Post worst writing in games

post worst writing in games

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The bad writing isn't on this dialogue alone but treating this nigger's opinions as the sole gospel of truth in the whole game


morrowind is so autistic
good game though

Penis fingers and DA BEARS DA BULLS from NV.
I guess they were just deconstructing the trope that Obsidian has good writers.

How do writers that bad get a job in the industry?

>keep seeing some stuff like this in morrowind, got annoyed cause it was like a record scratch on immersion
>oblivion comes out

>4 total voices.

Bethesda is retarded.

Do mods count?

how do people like you get such bad taste?
when penis fingers is single-handedly better than anything written in fallout 3, you know you've fucked up

>How do writers that bad get a job in the industry?
By not being called out by the right people.

The republic of fucking Dave shits all over Big MT.

This whole game. Could it be just a translation error?

So bad they had to make the game literally retcon itself at the end.




>escapism is bad!
>um kid, have you considered the possibility that this is a real separate universe that you've been warped to, and not everybody has a counterpart in your home dimension, and that you're on the verge of committing mass genocide without knowing?
>um uh um... ESCAPISM! IS! BAAAD!

Fuck that, you're going home.

>"It doesn't matter. None of this matters! But if it doesn't matter..why do I long for humans like this!? Why do I desire the touch of something that no longer exists!?"

Bruh, the writing was cash.

I think the replayability of borderlands 2 is actually tarnished by how bad the writing is
it makes me never want to go back to it

"He's waggling his penis fingers at me."
Sounds like someone let their 10 year old write a char on Take Your Kid to Work Day.

>Implying the lives and reality of some other universe I'm not from matters.
You bet your ass I'd wipe out an entire universe to get back to my home, especially when the second universe is literally a cream dream of a bunch of derelicts and freaks.

>Hey guys, our lives are pretty great right now, but everyone else is suffering. This is a pretty fucked up place.
>Fuck you, I want my legs. Now excuse me, I have to go torture my dad.

yeah but I doubt the dlc was canon right

Ok, question, what is with this new "m.jpg" crap Sup Forums does now? And why does removing the "m" not always give me the full resolution for the image, like with this one? I can't read this junk when it's all blurry and compressed.

(Yes, I'm currently a phoneposter.)

>if you don't mod it out after you finish the main quest virtually EVERY single NPC gives you the same huge wall of text thanking you


Somebody post it

>brainlets thinking Near A Tomato has good writing

this is so accurate I get upset reading every time

>Bethesda Games
Critiqued from hell and back. Whatever they did right they also did wrong.
>Obsidian Games
Perfect! 10/10! Another magnum opus from the most underrated OG from an age long past! There was totally nothing they did wrong.

Ulysses was there for a while, which I think actually kick-started the DLC's plot, since it inspired the Think Tank to launch that satellite. I believe either the girl or the old man from Dead Money also was in the Big MT at some point.

So yeah, it's canon, sorry.

Reminder that this is what (in)famous storyfag Ben "Yahtzee" Croshaw considers the 2013 GOTYAY.

Oof. What game?

the entire Reason of State quest in The Witcher 3

Dijkstra is hailed as the most intelligent man in the Redaninan empire, yet he jumps to fight 2 experienced soldiers and a witcher with no armor

Not to mention how utterly retarded Radovid acts during the entire quest

I think that quest alone ruined the entire game for me

>contrarian sperg thinking his opinion means anything

>Place arm around Saerileth
Pic related, it's me and my bitch.

Also 17 best option

>weeb believes writing by a westaboo who read up on babbys first philosophers is anything but garbage


Yawn. The hyperbolic need to shit on everything Gearbox is pretty boring at this point.

Baldur's Gate 2, but it's not in the original game obviously.

Because the Obsidian games aren't perfect but have redeeming factors that make up for their shortcomings. Fallout 4 is mediocre at it's best parts, and shit at it's worse, and has a story that I'm pretty sure Sup Forums could have wrote better if any post ending with the number 4 was cannon to the story.

>buzzword buzzword buzzword

I love Morrowind and even I can't defend this at all. Are there really Morrowind fags that will?

no one has mentioned this before that i've seen but yeah I'd agree that part did make me feel weird

Yahtzee's idea of GOTY is the game you had the most fun playing that year. Not what came out that year. It's retarded as it sounds and he threw a hilarious fit when Gabe asked him what he meant by what was his GOTY. Despite being a sperg I like Yahtzee when he's being himself around his former heterosexual life partner.

I know you

You fucking bitch

>Intelligence : Kill urself bruh

Your argument is valid, but gearbox do it poorly so it's also completely valid.

Baldur's Gate 2. Using some sort of mod.

>Also blow up your whole reason the be create dude. It'll be rad trust me

This the OC donut steel that thinks evil and good aren't real despite being in a setting that has beings that are literally physical manifestations of the aforementioned concepts?

Oh piss off, Obsidiot! Did you even bother doing anything outside of the main quest-line?

All sonic games



>buzzword buzzword buzzword buzzword

Where was this from?

Look up the beyond the beef side quest in NV
it shits all over any side quest in literally any bethesda game

Yes and 95% of the non main quests don't have fucking stories to them. It's fetch quest bullshit, kill named raiders who are the exact same as every other raider, go to a place kill x enemies and loot one specific object. There are a small handful with actual dialogue options like Silver Shroud but they are few and far between.

my bedroom, it's my gf


how can anyone take a game with retarded designs like this seriously

>incoming text dump

>more than 70% of it is mindless raving


fuck you, I liked it

I guess most recent one is Destiny 2. Shit is just awful.


There's a middle ground where there's enough added flavor to make it worth doing quests, but not so much extra writing that doesn't add anything. It stops being enjoyable half way through the long rambling voice over.

I don't even like Bioshock Infinite but these people are seriously retarded and just want an excuse to get mad.
>You have to be a scientist to make sci-fi

literally and figuratively

Heavy Rain>Beyond Two Souls>Indigo Prophecy
Prove me wrong

its a mindless robot of course it will say mad things you plebeians


If Bethesda had the plot of FO4 be a modern military army from Ronto fighting an army based on the Spartans fighting over the dam at Niagra Falls Obsidiots would have , quite correctly, ripped Bethesda a new one.

Not because it ripped off NV but because the premise is pants on head retarded.

I too liked watching as the female lead had to slowly undress in front of a fatass perv because I was purposely failing the QTEs.

>playing any of those movies
You were wrong from the start, fucko.

What the fuck

Indigo Prophecy > Heavy Rain > Beyond Two Souls

How can it be mindless if the only thing it has is a brain?

life is strange
telltale games

B-but the legion has training n shiet + really sharp machetes!

>telltale games
You mean new Telltale. Old TTG was great.

Indigo Prophecy was good up until the out of nowhere reveal that it's actually a sci fi game instead of urban fantasy/horror. Supposedly it comes completely out of left field because Cage wanted the game to be much longer than it was, and be released in installments.

when does it change from great to bad

Cmon bud


What exactly is wrong with Psychonauts' writing? Considering the type of game it is?

They edgy 8th grader philosophy also makes them really morally ambiguous. Such a well written faction.

I'm not your bud, pal

Oh shid

it's not funny

Honestly it's why I disliked IP more than the others. It just turns up to 11 super fucking quick and it's pacing is ruined. Yeah the heavy rain twist was dumb but at least it kinda felt sensible. BTS's only redeemable qualities were ghost hijinxs, hobo babies, and punk Ellen page.

>paid mods

Walking Dead? It's more when they went from fun adventure games to super serious movies.

I well defend Caesar's monologue, but then everything after that just flat out falls apart. I don't know if Obsidian wanted them to be morally ambiguous, or the compelling villains, but they just didn't have time to finish them and left them as the villains.

Is that it? Pretty weak reasoning desu.

Calm down homie

we rapes useless woman for babies, kill people born with defects cause they weak, and protect the roads from other raiders

we totally ain't bad guys

Obviously you don't have to. But you do need to have more than a passing pop-culture familiarity with a topic to write it well.
