teenagerhood and he thought they were totally cool and they were flattered so they taught him some things so he chose to become one?

I would like to know this too. There has to be something out there

How about just not taking Neera in your party?

That's not how D&D works, user. A level one character usually has years of training. Without training you're just an NPC-tier character which has even worse stats than you imagined possible.

The original game has unofficial fan patches that are far, FAR better than anything in the "enhanced" edition without adding any cringey characters. You can download cringey characters separately if you want.

You're some kid that spent his life in a library and you have 18/00 strength, 18 dexterity, 18 constitution, 8 fucking intelligence, 8 wisdom, and 18 charisma. This shit is so open ended you can have the story start how ever you wish.

It felt good telling her to fuck off.

>minmaxing this hard

>Without training you're just an NPC-tier character which has even worse stats than you imagined possible.
NPCs are far ahead of you in most RPGs and it is an achievement if you can defeat one. See Gothic or Elder Scrolls.

They don't send you to kill rats and wolves because they are too weak for it. They send you, because it is tedious, lowly work and they are too busy for it.

Fine, you're the bhaalspawn that rolled 70. You died to a wolf. Everyone laughed at you.

I've got 11 intelligence and 13 wisdom though.

Most RPGs is not D&D. Generic townspeople in D&D die to a strong breeze.

Divinity original sin allowed you to keep fucking around the world while other players talk
this allowed the fun feature(?) where one guy talked to the NPC from behind, making him turn to a wall, and the other guy could then rob the NPCs house blind.

I'm not too familiar with dnd stats but what does 18/00 mean?

lowest is 75

D&D doesn't work when you think about it. Townsfolk die easily, you're apparently way beyond them, but an underpaid village guard is usually strong enough to tussle with you to stop you from stealing shit. Unless he's scarfing down Torm's protein bars when the god turns around it's something you're just supposed to ignore.

It means you're Hercules

>and to go even further BEYOND

>Have beaten Baldur's gate 3 times now
>Still have to use the fireball trick on the last boss because I suck so much ass at the game.
I can't be the only one right?

It means you're a chad's chad. Warrior classes can get exceptional strength that ranges from 18/01 to 18/00 (18/100).

If you roll an 18 for strength, you get to roll another dice for the additional second number to represent how special you are. 18/00 is the highest and is the best strength you can naturally have.

fighters got an extra "extraordinary strength" rating after their regular str value. it goes from 1 to 100 listed as (00). It exists to prevent non-fighting classes to be as good as fighting classes at feats of strength and melee combat.
The removal of this and other exclusive fighter features in later editions of D&D is the reason for the devalue of the fighter class.

00 is a percentage roll, AKA 100%. It's as strong as you can possibly get as a mere mortal and in the case of Baldur's Gate requires hours of rerolling your stats just to be lucky enough to get it. It's also a retarded mechanic that never made it past 2nd edition.

Unless you're a Half Orc, who can have 19

I've been playing the game since it first came out and I'm still shit at it.

The final fight is all about knowing what to use on the different bad guys there. For example, Angelo, the archer is immediately taken out of the fight by a Blind spell. Hitting Samej with either the Dagger of Venom or Arrow of Biting takes him out of commission. Tazok, if he's there for it, has abysmal saving throws and you've got plenty of options. Sarevok becomes a little bitch with a simple Slow spell.

You don't need one. Just ignore the new characters and you're good.

D&D does work, but compromises have to be made in video games otherwise you'd just murder everything in sight and steal everything. Real DMs have other ways of dealing with player shenanigans than super overpowered guards.

It's a mechanic that doesn't matter much beyond 18/60 for carry weight, just gives +1 damage for every certain percentage. By the end of the game you can get a tome of strength to reach 19 str, which is as strong as a hill giant. Any serious fight will have you pop a buff or potion giving you more strength so don't worry about minmaxing those percentiles.

Thanks. I'm familiar with 5e, I play it, but never understood these numbers.

Funnily enough, the EE actually makes the final fight unintentionally much easier than it should be. When Sarevok is in view, even if you're invisible, he will say his dialogue and aggro against you but not walk towards you until he can actually see you. As soon as Sarevok aggros, however, Semaj will immediately Dimension Door down to the entrance of the room, separating himself from the other guys, letting you just ambush him on his own.
Also, if Angelo hits Sarevok and Tazok with his Arrows of Detonation, they will actually aggro on him and start killing him.

Is that all the same on tactics? I remember it got crazy hard since I had to kill all the other buffed bosses before Sarevok without any serious cheesing strat prepared

>It's also a retarded mechanic
it's actually a great mechanic
and it, alongside different xp requirements for levelling, were a necessary complexity to keep everything working as intended.

that's why you start at level 1

That's because guards have armor and official weapons, retard plus they have years of training. The name explains everything: Guard. Only the strongest people of the village become guards.

So what is so unbelievable about the fact that a brat who is obsessed with fighting can find him some old weapon, get in shape and beat up old and defenseless villagers but absolutely gets his shit pushed in if he is confronted with a person who gets fucking paid to beat up people and doesn't have the civilized, peaceful mindset?

You can see it IRL. Some ghetto gangster can beat up defenseless and peaceful people who are just minding their business but a trainer military guy would kick his ass and knock him out in 10 fucking seconds. D&D works totally fine, you are just too autistic to see it.

How avoidable is the new stuff they added in the EE? I'm playing for the first time and want to get as close as I can to the original experience, but I can't get the original to run on Windows 10 so I'm stuck using the EE

I used the 'wide-screen mod' the last time I played it, but that was before the EE was even out. Are you missing out on anything good using only that mod or is there more mods I should add?

Not really, no. It was needless complexity for the sake of "balance". That balanced was achieved in later editions with far less complexity.

trained military guy*

Yeah but the strongest people in the village guard get training from other guards, and unless every fucking village has ex military they're just milita you arrogant cunt. Where as you have access to skills guards wouldn't have, i.e fucking holy magic. They're still designed to beat you in all rulebooks because it's a way to deter players from murderhoboing their way from the left to the right.

If you've played the originals, it's pretty easy. As soon as the game forces the new NPCs and their LGBT issues on you, it's pretty obvious. If you haven't, you'll probably be traveling awhile before you piece together that the brooding Dark Knight wants you to sodomize him while apologizing for your human privilege.

It's avoidable. They will try to shove the new characters at you, but if you just reject them you can go on your merry way.

Another weird quirk is Sarevok will not say his dialogue if he's silenced, like most NPCs, but if you attack him while he's silenced, he won't aggro on you. In fact, you can't kill him at all. You can still damage him, take his HP right down to where he SHOULD be dead, but the game can't say his death line of "Sarevok is defeated, the battle is won" or whatever. So he'll just stop taking damage until his silence wears off, where he'll die instantly.

Depends on how much of an "original experience" you want. As far as new characters/quests go, each game has one forced cutscene that introduces a new character. Everything else can be ignored.