>game was releases 26 years ago though...

Other urls found in this thread:


Who are you quoting? Are you feeling alright?

Except this is clearly going to be massively different from the original, but you know that.

user, sometimes it's acceptable to go full retard
Not in the OP though

ACfag, no one has ever said that.

>game was releases
nigger you can't even ortography

You sound autistic


>Only played half of the first Metroid and first 10 minutes of Super Metroid
>Preordered this
I better like it

>Except this is clearly going to be massively different from the original
So was Zero Mission, and Metroid fans suck that off.

Does ACfag hold the record for longest single continuous 'tism fit at seven years?

The key difference between ZM and Samus Returns is that the latter actually has completely different level design from Metroid 2.

Zero Mission is obviously really different from the OG Metroid but for the most part, it's fairly faithful to the original game's layout. Same thing with AM2R when comparing it to M2. Samus Returns on the other hand is essentially an all new Metroid game just wearing the skin of Metroid 2.

I played Metroid and Super Metroid when they were new. Didn't much care for them.

Played Other M back when it was as well to see if the series had gotten any better or worse. It hadn't.

Played Fusion via 3DS ambassador thing. More actiony, but still not my thing.

I'm not a Metroid fan.

But I will be getting Samus Returns because why not. May as well have it on record as having played all of the real Metroid games.

Metroid 2 is apparently shit but I haven't played that much of it.

>paying for 3DS games
>in 2017

Huge metroid fan but I won't be buying Samus Returns due to their bullshit DLC amibo bullshit.
Here I am with my cousins christmas vacation playing the fuck out of Metroid Prime since my sister got a camcorder for xmas and was able to record it youtube.com/watch?v=6MSEYok5akI

>Metroid 2 had more Omega Metroids than Zetas.

Something about this always seemed bizarre to me

The nintentards that think theyre cool for liking a shitty 26 year old 2d shitter. Metroid is a literal meme game

>Zero Mission is obviously really different from the OG Metroid but for the most part, it's fairly faithful to the original game's layout.
It really isn't. At best, the world layout is inspired by the original game, but all of the extra areas and changes to the original areas mean it's anything but faithful. AM2R likewise has a map that at best is inspired by M2. You're also ignoring that there was never any reason for Zero Mission to be made since Super Metroid did exactly the same thing ("remake" Metroid 1) but far better a decade prior.


You can try cherry-pick tiny areas of the full map if you want, but I'm seeing key differences between M2 and AM2R.

Again, AM2R is at best INSPIRED by Metroid 2.

>But I will be getting Samus Returns because why not. May as well have it on record as having played all of the real Metroid games.
>because why not.
Maybe because you literally just said you haven't liked any of the others?

There's zero reason to play the original game. It has aged badly unlike most GB games. AM2R and SR are already better and what everyone should and will play.

>Some corridors aren't straight anymore
>Um, ACKSHUALLY guys, Are you BLIND!? Its clearly, AT BEST, merely INSPIRED by Metroid 2!

The Samus Returns map looks great, I'm glad they integrated the warps better in Samus Returns instead of that retard chamber in AM2R, good potential for the warps now.

I didn't say I didn't like them. They were okay enough to play through once. They're not anywhere near close to games I've played which are downright broken or truly, truly garbage. They're not my thing, but playing 1 or 2 of them a decade certainly isn't bad.

DAE love Metroid and other spaceshit games? I fucking LOVE science! Rick and Morty episode about Metroid when?

>that area 4 for Samus Returns
what the fuck

Area 4 looks worse than the original and AM2R

How is the teleporter in AM2R retarded?

What are you even trying to say?

>Area 4 looks worse than the original and AM2R

No fuck that, as someone that still enjoys vanilla Metroid 2 that place was awful.

>hey have fun spending 3 minutes space jumping to the top of this place and then slowly falling back down hurr hurr

Metroid 2 on Gameboy is basically unplayable, I thought it at the time too. This is more of a reimagining than a remake.

who got the .cia tho