Anime season is ending

>anime season is ending
>there are no good animes next season
>there hasn't been a good video game release since BotW
>there hasn't been a good 3D hentai release since the one with the gorgeous busty girl
They say that hope is the last thing you lose, but what happens if it's the only thing you have left to lose?


>there hasn't been a good video game release since BotW
Suddle bait 5/10


what hentai?

>They say that hope is the last thing you lose, but what happens if it's the only thing you have left to lose?
But that's the same thing

>caring about any animated porn in the slightest
true sign of a plebian

This is the perfect time to kill yourself.

>he only plays new releases

>being this much of a homosexual
you can't make heart pupils in 3D

Better bait than OP. 8/10

note I said animated

This year has been complete garbage for anime unfortunately

There are no good animes ever. Kill yourself you stupid fucking weeb.

my hero is p good

dumb frogposter

>>there are no good animes next season

Pic related is getting a second season

>>there hasn't been a good video game release since BotW

Yakuza Kiwami, Persona 5

>>there hasn't been a good 3D hentai release since the one with the gorgeous busty girl

We might get one soon

>They say that hope is the last thing you lose, but what happens if it's the only thing you have left to lose?

Keep hoping

>there hasn't been a good video game release since BotW
There's been multiple and there's about to be at least three more, all of which have been and will be better than BotW

>autistic hamster gets 2nd season
>still no signs of Haruhi S3
Fucking disgusting

Pic unrelated of course

umaru isn't good.

anime hasn't been good since 2004 ended

After Code Geass ended

>ever good
>Not just some flavor-of-the-month-tier anime everytime
You MUST only choose one.

This is just wrong, there have been many Anime and Vidya gems after 04,07, any year. But your vision has been clouded by the excessive amount of garbage released, so you think all anime/games are bad these days.

kill yourself, newfag trash

Pic very related, both Yakuza games released this year were better than BotW.
>y-you're just a sony-nigger
Super Mario Odyssey and Xenoblade 2 are going to be must buys for me, they look like amazing games that build upon the strengths of their respective series. BotW threw away so many Zelda staples just to make a decent open world game that ends up feeling hollow halfway through when you realize everything else is just going to be a rehash of what you already found.

weebs belong in their containment board

smart frogposter

>3D hentai that isnt Umemaro
The people in this thread are right, you should off yourself you pleb

find better hobbies
find things that make you feel good
pic related

Your ass must get jealous of all the shit that comes out of your mouth, underage newfag trash

BotW fucking sucked and you're an autistic, lonely weebu.

Name ONE good series released after 2007

>le newfag meme
No one cares about your weebtrash anymore. Go back to your shit board.

This nigga woke as fuck.

Anime has been garbage for a long time, and video games are going to go similar to hollywood. AAA developers are beginning to show signs of being creatively bankrupt, where they rehash the same shit and depend on marketing by virtue signaling. So pretty much the generic muh diversity, muh female representations, and so on.

Haruhi is pure fucking cancer.

>trying to get EVEN MORE normalfags to watch anime

That wasn't the point of my post at all, broseidon.

>Watching anime

I second this.

Meme shit for autists


What animes are you watching user, i wan't to watch something

Haruhi season 3 has been confirmed confirmed.

>some one who watches anime isn't a weeb
This is what Sup Forums accualy believes?

>muh sekret animu club

>>there are no good animes next season

>saying this when we get another season of MEAT cameos

>no good animes
>Dies Irae is airing
fuck off m8

Why is doggo sad

You need to get the real definition of weeb, not the reddit version you fucking redditor.

Found it

gurren lagann is the only anime that matters



>responding to underage newfaggotry

>>there hasn't been a good 3D hentai release since the one with the gorgeous busty girl

What, the shota one? That one was pretty good.

>Kino's Journey remake


>its like bitching at a chinese restaurant for having too much chinese food

I think its more something like this,
>walk into chinese restaurant
>go to washroom
>complain there isn't chinese food in the washroom
You see the building is a chinese restaurant, but youre not supposed to eat the food everywhere.

>defending blogposting because it is anime related

I doubt the anime is good when the vn is trash

Have you considered suicide?

Hope isn't the only thing you have. You have your sanity, or are you developing dementia?

Haruhi is shit.

>This year has been complete garbage for anime unfortunately

AXZ is top after the mess known as GX

how do i do this too

Back to your hole, frog poster

stop listening to Sup Forums.

They don't know what good anime means

Pretty much. Anime has been mostly shit for 10 years now, especially since Moeshit and "cute girls doing X slice of life" dominated everything.

Dies irae anime mite b cool

I agree. The lazy cunts padded out 2/3 of season 2 by literally just making the same episode 8 times

Wow dude, you're fucking pathetic.

Can I just watch season 4 and completely skip 3?


>Can I just watch season 4 and completely skip 3?

not really since big stuff happens in season 3.

and the bad guys of season 4 funded the bad guys of seasons 2 and helped the bad guy of season 3

>there are no good animes next season

there hasnt been good animes in like 15 years you fucking faggot
>3d hentai

What are 3 good dubbed anime?
I like stuff like Gurren Lagann, FLCL, Trigun, Berserk, Overlord, Death Note, Cowboy Bebop, Log Horizon, & the Studio Ghibli movies are great. Can any based user help me out with a few recs?

That meat looks ayy lmao

>my knowledge of anime strts at 2010

Space Dandy
Eureka Seven
Also if you like comfy stuff, Haibane Renmei and Aria

Im feeling nice,

the only dubs i have watched are full metal alchemist and baccano

The Devil is a Part Timer
7 Deadly Sins

>see this thread
>realize I haven't looked at next season
>see no less than 6 things I already know I'll try and probably like
Thanks for the reminder OP

That was totally worth the shot.
Thx all !

but user Total War Warhammer 2 comes out in 3 weeks

JoJo dub was alright, just take it with a grain of salt. Some shit sounds great, while other voices are... well at least they tried. stroheim didn't deserve what he got.

Read a book, read a book, read a mothafuckin book.

Hellsing Ultimate if you like edge

>>there are no good animes next season
were there any good animes this season

>there are no good animes next season
>there hasn't been a good video game release since BotW

But reading is haaaard

>Look at Autumn anime chart

wait what the fuck. when did this happen?

>Only my girlfriend is a bitch looks interesting
Wow this looks bad.
I swear there will be one season where nothing looks interesting faster than i thought.

if you haven't watched eva you probably should

We went from such a great year to such a shitty year of anime. It's the opposite of video games.

What's worse, annoying ironic weebs who like to think they're special snowflakes with their waifufaggotry or the hardcore anti weebs who get triggered and whine like literal babies at the sight of anything Japanese? My vote's for the later.

>Pic related is getting a second season
There are no good animes next season.

What about
>Boku no Kanojo ga Majime Sugiru Shojo Bitch na Ken

sounds stupid.

Just like Highschool DxD Season 4.

Which Sup Forums will worship because it's a harem LN anime.

But is not a Harem.