These are the top two 3D Zelda games. Which is number 1?
Who the fuck cares?
Majora's Mask
>Wind Waker
>top two
The idea for wind waker is better. The technology just wasn't there.
If Nintendo started from scratch with wind waker today it would be better than breath of the wild.
That being said breath of the wild is better. Both are amazing games. Two of the best of all time
>top 2 3D Zelda games
>not OoT
>not MM
Shouldn't you be playing your mature game your gamers like yourself ?
>Top two
shouldn't you be exploring giant empty oceans?
>wind waker is losing
The fuck? I would understand if ww was against oot or mm, but fucking breath of the wild?
>Top 2
Not with that difficulty it ain't
Neither its Link to the Past
Ah, yes. The mature gamer argument.
Wind Waker doesn't suck because of the art direction. It sucks because of the empty overworld, same old gameplay and average dungeons.
gama was great fun to play. empty ? why were you in such a rush in the first place?
Those aren't Majora's Mask and OoT my friend.
wind waker just completely falls apart in the second half. two fucking dungeons. and the triforce shards (which actually had to be fucking patched in the HD version. embarrassing) it's obvious it was rushed and a lot of content cut. and the games suffers for it
btow dungeons are worse but it excels far more in the areas it tries to, exploration and world.
Wind Waker is the worst 3d game, what drugs are you on?
>Wind Waker is worse than Skyward Sword
Any problems you can think of with Wind Waker, Skyward Sword also has them, but amplified.
You didn't like sailing because there isn't enough on the great sea? Flying is even worse because there's even less in the fucking sky and now traveling controls worse too.
You didn't like that Wind Waker makes you do an incidental and long fetch quest? How about having to do random fetch quests in areas you've already explored instead of going to new ones?
You didn't like how easy Wind Waker was? How about a game that goes out of it's way to be repetitious with it's handholding, restating facts that you just saw or had described to you every time Fi opens her mouth?
SS had better dungeons though.
Doesn't matter. Grinding through the rest of the game makes you not even want to get to a dungeon
No, it really didn't
People just remember the boss and visuals of Ancient Cistern and use that to excuse the rest of the dungeons.
The Earth Temple was cool too and the Forest Temple had a legitimately hard boss in Ghirahim
BotW, but WW is definitely number 2. But 2D Zelda is overall better than 3D.
>I would understand if ww was against oot or mm
Nah, then it would win by a landslide. BotW is the only good 3D Zelda outside WW.
I really liked windwaker when I played it back in the day. I haven't played BotW, but it looks fun as well, although I am not gonna buy a switch just for that game.
Windwaker felt like it was just an adventure above everything. I think part of this was just the scale compared to OOT and MM (which were both incredible, but felt more like they were story driven and had some puzzle elements to figure out). I also enjoy boats in real life and never felt like I was just sailing though an empty world, the scale of distance between islands really felt immersive to me.
Wind Waker is objectively the worst game in the franchise, though.
You misspelled "best". Common mistake.
Twilight princess is missing OP
>All those dungeons
>All those items
More than fucking windwaker, less tedious exploring aswell.
WW is boring as fuck
I haven't read any reviews on the zelda games recently, but what makes it the worst in your opinion?
Not according to the poll
The game was empty and rushed for the holiday season. You can't tell me about the journey there like you can with BotW because there's nothing along the way. Point A and B with only tiny reefs in between.
Twilight princess was way too serious and long.
Another mistake nintendo did with Zelda trying to make OoT 2.0 to satisfy nostalgia fags.
Wind Waker is definitely a number 2... it's the biggest number 2 I've ever seen!
Windwaker is the worst. I just beat the game for a second time a couple weeks ago and while I still enjoy the game, it's my least favorite Zelda game. 90% of it is sailing, with that stupid fucking bullshit triforce bullshit at the end, there's only 4 temples which were completely linear as fuck and all the puzzles were incredibly easy but they were done in a fashion where doing each puzzle would take a really long time to do so that the dungeons seem longer than they really are. Sure Skyward Sword's sky is empty but it's also waaay smaller than the sea in WW and so you spend a LOT less time in it. You're hardly ever flying around. The boss fights and dungeons were much much better in SS than in WW. At least WW had some great music, but so did SS, just like every Zelda does. Windwaker is the grindiest Zelda game of them all
100% correct
TWW is the worst in the 3D series and one of the worst overall.
Friendly reminder Nintendo is about to eliminate Miiverse so you won't get bottled photos in TWWHD anymore.
BotW is just slightly better than Skyward Sword.
Replace it with Majora's Mask.
>there's only 4 temples
>dragon roost
>forsaken fortress
>Tower of the Gods
>Earth Temple
>Wind Temple
>Ganon's Tower
Ocarina of Time > Majora's Mask > 2D Zelda
those first ruin all other 3D games for me. OoT had eight dungeons, ice and well mini dungeon, and then Ganon's Tower. Then you look at Breath of the Wild with only five dungeons.
MM had five dungeons, and a few mini ones, but then had the time mechanic and the insane mask side quests.
Every 3D Zelda has just become a disappointment.
>The idea for wind waker is better. The technology just wasn't there.
>If Nintendo started from scratch with wind waker today it would be better than breath of the wild.
That doesn't make sense. The technology not being there was the reason Wind Waker was a big ocean instead of a big open world.
Nintendo starting from scratch with Wind Waker today basically ends in them MAKING Breath of the Wild.
MM = OoT > BotW > WW
not him and a little bit if a non sequitur, ever forget that WW has more unfinished room than finished ones, huge amounts of cut content
Ocarina of Time
but egoraptor said it's shit
Who gives a shit what that faggot thinks?
>Breath of the Wild winning
Cool, you're not completely ruined just yet Sup Forums
>top 2 Zeldas
>not OOT/MM