ITT: Good character design

ITT: Good character design

No woman design is good character design because a woman has no place in 99.9% of the video games they are forced to appear in.

good choice op. ff13 is a massively underappreciated game


Im convinced that they took her character model as the basis for Gladio.
I can't be the only one that sees it.


Still one of my favorite designs by far.





She was the worst fucking character in the original FFXIII, only eclipsed by LR Lightning. Trashcunt that made Hope tolerable by virtue of not being the worst person in the game.


What was there to appreciate?



The female dragoons are always good from FF. Kain and all his clones from various games are all extremely uninteresting and the generic dragoon armor looks like trash.

On the flip side, Fang, Freya, and Aranea are all excellent and have unique designs too.

Keep on denying facts The world would be a lot better if women are either barred or heavily restricted in media.

Just shit on proud traditions some more, why don't you?
Fucking children, no respect.


>lack of creativity is now a tradition

Stuff like this is why FF, Zelda, Tales of, etc... always feel so stale. They just keep relying on the same shit and plot points over and over again.

t. fat virgin who blames all of his life problems on women while making no effort to improve himself.

Back in my day, women aren't allowed to be Dragoons, and we liked it that way.
And stop using ellipsis you child. You're not cool doing it.

>tfw not even Fang could save this game

third game should have been all about her instead of boring Lighting Swift.


Fang is hands down the best girl design in all of vidya

She is very beautiful yet unique, unlike the pieces of shit in pic related.

Found the Muslim