What went wrong

What went wrong

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Lyn, Tharja, and Camilla.



I don't even like Corrin, but I want to play with her tail really badly.

Waifus happened.

Whiny entitled fanbase broken into factions that refuse to get along.

Appealing to the lowest common denominator to make sales. It worked, as it usually does, and fucked everything.

>Embrace Waifus: FE is toptier franchise
>No waifus: Advance Whats

Nothing, its the most popular its ever been


Bitter old men who refuse to take off their nostalgia goggles.

Sakura's game actually looks pretty decent now guys, at least as of PAX.

Intelligent Systems became Unintelligent Systems.

See also Paper Mario and the death of Advance Wars.

Treehouse localization

Your waifu getting in doesn't make the game any less of a steaming turd. don't be fooled.

Casual Mode.

Zombie simpsona syndrome

Lucina was born

No onscreen sex scenes with waifus.

Nothing. This series would've died without waifus.

Not much really
The series has everything now.
>new style titles to appeal to a wide playerbase and make tons of $$$/keep the franchise alive
>new style title with gameplay of old titles to appeal to TRPGfags who ignore everything but the core gameplay
>old style title to appeal to people who liked the old way the games were presented
>mobile gachashit to keep it relevant and fresh in people's minds between titles which might give them more freedom in future titles
FE is in a pretty fucking good state right now.

Yeah. It's fucking disgusting how they tried to appeal to NTRfags.
Fucking dropped.

I mean that the gameplay actually looks fun
I've been shitting on it for months, but between that and the new info we've gotten on it, I'm reconsidering buying it, especially if they confirm Camus and Minerva.

The fanbase

What do we think of Thigh-er Emblem Heroes?

Holy fuck this
I enjoy the games but going into threads about them just makes me sad and slightly angry.

They stopped implied incest.

>can't fuck Kana or Morgan even though they want it

It's a Fire Emblem game duh lmao. A 3rd rate franchise in nintendos otherwise flawless collection.

Morgan is not for fucking!
It's for V2 launching

My dick is a big fan.

Absolutely nothing its getting better.

Yeah, you have people playing Fire Emblem Heroes and they know nothing about Fire Emblem(or don't even like Anime) and there playing that game as well. The mobile game
is doing a great job in introducing people to the series. I'm pretty sure the next Fire Emblem will indoubtly have much bigger sales than both Fates & Awakening combined.

The series is on its way to joining Nintendo's "holy trinity" of game series(Mario, Pokemon, & Zelda)alongside with Splatoon & Metroid. In fact, only Splatoon, Metroid, and Fire Emblem have potential to become mainstream. Splatoon 2 is already getting huge(especially in Japan) and on its way to becoming one of the best selling Switch titles and Metroid Prime 4 has potential to get the FPS/Halo/Titanfall/Destiny audience if done right. Fire Emblem 2018 will benefit from the mobile title and will indoubtly be huge given its going to be on a home console rather than dated 3DS. It'll be interesting what they do with the next Fire Emblem game. The ideal would be to bring Shouzou Kaga back on board for the level design, and get either the Tactics Ogre, FFtactics or Suikoden 1-2 writer on board for the game's story. Character designer, they can either use Hidari, Kozaki, or Senri Kita either one is good.

I really like it.
Who's thighs are on the far right?

Decided that Waifus were more important than story and gameplay. Now they won't stop jerking off Awakening and Fates.
I'm just waiting for the anime series. Might as well make one.

A Dynasty Warriors rip off instead of a good mainline title.

Already happened my man, all the way back in Marth's day.

You're forgetting Lucina, but overall fpbp.

Morgan is not for sexual.
Her and her husband, _Laurent_ keep it to themselves.


So her art was in the update? Neat.

At least it looks good.

Never left Japan until like after it was already dying
Then it became waifu bait

The backpedaling in Birthright was embarrassing.

>spend entire life in love with her brother, thinking he's her brother
>suddenly plot convenience reveals they're not related so they can totally fuck without it being weird!

News flash. It's still weird. All this did is piss of blood-related fags. Normalfags find it disgusting either way.

Morgan craves Robin's cock and you know it, why do you too deny her that?

Nobody bought pre-awakening games since most of the fanbase played the games through emulators so IS had to pander to normies with self-inserts and mobile games.

Is this actually real?

>all my favorite characters start getting into Heroes only after I quit the piece of shit
First Tana, now Nephenee. I'm so tempted to go back but god it's literally throwing away money. I don't ever want to download it again.

Because Father x Daughter is the worst type of incest.

Fates was about husbandos, though.

>Marth will be the only Archanea character

You get 4-6 orbs a day for the next week and a half.
You get a free S tier.
Its the best its ever been if you're f2p


I honestly found it sort of cute how she clearly wanted Corrin's dick, but couldn't actually get on that until she found mom's letter. It was unintentionally funny how it portrayed her.

Also made the despair boner that much greater when I razed her country and betrayed her trust in Conquest.

I haven't been keeping up on average, what've we been getting?

>Metroid Prime 4 has potential to get the FPS/Halo/Titanfall/Destiny
>garbage online

>Burger King GHB soon.

Oh boy, I can wait for FE4 banner, we are getting close...I guess

was meant for What's got the gameplay looking less shit?


& Tiki

The series was dying and needed to find a new playerbase. It did, but at some cost to what people liked about the series. Now it is pandering to them too much for the original fans' taste and there is a shit ton of infighting. Maybe the next game will be able to bridge the gap, but considering the shit they are pulling with Heroes, I doubt the two fanbases with ever get along.

Kanna definitely had some sort of father complex or something but I can only remember Morgan as being very malicious

Oh right, forgot about her amiibo.
But watch it just be some support system BS and not even a full character.

Worse, they're just going to use whatever characters they need to fill out class diversification, without actually paying attention to which ones are actually popular.

No Ogma, Camus, or Minerva. But Draug will be there.

I've spent $50+ trying to get characters and got jack shit. No, I'm not getting tricked again. It's a fucking luck of the draw and it only gets worse as they keep clogging up the colors with more characters.

>Still need to roll for Bike
>Ephraim/Eirika BHB means Ephraim banner that isn't shared with Peri
>Possible Neph banner soon

Don't do it my man, it's a pointless timesink. I'm tempted to install it again because I love Fire Emblem but then I remember that I won't enjoy it.




I don't know whether they actually fixed things, the previous players were just shit, or I'm just imagining things, but the recent demo looks better than previous videos.
Granted, it still has plenty of other problems, like Hinoka's voice, and the mediocre roster, but I can see myself enjoying it.
Also, class changing and alternate weapons are confirmed, with OC Naruto being shown using lances instead of a sword.

Dragonstones are a confirmed weapon category, she's definitely playable. Not to mention the devs stated they were excited to see fans guess what other SD characters would be included.

Morgan would totally be down for a parental threesome, I can't see Kana doing the same.

Is not.

They confirmed for quite a while.

It's real

You can even see Burger King's Grand Hero Battle map at the end.

Dunno how I feel about his art yet
He's literally the spotlight in the weird as fuck live action commercial they recently did for Heroes, alongside Ike/Lyn/Roy/Lucina. He's coming, user. Soon.

Holy shit he looks good. That's the sexiest armored unit I've seen in years.

Heroes all over again.
Not a single Camus or Minerva but had like 4 Draugs my last few pulls.

Guess I'll try to be cautiously optimistic again.

I feel like Morgan would cuck her mom during the whole thing.

Camus fills mounted spear. So far we only have mounted sword, axe, and two tomes. Minerva also has a decent chance simply for being another wyvern knight. I doubt Camilla will be the only one. Ogma is never ever, though.

I guess I need to read some of Morgan's supports
The only support I remember from my playthrough is her with Yarne

What is wrong with Camilla's vooooooice

You know Camus is a GHB exclusive character and can't be rolled, right?

Probably the same deal with male Morgan and Robin Mom.

Nothing did expect for "muh story vs muh gameplay" debate. Hopefully the Swtich title bridges the gap between them so everyone can shut the fuck up, stop picking sides and just enjoy the games.

Camus is also a villain, and the only one we've seen is Validar who is non-playable. Maybe he'll be in, but unplayable and added later (like Hyrule Warriors).

I also forgot Navarre who is also never ever.

Will FE Switch be the GOAT?

Completely missed that then.
Guess I'll just wait for Sirius in Tempest Trials.

Sup Forums.

yuhr spiirit sharr shai-n

That's the spirit.

Scans when

You're gonna need to be a lot more specific there, mate. There's like a billion (normally very basic) things that went wrong with every FE title I'm amazed it's a 25+ year old franchise.

Literally never
Give up hope now.

One of the worst fanbases of all time. Makes Persona vs. SMT look like playful banter between friends.



Thank god I undubbed fates
>Those shitty level up portraits
>Everyone's voices
>Camilla musou attacks corin and calls him a pest
>Hinoka dangling her naginata extremely awkwardly. like what the fuck how hasn't she dropped it at that speed
Hyrule warriors looked way better than this

>Default twintail Robin is the only one who gets any art ever


I have hope in FE Switch. I'm part of the camp that thinks Fates was shit, but it had a lot of right ideas with poor execution.

Haven't been hot on Fire Emblem lately but with the poor reception of children and the story, and I think we might be able to see a good compromise between the newer ideas and what made people like the older game.


why is the black knight called burger king?


He let's you have it your way, by killing you if you disagree with him.

The mainline Switch title is coming next year, though.
