Best Sup Forums approved games?

Best Sup Forums approved games?

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Stop playing video games
Start playing Myfarog

Games are for children. Go hit the gym.

I'd imagine Deus Ex would be.

Objectively the original deus ex.

MGS games are the way to go, especially MGS 2 and their discussion of memes and steering society and their thoughts.

Might be more /x/ though



A proud white man doesn't play Vidya. Lift weights and read you fucking numale. Drop the Vidya. It's the first step my friend

Deus ex is commie propaganda


Sup Forums is objectively overall Sup Forums culture and always has been. Go back to your safe space.

Butter simulator

whoa cool thread but why dont you roll for succubus wife instead?

Deus Ex and Metal Gear (depending on the character)

kys summerscum.

I've been on Sup Forums long enough to know this isn't true.

Modern books are leftist bullshit. Read all the books I need to.

>no succubus (male)

Shit image.

rolling rocks

We've always called each other fags and niggers


How much is George Soros paying you? If you did a redpilled major like compsci you'd make 10x what you do and you wouldn't be NEET.

Memes aside, can anyone tell me how new Sup Forums is? I still consider it a "new" board, but I've been here for a literal decade and honestly everything kinda just blends together.

Sup Forums existed for a damn near decade without Sup Forums and it did just fine you newfag.

Russian Roulette.

Tired of Sup Forums time to roll

Sup Forums is literally the death of this website.
Global Rule 3 needs better enforcement.


So new and underageb&. It hurts

giv wiz


Somebody post the Besiege webm.

shut up nigger

Better be a good meme one



We did it before it was cool, nigger.

Conker's Bad Fur Day, because there's shit everywhere.

>complaining about neets on Sup Forums
fuck off.

You're completely wrong. I only started coming here in 2006 but I clearly remember nigger and faggot was thrown around constantly both to insult and as terms of endearment. Stop pretending you know what you're talking about..

Shitposting on Sup Forums is super popular.

I don't roll for the succubi, the succubi roll for me.

Gone Home
Life is Strange

Sup Forums didn't invent that retard

yeh dorkness

Why can't you fags just give a straight answer, since there's only one that's correct?

Gimme 20
