So how the fuck a scientist without military training defeated dozens of soldiers...

So how the fuck a scientist without military training defeated dozens of soldiers,tanks and helicopters plus an alien invasion all by himself?

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He's the protagonist.

Morphine in the suit and quick saves


he's fuckin' doomguy

The power of drugs.

Bunnyhop master.

he wasn't alone

quantum shit

HEV suit (compensating for proper combat training) and his wits. And shitload amount of luck if you consider how many disasters he survived.

>by himself

G-Man was controlling everything.

G-Man was mostly fucking around for his own goals while observing everything. He wasn't helping much aside of picking Gordon in key moments before his certain demise.

Because I'm in control

The power of the HEV suit

Nerd power fantasy

>Alien guns shoot bees
You'd think they would come up with a better ammunition.

Okay, now lets pretend that nothing ever happened after HL1, now why does he survive?

Right man in the wrong place.

Literal 4D chess.

Read carefully again There is talk about taking down the xenos and whole army of trained HECU just for this mission, I can assure you G-Man didn't help him fighting at all.

gman orchestrated the black mesa incident and the portal storms 7h war and combine takeover as well as the rebellion . im pretty sure that they just intended him to be 'mysterious guy with infinite power' from the start.

he also says gordon works for him and the things gordon did he was hired by gmans bosses to do which implied gordon isnt just a regular dude even before the black mesa stuff. this makes a lot of sense when you understand the black mesa team knew him and worked with him before the incident and notice how none of them was particularly surprised to see gordon many years after he was assumed to have died in xen reappear in fucking czechia.

they say its 'funny he shows up on this day in particular' implying they were expecting him , either gman told them or they asked him to get gordon or gordon is actually gman's puppet that is sent whenever eli\klainer need him for something.

yeah but you don't know about that about gman until the later games retard
In the first game its implied that he is the administrator of black mesa

After Black Mesa Gordon is a gun for hire and G-man is his handler.

>Did you realize your contract was open to the highest bidder?

Gman calculates when and where to place an item or person to alter history for a client, pretty much Valves version of a Timelord.

OK guys I understand overall influence of G-Man but it still doesn't explain how Freeman survived direct confrontation with whole HECU army, helicopters, tanks, aliens, etc. G-Man couldn't directly help him unless he offered him the finest plot armor.

It's all in the suit my friend. Because it's got enough morphine in it to make sure you can fall 15 meters on your feet and keep you going.

Its all because of (you)r help!

I like it when games actually recoignize quicksaving as an ability of a character
Like I never played Containment Breach but I thought that was the coolest shit how they were considering classifying the protagonist as an SCP because he had avoided certain death and it was like he had dealt with certain situations already

>Gman letting a contact die was meant to foreshadow Episode 3, where he abandons you
That would've been neat.

The right man in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world.

>that HEV suit is good, nigga
>27 years old and lived the American Southwest, he probably knew how to handle weapons beyond the training Black Mesa gave him
>natural adept, good at bending situations to his advantage
>amazing navigator, near-perfect sense of direction
>luckier than a leprechaun's taint
>has no qualms with scavenging and handing out 40mm rounds like candy

Because you, the player, was able to do it.

this obviously isn't about the player


My headcanon is that Gordon was a /k/ nerd in his personal life like a lot of engineer guys are in real life and probably even practiced at the Black Mesa range with the Barnies. The HEV suit is the deus ex that allowed the nerd to elevate his game to the next level with a super suit+endless morphine.

So basically I imagine Gordan is like Ash from Evil Dead.

He's closer to the Quakeguy.

>forgetting the literal military training he received at Black Mesa

Fucking kids...

>Gordon Freeman
>he frees man

>he's actually not free at all

>Fckin 20m training of how to handle different weapons
>years of HECU's military training
>alien invasion with unknown fighting pattern

Make yourself some conclusion.


you and i both know they won't make the player deal with months of tutorials. time is accelerated.
consider that the black mesa incident is like an entire week when it takes like 20 hours or something to beat the game.

He's an American?

He always got bonus crit damage at being 50% health

We don't know how long Freeman had done his training. He could've been doing that for months. Military training don't take more than 3 months depending on what you're going to do or which force you're joining.


none of them had power armor though
and let's be fair if gordon ever tried to fight shepard he would have fucking died without G-man intervention.

The right man in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world

>he doesn't want to shoot bees

>Man with PHD, power armor and combat training
>Glue eating marines with subpar combat training


>Freeman's Mind joke
My nigga

Can we bodge two off dem togever for more dakka?

God dammit now I have to watch Evil Dead again.


The ability to save/load is canon, and granted to Gordon by G-Man.

>Glue eating marines with subpar combat training

Fucking this, Luck played a big role considering that he was up against an entire platoon of fucking kindergartners.

So someone that once had 3 months of training defeating dozens of guys with years of training and real life combat experience is realistic?

What a complete idiot.

That's what I'm guessing. What else are you going to do in your downtime when you're in a big underground bunker with copious amounts of ammo and full retard MP5s?

is this real
why would you do that

He's got a PhD in Theoretical Physics, all he has to do is apply physics theoretically and beat his opponents relatively.

>Man with PHD
PHD give you superpowers?

at first i thought he hit an unseen bullet with the pin. then i actually read it. these fuckwits really do eat glue.

Pin needs to be in
Pin is not in
Rock didn't make pin in
50 cal round bigger than rock and bigger than pin
Use flat end so don't miss
Heave ho
Hand = very no

Can anyone help me? When I play half life 2 (and only half life 2) i get this weird high pitch buzzing noise whenever I move or jump. Its much more noticeable when I jump. Its driving me nuts

His hability with weaponry and managing to be calm at high risk situations, yes.

>The MC of a FPS killed dozens of highly trained enemies

Just, do you know what we're talking here?

>His hand isn't compatible with .50 Ramset
Griplets please go.

maybe something is wrong with your headphones or sound card

three things:
- we are talking about scientist who doesn't need much military training (because duh - scientist)
- every action in game is proven to be in real time (
- he has no prior military training aside of said hazard course. ( Personality and skills section, 2nd paragraph)

i remember when seeing images like this used to bother me. Healthcare jobs show you all kinds of shit

>TFW I'm planning on enlisting
>TFW I'm only really noticing this kind of shit when I'm going to be associated with these mouth-breathers
At least I'm not doing Infantry, or even Marines.

>The MC of a FPS killed dozens of highly trained enemies
Doomguy and master chief are elite soldiers with combat experience, gordon is a civilian with some few training and was not even expecting to ever use a gun in his life.

it's called 'suspension of belief' bitch. you're supposed to self-insert as gordon freeman. thats what devs want. It's how all video games work. thats why he doesnt talk. sage

and power armor with arguable aim assist functionality, for example the HEV suit could stabilize your limbs for accurate shooting, this would have a functional effect for use in experiments as well allowing for precise manipulation of anomalous materials.

I think you may be right about soundcard. Ive changed headphones and same issue. The soundcard is old and I salvaged it from an old PC after the onboard one started having issues. I'm sure this one is about to go as well.

ok breen

it's been said before but really it's the suit. we don't know much about it's capabilities so for all intensive purposes it does all the heavy lifting.
i like to think that without the suit half-life would feel like arma.
as for barney and shepard, they're trained so it's just as easy for them.
the game conveys the ease afforded by training or the suit through the quake-like combat.

>you're supposed to self-insert
Kek, is that what you autist gamers do each time you play video games?

That's why i said, his Hazard Course training could been happening for some time already, it's obvious that they wouldn't put his entire training session on the game. It's boring, duh.

Black Mesa always sent people to Xen to protect themselves and Gordon had access to a crystal from the same place. They gave him their top-notch suit and access to alien material. So yeah, he was expecting to use his gun some time.

>they say its 'funny he shows up on this day in particular' implying they were expecting him

no, they say that because on that particular day they were testing a new type of teleportation that they hoped would turn things around for the resistance.

>with guns to protect themselves


>all intensive purposes

If you listen to the Breencast in Nova Prospekt, Breen mentions that Gordon is unusually good at mass murder for reasons he can't understand. If it was the suit, he would have mentioned it.

It's my headcanon that the HEV does most of the heavy lifting when it comes to fighting.

Maybe you could just buy a cheap amp/dac instead of replacing it

oh fuck i eggcorned. intents and purposes also
>reasons he can't understand
>freeman is usually not capable
>freeman is usually not wearing superpowered armor

ok sure that was a little homosexual but why are you talking like you don't play video games

>Doooooctooooor Freeeeeeeemaaan
Legit spooked me.

Also keep in mind that a security guard with nothing but a bulletproof vest, helmet, and loads of guns was able to exterminate heaps of HECU. Either Black Mesa had really good training due to being a national lab and all the aliens and stuff, or the HECU was made up of failures.

I wonder how many people got scared and tried to shoot when he said that.

>you also have no military training
>you're far dumber than a scientist
>you the player manage to defeat dozens of soldiers, tanks and helicopters because it's a fucking video game

Become an officer, fgt

>Playing video games

Didn't Barney also had a degree or was still on his graduation?

I would say that Black Mesa also hired ex-military personell for its guard corps since they are all so militarized.


>With a rock

>it's a fucking video game
Not an excuse for bad writting.

Freeman Bill Nye'd his ass up to the surface. Stop trying to make something that is simple so abstract and fucking retarded.

He would not be able to stop Adrian Shephard

ok what tf2 meme/video is this referencing? i feel like i've seen them all but i have no idea what this is. is pic location is point B of cp _steel?


The right man in the wrong place can make all the difference.