What character do I use this for?

What character do I use this for?

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AGL gohan.

Teq future Gohan. Arguable the best f2p character available atm

And suddenly I'm reminded of farming that level for the SS Trunks. Getting those #18 medals was a nightmare in of itself.


Do the choices ever change/go away? And are any of the available exchanges ticket-exclusive or do they pop up in missions or banners ever?

just downloaded tell me something about this before I start

What the hell kind of opening is this

use the game's wikia


or the reddit, there's also a tier list so you know the best characters to go for

Oh no, I was talking about your first point. My bad.
>what the hell kind of opening is this

>or you can go to an objectively worse place filled with memes instead of one with nothing but info!!
Will you fuck off?

No that's some other gigantic faggot

not him
Actually check it out before making judgement on the dokkan reddit, there are relatively few memes and several guides like the one I mentioned

Actually fuck off reddit

After checking this i now realize i just have a fuck ton of useless cards.

Look, I don't care too much, just tell me if the wikia gets early leaks and data dump news too.

Do you know how a wikia works?

Calm the fuck down, it's just a game, I just wanted to know if the reddit was useful at all.

Thanks user

>Decide to change some of my teams
>Get enough stamina to do a dokkan event
>Go super 2 difficulty
>I forgot to change back to my best team and have waste 50 stamina on a team with multiple level 1 characters

What a waste of stamina

This almost makes me want to invest in that Baba Shop Nappa for some reason

did we get this already or what is this about?

Gather up the resources for what you need but don't get him until he releases because you might pull something better by then

what more is there for me to do?
I WAS farming exp during triple exp to raise team cost but thats over now
the new banner sucks and I already got both Cooler's
I might just reinstall Crusaders Quest for the 4th time

Exactly the reason I haven't gotten him yet. I mean, I always in the mind to try out additional options, but I'm already in a good place with the units I have.

Bide time, get your daily login bonuses and just spend some stamina getting a few Dokkan medals here and there.

A lot of people here expressed that they're happy with the downtime. We're saving up for the next big banner draws and maybe the Goku Jr event, but you're more than excused to take a break from this until the next big wave of stuff. I know I am.

Do i really need the recommended characters on the wiki to get medals for some of them?
I have 3 URs and i can't defeat Vegeta no matter what i do.

recommended =/= need

They make it as easy as possible, cunning and know-how can get you through a fight with a less than desirable team assuming you take the best friend lead for it. Look up events on youtube so you can get a feel for it.

But if you only have 3 URs you are very early into the game and busting your nut way too early. Stick to story mode, rank up, build up stones, and summon more cards.

depends on your lead primarily, then your ability to tank or outright avoid damage, and last, your team's damage per turn.

I just need SS4 Goku and my STR team will be unstoppable
I just cant pull him for the life of me
but in exchange it looks like I can pull other featured cards with relative ease.
I ended up getting SS4 Gogeta on the first multi, 2 PHY Omega Shenron's, 2 STR Omega Shenron's, 3 Fusion Zamasu's, and like 3 different SS God SS Vegeta's

Wait for the Gogeta banner, user. He'll be there with 2 other God Leader units and who knows what else.

Any suggestions on good Ki orb color-changing units? Only one I have atm is TEQ SSJ Gotenks and he's in a Super STR deck so obviously that needs to change soon.

ohh nice! do we have an estimated release date on that banner?
I think we get a new banner on the 15th but thats the angel goku one right?

Should I wait for gogeta to use the stones I started saving up since lr goku rewards or spend it on angel goku to get my optimal teq team?

Depends on what you want to run. Cell Games #17 and Brother's Wish SS Goten can help you make rainbow orbs, but from what I'm reading (I'll post the link at the end), units that change ki to STR kind of got the shaft. You'd need to get your hands on STR Buu or GrApe Fasha for a sea of STR orbs.


Ayup. If memory serves it goes:

SSJ3 Goku/Masked Saiyan
Super 17
Kid Buu

So you've got a month and a half wait ahead of you, assuming they don't fuck with the scheduling.

Me? I'm hoarding for Gogeta too, but what I REALLY want is that LR Trunks banner that will also have LR Broly and LR Gohan

>that will also have LR Broly and LR Gohan
shit really? I actually need LR Broly dupes for hidden potential

If you're looking for LR Broly dupes, there's also the Kale/Caulifla banner as well.

All right i guess i will firs finish story mode and summon more cards i guess i was getting too hasty, thanks for the advice.

>Looks at choices.

Wow, that's fucked. Not a one with link synergy with my STR Deck. I do have that TEQ SSJ Bardock, guess I need to build a TEQ deck then.

Did TEQ get a godlead yet or is that still coming?

The old god lead was SS3 Gotenks. As of the current (global) meta, it'll be SS3 Angel Goku for Supers and LSS3 Broly for Extreme units.

I know it's stupid childish but while I can stomach using GT characters, anything from the recent DBSuper anime just repulses me so much that even having an LR in the mix can't get me anticipating a Kale/Caulifa banner. Bleh.

>LSS3 Broly

The one that can't come to global due to copyright bullshit, right?

I almost want to jump to Japan servers just to get these units who we'll never see.

Fair enough. I only mention it as another chance at pulling for LRs, since it'll have all LRs released up to that point up for grabs (Gohan, Broly, Majin Vegeta, Goku Black). I try to avoid instigating another GT/Super debate that could derail the thread.

I've got ssj4 goku and I'm not interested in any of the others. I'll save up my meager 83 stones for the next meta

Anyone finding themselves running out of Gregorys too often?

They show up in baba shop often, 30/60/90 at a time.

One of the stages of the R Goku event gives 5 gregorys per run

so am i good?

does anybody have a broly non modded reroll account they don't need?

Copyright bullshit?

Sort of, you need to either pull on the current banner or save for Janemba, you really want phys Coooler otherwise your team will be kind of shitty.

For how early you are into it, yes, doing very well.