Ayy yooo.
I heard you not buy me game, modafucka.
I will shota you cracka head
Ayy yooo.
I heard you not buy me game, modafucka.
I will shota you cracka head
>I will shota
>i will shota
>i will shota
Please do
>I will shota
I bought all you games several times Todd san, pls shota me with yoir BBC!
Dont shoot me LeTodd
>I will shota
imagine being so stupid that you can't even get ebonics right
>I will shota you
wtf im buying all your games now
Who knew that the key to marketing to Sup Forums really was diversity all along
>I will shota you
Ayo watchu mean by dis?
I can be a nigga like you Toddrone
>*pirates your game while not seeding it*
He got the You's and that's all that matters.
>I will shota
is he supposed to be asian or black
>buy me game
Is he irish
OP has never heard a black person speak
Post rare todds
This is a vidya thread huh
>that kid who thought Toddposting was funny
you went from Jamaican to Irish to African to Italian in three sentences.
>me game
Irish potato detected
>I will shota
What is the appeal of /ss/
>I will shota
Please do.
no he didn't. Both you and OP are basement dwellers
>I will shota
It's not ebonics, it's Abbo
Prove me its your game
nigga you aint even kawaii
Nothing. Ignore these brainlets in the threads, they have the retention of a parrot.
Are you the OP who doesn't get ebonics and is now pissed that people are making fun of you for it?
Fo shizzle my Nizzle. I just stole this game "Fallout 4" from this nerdy cracka Todd.
What a fucking loser, man his game ain't even worth stealing, it wa shit.
he looks more like a dark skinned asian from one of the island nations than a black
Shota's dick size is easier to self insert
This is a girl isn't it.
ITT: Nobody knows what an Abo is.
I don't. Do they have /ss/?
Having an older, wiser woman breaking the innocence of a young lad is exciting and easy to fantasize about since any man knows what its like to be a young child. To miss those days of whimsy but at the same time desire sex too.
Autralian poster confirmed
/ss/ with worldly teenage girl a best
maybe if you took the ugly stick to him for a few months but this dark todd is too attractive to be an abo
Please purchase my mods
Pick one
ive never seen discussion around the topic of shota go this long without actual shota posting
>hey kid wanna skyward sword(?)
see it doesn't have the same ring to it
damn, who is this beautiful woman and where can i buy her game
I wanna buy Jade's game!
>i will shota you
I wanna be a shota.
Shotas get all the bitches
Please, by all means, shota me.
I can't get off to /ss/ unless the shota has a big dick
Is faceapp back? I thought they killed it months ago.
They only got rid of the race filters
Is Todd the new Pepe?
fucking weirdo
Why isn't shota a tag on g.e-hentai? is it against the law or something?
>I will shota
shota and loli are only on ex. if you're too dumb to figure out ex then you can use nhentai
I read that I need an account to get on ex so I just stoped caring. Will check nhentai, thanks mate.
>I will shota
Do it
trust nu-Sup Forumseddit to take a once funny joke and grind it into the dirt.
Are you supposed to be African or ghetto? You're flip-flopping my man
Neither Africans or Carribeans say cracker
>black OP saying he will shota someone
>somehow people correlate that to ss
>that contrarian faggot who hates fun
>implying someone who doesn't understand ebonics is black
but when i was a kid i wanted girls my same age
The basic point of ebonics is not understanding anything so accidentally OP got it right.
bad opinon, when you were a kid all the girls you knew had small tits.
Me too, but it was hotter to fantasize about older women.
Yeah but we're pervy adults imagining childhood from our adult minds. When I was a kid I didn't even know what sex was.
people understand what "we wuz kings" means, its funny because it sounds dumb, not because no one knows what it means
really? I liked girls my age, but I wanted to have sex with older women
tfw those older women were around the age I am now
But only the meme version of ebonics is funny, real life ebonics wich OP got in spades is pure retardation.
No one says shota in reference ebonics, he made that up because he thought it sounded funny, so he got it wrong
woah woah woah woah woah, who said anything about STRAIGHT shota
The difference between straight shota and normal shota is that you wanna be the main character in ss but you wanna be inside the main character of shota
>I will shota you
was it a Freudian slip?
>I will shota you
Good boy.
>I will shots you
whose that girl
>make me a dick-loving bitch boy
Oh, those cooky Japanese are at it again!
This place isn't big enough for the both of us
my todd is a rare amongst rares in that the rarity will not go down if posted
Or he misspelled a word which is part of ebonics 101
>I will shota
ebonics is a dialect not a written language, you can write out a dialect though
That's a guy you faggots